Lucian Layn Blackwood
Lucy (By friends)
BK (In reference to his last name. His go to alias when getting in contact with people or when people are asking for favours.)
Lu-Lu (He laughs about this one but he'll never voice how much it truly pisses him off.)
One of the others. A major planner who creates covers for others like him and lives a mostly normal "human-like" lifestyle.
Lucian is probably one of the friendliest guys you may ever come across. He's the perfect blend of welcoming, friendliness and humour that makes anyone feel at ease, no matter how guarded they might be. He always wears a smile that you can even hear when he speaks, his positive attitude always a beacon for those around him and often makes people around him trust him all the more.
He's easily approachable, and perhaps some of that has to do with the fact he's also one of the biggest suck ups in the history of suck ups. He often speaks empty words that carry no meaning, saying what he knows the other person wishes to hear, flicking compliments around and mindlessly agreeing with everything said.
Despite his seemingly open demeanour, he's a labyrinth to navigate and dig deep inside of for any tells of how he's truly feeling or what he's thinking. He has built many many walls during the years, always putting up an all too convincing facade that fools most he encounters. He can play the fool when he's in the wrong and sweet talk his way out of most trouble. Due to his nature of sucking up, it's impossible to decipher when he's being truthful about... Well, anything.
One thing is for sure, and that is that Lucian is one of the best covers anyone could ask for. Need someone to vouch for your whereabouts last night? He's your guy. Need a ride somewhere? He's your guy. He has connections that spread far and wide. As the saying goes, he has fingers in a lot of pies. From business partners, to people he's befriended overtime, he has a contact for nearly every favour from the innocent to the rather discreet.
He loves to tease and joke with people, trying to pry out information so fluidly during conversations that the importance of the words sometimes slips unbeknownst to the other person. Occasionally he'll play a harmless little prank here and there, perhaps a late pick up or wrong drop off. He's been known to drop hints through "wrong person" texts too. Lucian's antics are almost a guaranteed headache to try and get used to, with everyday bringing something new from the fella.
Lucian will never speak about himself or his past, keeping his tracks covered through multiple phones, addresses and even the odd name change here and there. To say he's a slippery bastard to find and track down could be the understatement of the centuries.
Despite all he does and says, Lucian is the most loyal and trustworthy people you could ask to have on your side. Never once will he slip up information regarding anyone he's worked with or helped out. One of his best special skills is making up plausible cover stories on the spot. That, and this dude has the best damn poker face you'll ever come across.
Lucian most of the time comes across as very laid back and carefree. He doesn't allow himself to feel overly stressed and is always the person to tell people to "calm down" or to "take it easy" in most situations. Whether it's simply a mechanism or a case of him truly not caring has yet to be determined.
Lucian stands at around 6'3, with a well toned and fit built body. His muscles aren't overly built, but well defined and easily visible when he wears the right outfits. From his biceps, to his chest and abs, the dips and contours are almost hypnotizing should he shed his shirt for whatever reason. His skin is fairly pale, as he spends most of his time indoors at clubs and other get togethers with business people.
Suspicion is kept minimal thanks to his way of working, so his reasoning for needing to go outside for long periods of time is easily avoidable. His eyes are the most brilliant shade of hot pink, with small specks of yellow and gold spread throughout like small flakes that perfectly catch the light. They're a sharp almond shape, with his lashes appearing rather long and full. His eyebrows he keeps rather thin, often waxing and occasionally threading them to keep them well maintained and in nice shape.
They are a dark grey colour, almost appearing black which is a stark contrast to most of his hair which is a pale platinum blonde, appearing almost white. His hair is medium length, curly and wavy in some places with the back being much longer as it reaches his shoulder blades. The longer part he prefers to wear in a ponytail, as it is also black, matching his eyebrows.
His lips are full, sticking out slightly with an almost slight pout. His upper lip has a perfect bow shape, with both lips holding a beautiful shade of pink which gives them a warm and inviting look. Behind, are his naturally perfect sets of teeth, from the perfect alignment, to the shiny pearly white colour they possess. His fangs aren't quite as prominent as most other vampires' would be, instead they're a little on the shorter side. There have been rumours circulating between vampires that he regularly files them, although the reason is unclear. Perhaps it's a way of blending into human society better? Or... Maybe he has other motives behind the decision.
He usually has a white plaster that sticks over his left cheek. Lucian mostly jokes about it being a fashion choice, but in reality it covers a rather horrific birthmark that stems from his jawline and up along his cheek, looking almost like a burn scar.
His outfits change ALL the time.
You'll almost never see him wear the same thing twice, but when he dresses up, he DRESSES UP- It's a wonder where he keeps all these clothes. His usual style is simply dark colour suits along with a white blouse and a black tie. There's a large black jacket which he usually wears over his back or left shoulder too, instead of wearing it fully. His other styles range from feather boas, the occasional dress and other brightly coloured outfits.
{Mans was built for Vogue Magazine hehe-}
No matter the style, he never fails to wear his round lensed sunglasses with their blue and pink tint. Be it day or the middle of the night, indoors or outdoors, he always has them on, only taking them off to sleep or shower.

{©モロツヨシ on Picrew}
Relationship status:
Single! {Open, pm me!}
Lucian grew up as a single child with his parents who were also vampires. He moved out however the moment he turned 16, going off to live among humans.
He always had an eye for fashion, and loved how the community worked together to create masterpieces. Lucian lives for the attention and will bend himself over backwards to appease others. Thanks to his natural good looks, he became quite the hit among many industries, earning himself a small fortune with every job request carried out, from designing, to simple intern-like work. He even picked up an apprentice/second hand job years prior. Now, he's a well known celebrity who's often invited to many galas, conventions among other parties.
While he does sometimes keep in touch with his parents, they aren't on his priority list. The reasons for this are unclear...