Fell, meaning Living in the mountains
4 Years
Nomadic Wolf
He's not sure...

Fell is a fairly good size, standing around 32 inches at the shoulder. His weight is about 120 pounds on average, although it can change slightly depending on the amount of food he consumes. His length is significant, reaching nearly 6 feet from his nose to his tail. Fell's build is fairly proportionate, and is more on the muscular side. His speed is pretty good, but his strength is slightly better. The thing he excels at most, however, is surefootedness. Fell can travel across difficult terrain with ease, and has never lost his footing in a fight. He knows well that being knocked off of his feet would probably mean death, so surefootedness is a very useful strength for him.
Fell's eyes are a shade of silvery green, which goes well with the foliage of the forest. In brighter lighting, his eyes take on a more vibrant hue, while in darker lighting, the coloring becomes more neutral in appearance. Any emotion felt can be shown in them, but it takes someone with a lot of wisdom and experience to notice and exploit it. While his coat is inherited from his father, this peculiar eye color is inherited from his mother's side.
Fell's voice is naturally deep. Unlike many other deep voices, it doesn't rumble. Rather, it resounds clearly, moving in steady rhythmic tones. Normally, it is softer and quieter, but when raised, it can resemble a rolling storm. His scent is a mixture of clear mountain air with the smell of rain during a storm.
Loner | Intelligent | Observant | Protective | Loyal | Courageous |Caring
Fell is more of a loner at heart, and prefers to work by himself. If he needs the help, he will ask, albeit unwillingly. Otherwise, he'll tend to do tasks on his own. Even in his free time, he relaxes by himself. It's not like he dislikes other wolves; it's just that he doesn't particularly enjoy their company. He'll be content around someone he likes or is amused by, but even then it isn't often that he strikes up conversation. He will however reply to anyone who seeks an answer.
One of Fell's advantages is his intelligence. He is fairly good at problem solving and is excellent at quick thinking. He can get himself out of difficult situations easily if he has a good enough plan. As for confrontations, he uses different means to intimidate or catch his opponents off guard. He can lose this advantage if he is overcome by anger, and may make a mistake that puts him in a more vulnerable position. Most of the time, however, he is careful with his emotions.
Fell is usually very observant. He isn't one to chase a butterfly and ignore the world around him. He knows well that putting his guard down could mean death, so he is always aware of his surroundings. Because of this and the aforesaid stealth features, he is pretty difficult to sneak up on. If there are other wolves nearby, he makes sure to either determine their location and keep an eye on them, or go in a different direction to evade them.
Fell is naturally protective, and will guard things that are close to his heart with a steady ferocity. If he warms up to someone, he will protect them even at the cost of his own life. He will do anything to make sure they are unharmed, and will take his revenge on anyone who dares lay a claw on one of his loved ones. Even if revenge is taken, he would still be torn with guilt over what he would consider a failure to protect the ones he loves. This guilt would last for a long time, and possibly forever if he never forgives himself.
Loyalty is another one of his attributes. Once he promises allegiance to something or someone, he will do all in his power to stay true to that promise. Of course, earning his loyalty is incredibly difficult. However, once someone gains his loyalty, they gain a steadfast ally for life. The only way to break his allegiance is if he is horribly betrayed or forced to do something like harming someone he loves. Otherwise, he will aid them with anything, even when faced with the threat of death.
Fell is courageous by nature, which helps him from backing down from tough circumstances. If he knows he has to do something, he'll go ahead and do it, even if it is dangerous and may cost him his life. If he believes it is for a good cause, he will not be frightened by much. This, however, can sometimes border recklessness. Occasionally, there will be moments when Fell is willing to risk too much. These moments are usually brought about by strong emotions, and can cause Fell to take almost drastic measures.
Fell can be very caring and gentle towards his loved ones. He always places their needs above his own, and cares for their welfare more than he cares about his own. He will take it upon himself to make sure they are alright, and will help them with all his power if they are not. He cares deeply about their welfare and will get them anything they need or ask for, if he is able to. He gets this from his mother, who was always loving and kind towards him, even in her weakened state.
Likes most pups, Fell was born into a pack. His mother was sick and weak, staying with the pups of the pack while the other mothers took breaks or went on quick hunting trips. His father was a warlord, and was respected by many as a feared fighter. Fell's father was often busy with numerous tasks, so Fell spent most of his time with his mother. She was very gentle and loving towards him, giving him many words of advice and encouragement. As he grew older, he became an apprentice and later a warrior. Sadly, soon after he became a warrior, the Viking Pack raided their camp, destroying many lives. His mother was among those who were killed, and the knowledge of her death haunted him. Eventually, he left the pack and began roaming the wilderness. He has been traveling ever since.