
Welcome! To the BiO Lab's Hall of Projects. As we take a break from our other projects, we take on some other experiments. Here are the results for your pleasure viewing, Visitor. Viewing, not talking or stealing. Don't bring food into this area of the Lab. It's... dangerous. Edited at September 19, 2018 05:45 AM by BiO

http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img923/8280/JEqqDF.png #GSM is a genetically modified organism, a challenging one at that. It is created with a reflecting fur and if it wasn't for the piebald gene we mistakenly entered in, it would've been a complete mirror. As the same to all our other creations, it is sexless and does not have the need to reproduce. It is created to be a show creature, not an attacker. #GSM is a highly valuable creation of ours. We plan not to sell it.

#𝔸𝔾𝕏 https://imageshack.com/a/img923/6853/2knreh.png #AGX is a guard dog. It is a cyborg canine with constantly upgraded exocortex parts that connect directly to our servers, which is why its eyes will occasionally glow a bright white color. It's one of the few experiments not bred in our own Lab; this particular specimen is imported from one of Deer/ Lykotia/ Suncadia's auctions. It is much more intelligent than #GSM but both are equally prized in their own unique talents. #AGX is a highly valuable specimen. We plan not to sell it. Edited at September 25, 2018 09:59 AM by BiO

#𝕊𝕆ℝ https://i.postimg.cc/HLQzKgVM/Untitled22.png
Personal Note; very similar design being auctioned, do not use this design as a character, do not buy art for it Edited at October 5, 2018 10:53 AM by BiO

#ℂ𝔾𝔻 https://i.postimg.cc/2jJrSGNs/IMG_1010.png lineart (c) crownferret

#𝔼𝕋ℕ https://imageshack.com/a/img922/1985/wfAR3R.png lineart (c) secretry@da design (c) southbound@wp character (c) bio@wp

#𝔾𝕊ℍ http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img922/9741/DuIe1g.png Edited at October 28, 2018 05:04 AM by BiO