[ N E I T H ]

Credits to petra128 on DA
Age: 5
Gender: Female
Pride: Sangaya-Chilonga
Original Pride: Sangaya
Rank: Huntress
Desired Rank: Something Higher
Thoughts on the Situation
She's not happy. But at the same time, this could be the opportunity she needs to finally climb the ranks.
Neith is by no means a small creature. Weighing about 370, and standing 41 inches at the shoulder, she is far from petite. Her frame, while boasting feminine features and the typical long build, is muscular and marked with several scars, both from battle and from hunts. She has a few nicks on both ears, though her most notable scars are four long rakes down her flank from a fight with another lion.
She has a lovely, somewhat unusual coat. While her coloring is the dusty, sandy color of many lions, she has maintained some of her spots and stripes from her cub years. These markings are found predominantly on her legs, though there are some visible on her face and along her back, though the latter are quite faint. It is unlikely that these marks will ever fully disappear, though they may blend in better during some months.
Her muzzle, chin, throat, cheeks, chest, and the inside of her legs all start out a light, creamy white before transitioning quite well into her main body. Her belly is not as light, with the very middle having very little white to it at all, but both the front and back gradient into her darker sandy-brown as well. Neith's nose, while predominantly black, has mottled pink congregating around the center. This matches her paw pads, each of which is a marbled mixture of both colors. Her long, sharp teeth are quite white and in good shape, supporting her in hunts and battles.
Her gaze is a steely gold one, and the way her eyes always seem narrowed makes it all the more icy. Neith has a strong, moderately low voice, and she rarely raises it. Her strides are long and quiet, sometimes seemingly slow motion. She carries herself with the regal walk befitting of a daughter of the land's greatest Queen, the perfect picture of authority and poise.
Bulleted for now, very sorry
- She is a strict leader, when she gets the chance. There is little room for mistakes and absolutely none for bad behavior, especially when the wellbeing of the pride is at stake.
- Neith is an ambitious lioness. She wants to be the best and craves leadership. However, she is not overly zealous to the point of contention.
collected - dangerous - loyal - logical - focused - moderate temper - can be harsh - mostly fair - very much the "warrior princess"
Crush: Open
Mate: None
Cubs: None
Iz beeg WIP