
Name: Amey Rank: Alpha Female Age: 7 years 1.3 months Gender: Female Sexuality: Lesbian Appearance:  Personality: Strict, strong, insecure, protective, slightly bossy, hardworking. Amey is extremely strict with her pack, setting rules and boundaries out. She likes to work ahead and plan, and has a terrible problem of micromanaging. As nearly everything she loved was always taken away or destroyed by her cruel parents, who also majorly dissaproved of her sexuality. Family: N/A, PM me Other: river Edited at March 30, 2022 10:07 PM by Royal Pack

Name: ♡Sefalin♡ Rank: ♡Lead Huntress♡ Age: ♡3♡ Gender: ♡Female♡ Sexuality: ♡Straight♡ Appearance: ♡

♡ Sefalin's mane pelt is a coffee color, with pure white colorless eyes that glitters. Her nose is coal black followed by her paws, she has White Okapi patterns for where who legs are, 3 Rings around her tail and she has a white patch where her left (or is it right >.>) ear is, and she also has a big patch of white where her back is. ♡ Her body is pretty Bulk but is visible to the eye, she is capable of running very fast, her eye sight is unbelievable. She loves jumping and pouncing on her prey and also loves running. ♡ Personality: ♡ She is a pretty chill wolf, until her lead for the hunt needs to happen. She very much loves her job and is willing to do just about anything for it!, but also loves to have fun when she has time alone by her self and loves sleeping :3 ♡ She is conceded to be a very playful wolf but can also be very vicious at the same time. Her hunting skills are just perfect but her nose for sniffing is very bad, tho she gets the job done very quick Family: N/A Other: River :3 | Edited at March 30, 2022 11:43 PM by ⍢Bones⍢

Name: Benji
Rank: Beta Male
Age: Four years
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Appearance: Benji stands at about 26 inches and weighs around 71 pounds. He has a rather large, muscular build and a narrower face. [Damn image isnt working, so here's the link instead] Link
Personality: Benji is.. complicated. Although warm, friendly, comforting, and energetic; he is impulsive and viciously unforgiving to those who dare lay harm on his pack. Benji loves the thrill of danger and adventure, often jumping head-first into things without thinking. He is incredibly couragous and competitive. His skills in hunting benefit greatly from his stealthiness. His fighting mainly relies on his strength and power, rather than skill and talent. Determined and persistant, he refuses to give up even when it seems it may not succeed. "No. I can't give up now. If everyone else quits, who else is there succeed?" Benji is playful and adventurous, with a burning curiousity. He talks very quickly with the slightest accent, as if there was a time limit you had to speak in. Sometimes, he's caught up in the moment, he leaves out several words and his sentences make no sense when he talks. ✯ Family(If none put N/A): N/A
Other: River Edited at April 1, 2022 04:57 PM by FancyPants

Name: Legacy Rank: Healer Age: 3 years old Gender: Cis Gender Sexuality: Demi/ Pansexual, Monopoly Appearance:  Personality: Legacy is a very motherly type of female, she loves caring for people and will treat everyone with upmost respect. She has a hard shell around her heart, it's hard for her to fall in love and to get hurt by someones words as she doesn't take much personally. Family(If none put N/A): N/A Other: River +++ Name: Divinity Rank: Warrior Age: 3 Gender: Cis female Sexuality: Asexual Appearance:  Personality: Divinity is quite the female, she may seem odd and quiet but she has amazing strength and quite the quick witted mind. It's unusual for her to get out of line and be rude. Family(If none put N/A): N/A Other: RIver

All characters above are accepted and the rp is open.(The link has been posted)