9/10 did not know that --- did you know that there was a guy who was drunk aboard the titanic and was the last surviver off the boat? He rode down by hanging onto the railing like Jack and Rose in the movie Titanic (he's actually shown). He was the chef and was orginally suppose to command either boat 7 or 10 (can't remember) but he didn't make it bc he was too busy drinking. He survived the rest of the night in the water and somehow survived the freezing water with only swollen feet. He later worked on as another ship's chef and it went down as well, but that time everyone survived.
7/10 Haven't heard that.
Did you know that Antartica was once a rainforest?
0/10 knew that as I love that stuff did you know palm trees are a type of grass
10/10- No Way!! Really?! - Did you know that cats bring back dead animals because they see you as a bad hunter and they don't want you to starve. I don't blame my cat :)
1/10 - Heard that one before.
Did you know that a lesser known 'method' to become a Werewolf is to drink rainwater out of the footprint of a Werewolf?
(mythology and folklore is fun to look through)
0/10 Love that stuff did you know that lots of cavern dwelling creatures are either blind or have no eyes ex Cave fish
9/10.. No eyes.. Interesting.. ~ Did you know a cornflake in the shape of Illinois sold on Ebay for $1350? Edited at January 16, 2022 08:20 PM by Skittle
8/10 I had no idea. It is getting ridiculous what people will buy.... --- Did you know that there was a young boy named David Farragut. He was very young when he enrolled in the US Navy, but rose swiftly in his ranks. He was taken in under the wing by the captain of the Essex and sailed under his command as well. They captured so many british ships during the war of 1812 that David was in charge of one of them. He was 9 years when he enrolled and 12 years old when in charge of the captured vessel.
10/10 - Did not know that.
Did you know that the Pearl Harbor attack was provoked? President Roosevelt goaded Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor by moving defenses to Hawaii, knowing that Pearl Harbor was vulnerable to air attacks, even firing the fleet commander, Admiral Richardson when he protested. Cutting off Japan's oil and material imports, secretly ordering cruisers and destroyers into Japan's home waters, including the Bungo Strait, which would be the equivalent to Japan sending ships into Puget Sound or Chesapeake Bay, and then moving anti-aircraft defences off of Pearl Harbor; and other things. So they were essentially poking Japan with sharp sticks while starving them in order to provoke an attack for oil and things they needed.
9/10- Did not know that!! - Did you know that there are more airplanes in the ocean than submarines in the sky!! (Lol)