
Accepted! Red Ash said: Cyrene ~¤~ Pack: Dark Pines Pack Gender: Female Age: 5 Rank: Hunter Scent*: She has a smoky scent mixed with the smell of Autumn. Description: She has a dark gray coat, with bits of brown near her nose. eyes, and legs. She has short, thick, fur that doesnt get matted easily, though it still gets slightly tangled. Her eyes have a stormy look to them, deep, and gray, with glints of blue and lighter grays. She has always been on the smaller side thugh she is strong, and weighs 57-60 pounds. She stands 2.3 feet tall, and is long legged. ~¤~ Personality: She can be sarcastic, and a little grumpy, though she is mostly quiet and minds her own buisness, though if she hears something she doesnt like she will butt in, being slightly nosy if its dangerous. She is very loyal to her pack, and worries that she might fail them, not being able to get them food when they need it, and often doubts her skills. She is skilled but never gives herself any credit, always giving it to someone else. ~¤~ Strengths & Weeknesses: Strenghs Agile. Since she is on the smaller side she can fit into small spaces and weave easily making her. Fast. He long legs help her run at faster speeds, though she is mostly faster under pressure. Quick Thinker. She is able to think things through quickly, especially under pressure, and can quickly put together a plan. Weeknesses Water. She isnt a strong swimmer, and doesnt spend too much time near water enough to learn it. Brightness. Open meadows or anywhere open can often hurt her eyes, she preffers gray days and shade. Trust. She isn't trusting, and that can often lead to problems. When she needs help and doesnt get it. ~¤~ Small Backstory*: She was the rut of the litter, being on the smaller side and never fully caught up to the others. She was often pushed away from food, and didnt eat much. She still doesnt eat much, leaving much for the others, even if she is hungry.

Edited at August 7, 2023 06:58 AM by Shenzu

Forgot to accept this, my bad! Slurpeesaredelicious said: Pack Name: Slurpeeesaredelicious Pack Nbr: 300436 Character Name: Hawk Character Role: Hunter Character Pack: Golden Forest Character Gender: Male Character Age: 4 Character Appearance: Wolf Play - Online Wolf Game! (wolfplaygame.com) Hawk is a black wolf with dark caramel splotches on his body. His eyes are ice blue,with small pupils and a mysterious glare. He has a light pink nose, with white paws and tail tip. He has a rather bulky body, with slightly slimmer legs and tail. His fur is shorter, just able to keep in enough heat, but his face fur is fluffy. His muzzle is 10 inches long, his height being 3,7 at the shoulder, and 4 feet from the shoulder to tail tip. Character Personality: Hawk has a rather mysterious, introverted personality, however can socialize when he wants to without being that awkward. He is rather slow, but his jaws hold true power. He can be rather smooth with comebacks, so it would be a bad idea to get ogn his bad side, but if you do, then it isn't life-threatening, you just might get roasted like burnt chicken. In an elk hunt, he would run after them and get a couple bites in, then problably wait until the herd settles down and think hes gone, then go for the kill. If you were to danger a pup, he will attack, but not so furiously with a regular member. Other: Backstory: He has a rather traumatic past, being the only survivor in a litter of 6, and he watched all his siblings' deaths (Which is why he is protective of pups.).

Name: Fawn Gender: Female Age: 4 years Rank: Warrior Pack: Golden Forest Scent: Pine needles with a hint of Rosemary Appearance: 
Fawn is a large female. She stands are approximately 2'9, and weighs 155 pounds. She is heavily muscled, with a thick coat that protects her from the elements. The female is a deep brown color, with patches of white speckles around her ears, shoulders, back, and tail. These white patches are what gives her the name Fawn. Her snout is white, and fades along her cheeks and upper neck into a less opaque white. Fawn has slightly darker brown patches on her legs, above white mitts. The tip of her tail is white as well. The female's eyes are a deep emerald green. Personality: Fawn is a very kind female. She loves pups, and enjoys helping the nurse mothers and den mothers with the little ones. Fawn can have a bit of a mean streak, and can sometimes snap at other wolves. Crush: Mate: Pups: Kin: Small Backstory: Other: to be finished later Edited at August 9, 2023 03:49 PM by Shenzu

Are there any rogues allowed?

No, sorry Delver said: Are there any rogues allowed?

Reserve warrior and hunter for Golden?

Character Name: Relic Stock image off Pexels, credits to Pixabay Gender: male Age: 6 Rank: warrior Desired Rank: head warrior Pack: dark pines pack Scent: He smells of cold stone and icy water Description : Relic is a very masculine male wolf whom has a muscular build made for strength than speed. Hes larger than most wolves standing at 3 feet and 11 inches, his tall build makes it easier to crush his enemy's. Unlike some, he has huge jaws that are used for clamping around the necks of prey or enemy's. He has good characteristics for hunting but lacks the speed, he must be accompanied by his pack for them to slow the prey down. He would be able to kill the prey then. His shaggy pelt is a bit thin allowing his muscles to flex when leaping or etc to being used. His fur thickens in the winter with a darker shade as well. Hes described as stubborn, when he thinks hes right he will do anything to prove his side. His voices has a broad dominant tone that shakes others to the bone. He prefers large areas to sit away from others at times. He may snap at other but with good reason. Crush: N/A (open Mate: N/A (open Pups: N/A (open Kin: N/A (open Small Backstory: Relic was born into the pack fighting to prove his worth and meaning due to everyone thinking he was good for only fighting. Other: Edited at August 29, 2023 10:23 PM by Rune pack