Name: Silas
Age: He just turned 3
Gender: Male
Role: Released
Desired Rank: Preferably mid-range

(Credits to Chocomix-Stock on Deviantart)
Silas has a more slender build, athletic, he is more built for speed and agility, than for raw strength and durability. He has always looked a bit different from the others in terms of frame. He has a more streamlined appearance, thanks to his thinner coat that isn't as fluffy as the others; sure, it gets thicker in the cold, but it has always been a bit sleeker, closer to his body. His legs are a touch longer than normal, in proportion to his body; despite that slightly awkward look, he is not awkward in movement, he hardly ever stumbles or trips, and those long legs help his speed and reach. His lean body is covered with ink-black fur, with only some gray hairs scattered on his back. His alert gold eyes are framed by the black fur, and the sparser silver-gray hairs on his forehead and around his eyes; which make an interesting pattern, almost like a trail of tears on either side of his eyes. The lighter hairs combined by the dark fur brings out his eyes, makes them look brighter.
He stands at 27 inches at the shoulder, evidently he isn't the largest wolf around, especially compared to the other released wolves, and being a bit lighter than usual for his size. He makes up for what he lacks in size with effortless agility. While slender, he is quite strong, not as strong as those larger than him, but he isn't weak or delicate at all. He has a way of moving, quiet and swift, like a living shadow sweeping over the ground.

(Credits to Khalliysgraphy on Deviantart)
Personality: Silas is a reserved wolf, quiet, more prone to listening than speaking in most cases; observing. He doesn't broadcast his emotions for all to see like some do, he is... guarded. He can even come across as cold. His silence conceals a clever mind, being quick to learn and pick up on things, almost calculating, even. He has a sharp mind, and therefore has a sharp tongue when he decides to use it; it is not often when he is irritated enough to say something sharp, but his words can be cutting and sarcastic if need be. Typically when he is in a bad mood, or feeling off, for a variety of reasons and situations.
He is more pragmatic by nature, not given to hopeful fancies nor constantly gloomy predictions; he is hopeful when things are looking good, and the opposite when something is brewing. He is in fact annoyed by those very positive individuals, and is irritated by those who constantly see the worst in everything. His pragmatism makes him a bit.. blunt, not much beating around the bush with him. He is an efficent wolf by nature, he likes to do things in a manner that doesn't waste time or resources, yet doesn't gloss over things and make work more sloppy. The way he speaks also reflects this, he talks in a manner that is similiar to laconic; he gets right down the the point. He dislikes an inefficent system, he values competence and dislikes laziness. It's one of those things that he distains, although he won't verbally say anything unless pushed to do so.
Silas is not without a fiercer side. He is a nimble and vicious fighter, even in play or spars. He is formidable in a fight, and lethal if need be, he can and will attack opponents who outclass him in size, strength, and experience with what seems like abandon. He is not reckless, although he does throw himself into the fight. And he will not relent unless his opponent yields, gives a very good reason as to why he should stop his attack, or is dead. He is not a wolf who goes around, picking fights constantly; yet he is not passive, and will rise to the challenge if need be. It is rare to see him back down.
Silas is of a more independent nature, he does not take well to being forced to do something. If somebody tries to control him, it will not end well; he will rebel. He will not tolerate a tyrant as a leader, even if others do, he will stand up. Even if he seems like he accepts something, he is only biding his time, it will come back to bite in the future. Try to shackle him down, and regret it.
Once you get to know him, he is a good wolf to know. He doesn't trust easily, but when he gives his trust, his loyalty, he will stand by you no matter what, steadfast is a good word for it. Once you get to know him, he is warmer, more open, though his bluntness doesn't lessen; he also has a less cutting or sarcastic sense of humor, more dry than anything. He is someone who will happily listen to his friends' problems, and if they ask for it, give his opinion. Rest assured, one never needs to worry if he is lying to make them feel better, that is not him, he will give the honest truth. You can depend on him.
Crush or Courting: Neither
Mate: None
Pups: None
Kin: None
Affiliations: None, open