Ʊ Name Ʊ
Desmond "Lucky" Quinn
Pronounced Kee
Ʊ Name Meaning Ʊ
As if they'd say- Everyone knows names hold power
(It's just 'Lucky', seemed fitting with all the trouble they get into yet make it through)
Ʊ Nicknames Ʊ
Lucky, Bugs, Quinn
Ʊ Sexuality Ʊ
Ʊ Age Ʊ
Cky is a young fae- quite young- with all the zeal and cockiness that most young adults have along with their youth
Ʊ Gender Ʊ
Genderfluid - He/They/She
Ʊ Abilities Ʊ
They don't seem to possess any notable supernatural abilities
They do however have an assortment of strange items, including a glamour charm for a more human appearance.
Ʊ Species Ʊ
Changeling - Fae
Ʊ Appearance Ʊ
~ Gallery (c) 13o239 ~

For somebody so hard to track Cky does not try to blend in. They have a small build, quite wiry and only stands at 5 feet exactly. They have dark skin with a blue-ish tinge covered in shimmering freckles, and bright makeup resembling wings splashed across their face. What makes them stand out most is their brilliant pair of wings and bright fashion sense. They have a pair of vibrant pruple and blue wings, antennae, and a long tail with a tuft of kinky black hair like their head adorned with beads. They're left leg is an intricately carved silver prosthetic from the knee down. They were almost exclusively neons and clashing patterns. They also focus on shoes- oh the shoes. Iridescent and sparkling, even with their prosthetic. They also love horshoe patterns.
A subtle "screw you" to any other fae if you will.
Ʊ Likes Ʊ
Pranks, tea, bright colours, fashion, silver jewelry
Ʊ Dislikes Ʊ
Getting wet, being touched, dull colours, most other fae
Ʊ Strengths Ʊ
-Quick qitted and sharp tongued
-High endurance
-Wide world view. They're exceptionally familiar with a variety of supernatural creatures.
-Picks up odd skills quite easily
Ʊ Weaknesses Ʊ
-Outspoken and regularly picks fights they may not win
-Weak in physical strength as far as heavy lifting goes
-Cannot perform magic themself
-Cannot touch iron and cannot outright lie
Ʊ Personality Ʊ
Cky is known for tricks, showing up and disapearing without a trace unless they choose to leave a trail. To outsiders it seems they treat everything as a game or an intricate puzzlefor everyone else to solve. He's not nearly as devious as people actally make him out to seem. Most of the time.
They're playful and wild with a complete lack of filter or social curtesy, by fae standards. For such a cever trickster she truly struggles with keeping her trap shut. When they aren't impulsively spewing insults or having fun with their few 'friends', they're watching - calculating. Hold your secrets close for it's said he will never forget them.
Ʊ Affiliations Ʊ
They're on their lonesome for now
Ʊ Other Ʊ
Cky was not raised by their own, so while they know a lot about a variety of creatures, they know little to nothing about fae outside of folklore and tales.
Despite this, their true nature of chaos reigns over everything else.