8/10- I had no idea!! -- Did you know.... The oldest (domestic) cat lived to 38 years old and 3 days. The cat'a name was Creme Puff.
6/10 I think I looked it up once, but it didn't stay into solid memory. --- Did you know that the leaves have to die so that the tree can live Edited at February 23, 2022 08:12 PM by Argos
8/10- I did not know that. That's kinda sad :( -- Did you know C3PO from Star Wars wasn't a real robot but a suit that the voice actor had to be in. He almost died in the costume a few times.
I did not know that! That's very interesting! 10/10 ~~~ Did you know that the Hyundai symbol is actually two people shaking hands (it's a car for those of you who do not know)
9/10 I was skeptical, but after a second of research, wow! -- Did you know that lobsters used to be so cheap that they were frequently used to feed prisoners?
8/10, I did not know that, aren't lobsters very expensive now? ~~~ Did you know some cats are actually allergic to humans? Crazy right XD
7/10- I did know that. Still boggles my mind!!! XD -- Did you know Elsa from Frozen was originally supposed to be the bad guy but the decided against it.
10/10 I just looked that up.. wow! -- Did you know: tsunamis can move at speeds over 500 miles per hour?
9/10 Woah, that's faster then any vehicle I know of! ~~~ Did you know the effial tower actually can grow 15 cm every summer due to a thing called thermal expansion? (I find that pretty cool XD)
8/10 I watched a video on how that is why railroads need changed precisely in Physics. Rest In Peace to the conductors who were victim to faulty railing. 🪦 -- The Statue of Liberty was originally a lighthouse.