Age: 24
Gender: Male
Thoughts on the (Unknown) Lycans
He was never dismissive of the tales of monsters roaming around -- he's seen his fair share of monstrosities within the human race; it's totally plausible that there would be more -- but he never quite believed them, either. His first instinct would be to defend himself, just as he would against any other predatory creature. However, if they proved decent enough, he would leave them be, perhaps even forge some sort of alliance after finishing changing his pants.

Credits to me
Koa would be quite a handsome young man, by most people's standards, with the exception of severe scarring along the right side of his face and torso. He boasts a well-muscled, athletic physique -- not too lean, but not too stocky, either. This young man takes physical fitness fairly seriously, especially after having his powers snubbed for so long. In case his abilities are ever lost again, he has worked to keep himself in prime condition to get the best chance at survival as a normal human. Standing at a solid 6'2, he may not be the absolute tallest out there, but his height combined with his defined musculature gives him the appearance of a taller individual; his more forward personality also helps with that display.
His tan complexion matches his dark russet hair, which is styled short and messy. Koa has a strong jaw and an overall chiseled face with round, deep green eyes, a once-straight nose that got broken one too many times to heal right, and lips that are frequently curled into a mild, mischievous smirk. He almost always looks as though one corner of his mouth is turned up due to the scar tissue that has tugged the skin tight from his lip up to his hairline. His right ear has been savaged, and nearly half of it is missing. Old slashes and gashes criss cross over his cheek, neck, shoulder, down his back and torso, arm, hand, and a little ways past his hip; however, it is rare for anything beyond his facial and hand scars to be visible.
Being somewhat self-conscious of his mangled features, Koa often opts to wear high collared, long sleeve shirts. Breeches are obviously a given. Other than covering up the majority of his body, he isn't one to care much about physical appearance and maintenance. He's one of the "I use the same soap for my hair, face, and hands" kind of guys, but, being blessed with porcelain skin and a thick head of soft hair (don't touch his hair), he's never needed much else for a fancier routine.
His voice is a low tenor or a high bass, depending on the situation. When he wants to sound intimidating, he absolutely can, but the slightly higher pitch is his default. Koa is actually a decent singer, though he is most often singing more crass and humorous lyrics than serious or "pretty" ones. He has no problem grabbing a room's attention with a particularly booming call. Yelling out of anger, however, is not really in his nature.
Image made by me. Pretend his non-mangled ear is pointy-schmointy
When most people think of Koa, they think of a flirt -- and they wouldn't be wrong. While he doesn't have much of a romantic attachment to anyone, he will send compliments and friendly flirtations in everyone's direction. His charm and charisma have gotten him out of sticky situations before, and he's got his Casanova-ness down to an absolute science. His easy way with words allows him to deliver anything smoothly; he could walk up to someone and tell them that they look like a blackout drunk rhinoceros that shat itself and make it sound like a good thing. However, he generally uses his people skills for good, and does not compare individuals to incontinent mammals.
Koa is witty and wily, and his sense of humor ranges from dark to immature. He is one to crack jokes at very inappropriate times, such as when he is in mortal peril or someone is making him uncomfortable. It's a coping mechanism, if you will. He is also quite confident, so much so that it is borderline arrogant, but he does not intent to inflate his ego or put himself on a pedestal higher than what he can actually reach. He just knows what he can do and will execute it well.
True to his element, Koa is a fiery creature. He can be brash at times, and when his extensive patience finally runs out, the discussions certainly heat up fast. He is a bit showy and his last words will absolutely be, "Hey, y'all, watch this!" His ferocity extends to every facet of his personality: fiercely friendly, fiercely loyal, fierce in battle,... Everything he does is intense, whether or not he means to be.
While he is generally easygoing, if not a little overzealous, he does have a sinister side to him. When wronged, or when those he loves are wronged, Koa is a vengeful, vindictive force to be reckoned with. He does not give second chances, and, if the crime is steep enough, an offender may not live to even ask for one. Charisma is replaced by fury and charm by callousness. Fortunately, this is not a common occurrence.
Marksman -- When he lost the ability to wield a sword or fist most efficiently, Koa put all his time and effort into learning a new skill: hitting targets dead-on from an incredible distance with bows, javelins, and other projectiles.
Ambidextrous -- Formerly right-handed, he had to relearn how to fight, write, and flip people off with his left hand, so now he is proficient in both, though he relies mostly on his left.
Survival -- If you threw him out into the wilderness with nothing to his name, he could start a life from scratch quite easily. He's an excellent hunter, is pretty good at making tools, and has a decent enough knowledge of plants and herbs to not accidentally poison himself.
Crush: None, but open
Spouse: None
Children: None