
Edited at May 22, 2022 06:25 PM by Icewing

Icewing said: Name- Sky Age- 3 Gender- Female Rank [Put Band If Member Of Band]- Member Desired Rank- Healer Looks-  Sky has a tri-colored coat with gray legs. She stands at 2'9" and weighs about 210 pounds. Sky is a beautiful she-wolf with ice blue eyes and has Black marks scattering her body. She has a muscular build but is very agile. She has slim legs and bulky shoulders. She has a white chest and gray cheek markings. Sky isn't the type of she-wolf you usually see due to her coloring and build. She has a scar going down her side about 3 inches long. The scar is horizontal so it is sideways. Sky doesn't have a lot of issues staying warm during the winter because she has a very soft and fluffy coat. She has a scar across her muzzle but it isn't noticeable unless you are really looking. Personality- Sky is a gentle one when is is with someone she is close to. She can be aggressive when upset and loves to fight. Sky cares a lot for the pups in the pack and has always wanted some of her own. She is very kind and sweet but don't let it fool you she still is very aggressive when need be. Sky has a sassy attitude with some of the pack and does get rude at times. To deal with her is to deal with a storm in all honesty. Sky doesn't always start fight but she can be very temperamental and ends up starting most fights she is in. She doesn't want to hurt anyone younger than her tho or elders so she keeps clam and kind around them. Sky does need some stability and she doesn't get much so she does have some behavior issues. Sky isn't always aggressive but she can be spiteful a lot of the time. She doesn't really want to be a bad influence on the pups so she tries to behave around them. Affilations- Open! Family- Open for sibilings Crush/Mate/Pups- Open for crush or mate may get pregant later on in the RP Other- Done >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Name- Axel Age- 4.5 Gender- Male Rank [Put Band If Member Of Band]- Delta Looks-  Personality- Kind|Caring|Honest|Loyal|Aggerssive|Tempermental|Foucsed|Cunning|Smart|Lazy at times|Loving Affilations- Open! Family Open! Crush/Mate/Pups Open! Other- Done
Accepted. Your characters are now on the list. Edited at May 22, 2022 08:09 PM by Bloodmoon's Pack