
Name: Avellana Maurelle Rothschild Age: 20 or 21 Years Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Species: Human Role: Second Oldest Terath Heir Desired Role: Unsure; She doesn’t want to be Queen though. Appearance:
 (credits to Hera_ @ picrew.me)
5'8" in Height; 131 Lbs Slim & Slender Build Soft, Not a Lot of Muscle Pale, Fair Skin - Ivory, Almost Porcelain Dark, Black Hair Dark Blue-Grey Eyes Takes after her Father in Hair and Eyes After her Mother in Features Small, Straight Nose Full, Heart Shaped Lips that are Slightly Pouty Almond Shape with some Roundness to Them Thin, Groomed Eyebrows Delicate Chin and Jawline Define Neck Softer Cheekbones TBA
Personality: TBA Abilities: None, She’s Human. Strengths: Horse Back Riding: Avellana is an avid animal lover, especially of horses though, and has made sure to train in the art of riding horse back. If she gets on a horse, especially her horse, catching her is almost impossible unless she desires to be caught. Intelligent & Observant: Avellana has spent a lot of years watching and learning, and this is a skill she applies to life in general. While others are talking, she's often standing back, listening and watching, taking in every detail. She's able to use that intelligence and observation to help her when necessary. Herbalism: This is something her mother taught her. She knows how to brew various teas and salves to help with things, from the common cold to pain management. This means she's pretty knowledgable about plant and herbs and what they can do. Weaknesses: Untrained at Fighting: Due to the Nature of her Status, Avellana was never taught to art of hand to hand combat or swordsmanship. She is, to put it simply, not a fighter, but that isn't by choice. She's not the type of gal who's going to run and cry from everything. If she needs to take up arms, she will, she's just not trained or skilled at it. But even a poorly aimed knife still cuts flesh. Her Siblings: Avellana is loyal to her family. Her siblings, in her mind, are her responsibility and she would do anything for them. Avellana is definitely the selfless one who'd give her life to spare her siblings. Humanity: To put it simply: She's human. She doesn't have super strength or speed or reflexes. Her immune system and healing are normal, so wounds that might not even bother some could kill her. Likes: TBA Dislikes: TBA Crush: None Kin: Her Siblings are the Heirs. Her Parents the Deceased King and Queen. Then her Uncle and Aunt. Affiliations: Open - WIP Other: Edited at September 16, 2022 04:02 AM by Imperial Sands

╔═════ °• ♔ •° ═════╗ Natigai Yatiri Bavaro ╚═════ °• ✞ •° ═════╝ Age: NineteenGender: Female Species: Elf Role: Eldest Heir Desired Role: Unsure; perhaps follow after her mother's footsteps Appearance: [credit goes to -beeboar-on TH. This image is my character and is not free to use] Natigai is an elf with a peaceful aura surrounding her. She stands at 5′9″, her body being tall and lithe. Her physique is that best suited for running and quicker movement, for Natigai has long legs compared to the rest of her body. She was a tall, lanky child, though managed to grow into her height as time passed. Many muscles span around her, and while they appear nonexistent, they're there, specifically in her upper body. She was a rambunctious young thing as a youth, typically found climbing up trees or getting herself into trouble. Due to that, she has increased her core and upper body strength immensely. In short, he greatest physical strengths are stamina, speed, stealth, and agility. Her features are fairly defined and sharp, her eyes large, and her ears pointed. Her overall facial shape appears very powerful, taking after her mother in terms of construction. She has full lips with a slightly wider nose. However, she has a unique appearance in such that her eyebrows are more oval rather than rectangular and long. They take on the resemblance of a canine or feline in that sense. Yet another oddity is that Natigai's sclera is not white like a typical eye, but black. In contrast, her iris is a bright blue. Almost eerily so. It is clear that she takes after her father in terms of her complexion, as it's on the darker side. Her skin is dark and smooth, hardly a single scar upon her. If she had obtained any, they had long ago healed and didn't seem to be fairly deep. Natigai is careful with her movements, and if there comes a day where she obtains a wound, she seeks ailments to ensure a successful healing. Having an ability to do with earth and nature allows her to be educated in the subjects of botany and herbs. Her hair is most peculiar. It is not coloured, but pure white, most likely gifted by some ancestor. It is long, though she wears it in such a hairstyle that it doesn't get in her way. A bun sits at the top of her head, while two large strands of her hair hoop around her ears, giving her an almost layered appearance. For the most part, her hair is fairly voluminous, though it is by no means frizzy. Rather, it is straight and only has a slight curl at the ends. In terms of accessories, Natigai wears many. Several piercings appear on her body, all gold. Her piercings on either ear are somewhat symmetrical. Both have exactly two hoops, though only the right has two crosses-like earrings. The left only has one. She wears a septum piercing, and several gold bands around her neck, doubling as an accessory and protection. Her movements are slow and elegant, as if she were floating. Natigai has a gentle and flowed movement when she walks, though it is held with confidence regardless. Her voice is soft and slightly raspy, not truly harsh, though has the potential to grow loud and demanding if truly needed. It is more gentle and melodic then anything else. In summary, she has an approachable yet challenging aura to her. Personality: Eloquent || Gentle || Stubborn || Charismatic || Opinionated || Resilient || Persuasive || Selfless || Bold || Persistent || Challenging || Caring || Conscientious || Generous || Dignified || Scholarly || Social || Tricky Abilities: Nature Manipulation: Like her mother, Natigai has inherited this ability. She is able to control nature, bending it to her will if it exists before her. She's always had a connection to it, often spending time in the gardens or in nearby patches of woods (chaperoned, of course). She cannot create things out of nothing, but can control it and help it grow. However, this is a more minor ability for her, and she cannot do as well as her mother. Healing: She has a gift for healing. Natigai knows which herbs are best used for wounds and which are safe to eat versus not. While she cannot actually make potions, she is able to enhance healing by knowing what to use. Thunderbird: This ability is one that Natigai is strongest in and has inherited most of. Like her father, she is moreso a thunderbird, able to manipulate weather. Her specialty falls under storms and lightning, able to generate them and control them. She is powerful when it comes to this ability and knows how to use it to her advantage. Strengths: Weaknesses: [Must Include 3 Physical Weaknesses] Likes: Dislikes: Crush: Kin: Affiliations: [Detailed Relationships] Other:
Edited at September 16, 2022 12:25 PM by Tenebris Umbra

Name:Tanila Aerith Bavaro Age:She Appears in her Early 30s About 450 Years Total Gender:Female Sexuality: Who even knows with her? Species:Elf Role:Queen Desired Role:Content Appearance:  (credits to Hera_ @ picrew.me)
The Queen is a tall, beautiful woman with a build seemingly carved by the gods. At six feet and three inches she is taller than a lot of women, and some of the men, but this is not unnatural for Elves. While she still has the appearance of a young woman, she cannot, in anyway, be mistaken for a girl. She has a long and elegant body, with curves in all the right places that she doesn't bother to hide showing off. Often wearing semi-revealing clothing, though not enough to be indecent.
Tanila holds an exotic face, with almond eyes with thick and long lashes, dark emerald green peering out from them. She has delicate but sharp features that seem unnaturally almost perfect. With pair of full and lucious lips that are almost always painted in some shade of purple. Her eyes often lined ornately with dark charcoal, making her eyes even more captivating than the emeralds already are. Her hair is long and wavy, a deep purple color, without being too dark that it's mistaken for any other color.
There is something completely wild and untamed about the Elven woman that seems to captivate and allure those around her, drawing attention to her like a moth to flame. Her movements are elegant and graceful, never a step out of place. Her vocals tones are clear, but smooth, always a hint of warmth in them that seems all too inviting to anyone she speaks too. There's just something about the Queen that is intoxicating, and she absolutely knows it.
Personality: Sultry || Direct || Manipulative || Supportive || Bold || Confident || Seductive || Alluring || Independent || Intelligent || Forward || Conniving || Calculating || Wild || Ambitious
Tanila is a Queen in rank and personality, confidence seemingly being her second nature. She's a woman that either make's men drool or women tremble before her where ever she goes, and she relishes it. Intelligent in more ways than one, the female knows how to use her wiles for her advantage, and does so frequently. There is nothing the female hasn't set her eyes on and acheived, look at her now, she's the Queen. And the Queen does what the Queen wants.
She's an independent creature, but in the worst way. Being a restless soul, she often does whatever, or whoever, necessary to sate her curiosity and desire, and keep her from getting overwhelmingly snappish from being to pent up. Her confident and bold nature lends to this, always one to directly go after whatever is that she wants. She is happy to respect boundaries, just not any set on her. She is the very definition of wild, someone completely untameable despite the best efforts of even the best of them. This can lead the woman to being a very seductive and sultry creature, never hesitating to indulge in the basest of desires, and whatever might be fun. Even if it isn't with her own husband, and it often isn't.
Still, there is the side of her that the public sees, the side that is what a Queen should be. She's poised and dignified, graceful in all her actions. Because she is intelligent and calculating, she often can offer a lot of thought on things brought to them as the Leaders of the Kingdom. Tani is far more than just a pretty face, there is a very wicked and sometimes manipulative mind behind her eyes. Despite her wild nature, there is a very calculated being that is quite strategic and able to think quickly, coming up with multiple plausible plans when needed.
Besides that, her alluring personality and appearance and her witty mind aids her in other ways. When comfort and support are needed, she is there to offer it and offer it willingly. She knows when to be strong, when to be soft, when to be smart, all of it. She's by no means perfect, but she knows how to do her job as Queen and do it well. It's what has allowed her to be a decent mother to her children, although there was probably room for improvement on that.
Abilities: Nature Manipulation: This is her Primary Ability, and it gives her the ability to control Nature, like vines, trees, bushes, etc. She cannot create it, or generate it, she can only use what is there. She can, however, help things grow, but she cannot make something out of nothing.
Animal Manipulation: This isn't quite as drastic as it sounds. She cannot actually control animals. However, she bonds with them easier, and can call on them to help her when in need. She can also tame wild animals easily, and get tamed animals to act wild if desired.
Earth Healing: This is her third and last ability, but she can use the Earth to heal herself. If she's ever injured, all she has to do is lay among the Earth while sleeping, and she will naturally heal as she does. By the time she wakes, most of her wounds will be completely or almost healed. She can encourage the earth to heal others, but it's ultimately up to the earth and nature if they do. Strengths:Seduction: If there is one thing the Queen is good at, it's seduction. She's very good at getting what she wants, and who she wants. When the Queen starts laying on the charm, it's hard to even keep your eyes off of her. Enhanced Abilities & Reflexes: Being an Elf she is stronger, faster, and more agile than any human could ever be. Plus, her reflexes are improved as well, allowing her to adjust quickly to whatever is being thrown at her. Archery: Like many Elves, Tanila is very adept with a bow and arrow, and can be quite deadly with one in her hands. Weaknesses: TBA Likes: TBA Dislikes: TBA Crush: Several Kin: Husband is the King. 1 Child out of an Affair Severl Children From the King Affiliations: Open to Lovers, Exes, Etc. Other: She's only been Married to the King, and thus Queen, about the last 30-40 Years. Edited at September 16, 2022 08:10 AM by Imperial Sands