
⚜️Name: Amirykal Lamton Nickname: Amy Ancestry: Unknown Age: 15 Species: Human Gender: Female Appearance: Amy has deep blue eyes, and blue-black hair. Freckles sprinkle her nose, and her skin is slightly tanned. Amy is about 5"" 4' tall, and weighs about 120lbs. Her face is oval-shaped, with a small nose, and defined jawline. She likes to wear blue and silver. Personality: Amy is a sweet, kind outdoorsy girl. She is independent, loving, loyal, determined, and gentle. She loves camping, hiking, and generally doing outdoor things. She has a fast temper, and hates bullies. Abilities: Amy is very good at sports. She loves baseball and volleyball best, and plays on her schools teams. She gets along well with others, for the most part. Scars/Birthmarks: None, except her freckles. Weaknesses: Her quick temper is deffinitly a weakness. She is quick to forgive, but other people aren't always. She has damaged quite a few friendships with hot words and tongue lashings. Friends: Available in RP Enemies: Available in RP Family: Amy's family consists of her mother, Macy, father, Rob, and twin brother, Andrew. Back story: Amy was born on the 15 of May, 2002. She lives with both parents and her brother currently. Status: Available for RP Edited at July 10, 2021 01:19 AM by Stars Shadow Sister

⚜️Name: Andrew Lamton Nickname: Andy, Drew Ancestry: Unknown Age: 15 Species: Human Gender: Male Appearance: Andy has thick black hair with long bangs that flop over one eye. His eyes are steel blue, and he generally has a very serious expression. He has a square- cut jaw, and a slightly beaky nose. He looks older then he really is. He likes to wear blue jeans with a sky blue shirt. Personality: Andy is grave and serious. He is much quieter then his twin sister, Amy. While she rushes headlong into things, Andy prefers to take this one step at a time. He likes to analize things, and can take a long time to make decisions. But, he also has a more lighthearted, and protectives sides most people don't see in him. To a lot of people, he can seem like a standoffish guy who doesn't like to get involved with things. But layone finger in his sister, and you're dead. Abilities: Andy has trained in karate, and also loves to cook. He is the one that usually makes the meals inside the house. Scars/Birthmarks: None Weaknesses: His decision making skills are well trained, but take a long time to kick in. Often he comes to a decision some time after it was needed. Friends: Andy doesn't have many friends. People don't understand him much of the time, and it makes for a lot if trouble. He finds it easier to just stay to himself. Enemies: None Family: Twin sister, Amirykal Lamton, mother, Macy, and Father, Rob. Back story: Born on May 15, 2002. He currently lives with both parents and his twin. Status: Available for RP. Edited at July 10, 2021 01:19 AM by Stars Shadow Sister

Name: Frost, a.k.a. Emily Renae Martin Nickname: None Ancestry: Human/Snow Spirit Age: 24 Species: Human Spirit Gender: Female Appearance: White blond hair, and ice blue eyes. Her skin is a smooth, papery white. She has a fragile appearance, that can fool you, but a closer look will show you the fine tuned muscle hidden by the smooth skin. Personality: Emily can be a bit frosty on your first meeting, a bit standoffish. But once you get to know her, she is a fun, jolly friend. The problem is, not many people have the opportunity to get to know her. She hides her loneliness with her job, throwing herself wholeheartedly into it. Abilities: Emily has been well trained in gymnastics, and can also use ice powers, inherited from her mother, the snow spirit. She is able to coat things in ice, and shoot sharp spines. Scars/Birthmarks: She has one small scar, which brings a small bit of color to her white face. It is pink, about 1/2"" long, and located in front of her ear. Weaknesses: Heat is a great weakness. In summer, her powers are much weaker, as well as in warm buildings. The ice coatings will last for a short amount of time, and her spines will not be as sharp. In extremely hot temperatures, she will get extremely sick. Friends: None Enemies: Any one who attacks her city. Family: Her mother was a Snow Spirit, named Mara Frost, and her Father was a human named Elias Martin. Back story: Emily knows neither of her parents. She has no knowledge of their whereabouts either. She was raised in an orphanage until she was 15, when she was kicked out for making the stairs icy. Status: Available for RP Edited at June 23, 2021 03:02 PM by GreyStory

⚜️Name: Jessica Larsen Nickname: Jess, Jessie Ancestry: Unknwn Age: 16 Species: Human Gender: Female Appearance: Soft brown hair frames Jess's pretty face. Her bangs are thick and long, almost hiding her stunning green eyes. Her skin is a nice golden tan, and she has the healthy glow of a girl fond of the outdoors. She loves to wear camo, and her sturdy brown boots. Personality: Jess is very outdoorsy. Very few days will you find her inside. She loves hiking, kayaking, climbing, and archery, though she doesn't shoot animals. She is very kind-hearted and protective, but very suspicious of people found in her woods. She doesn't go to school, preceding to study at home, or more accurately speaking, outside. Abilities: Jess can live off the land, rock climb, hike for a solid 10 hrs without rest, kayak a good 25 miles in one day, and has also gained the trust of many of the forest animals. Scars/Birthmarks: None Weaknesses: Jess is very shy around people, and very suspicious. Her parents are the only people she trusts. She dislikes anyone watching her, and is easily frightened. Friends: Animals of the forest. Enemies: People. Family: Jess' family consists of her mom, Mell, and her dad, Neil. Back story: Jess grew up living in a small house at the base of a mountain. Fascinated by its grandeur, she began at an early age to explore its many wonders. As she grew older, she was given more and more freedom, until she is now able, with permission, to travel up one side, and down the other and back, alone. Her parents trust her in the wild, and now she is able to take care of herself. Her parents moved to this mountain when they first learned they were going to become parents. Both had been brain surgeons at a highly respected hospital, and both had thrown themselves completely into their work. They met at around a patient's bed when Mell was called in to consult with Neil on a special case. They liked each other immediately, and gradually began to hang out more. They had been friends for about ten years before they even began dating, and it was another five until they were married. At thirty-nine and forty years old, they for married. They had earned and saved enough money, that they were ready to retire. They both wanted to raise their children away from the hustle and bustle of city life, so moved away from the city, and bought two hundred and fifty acres at the base of a lonely mountain, were they began housekeeping. Jess was born about two years later. Status: Available for RP Edited at July 10, 2021 01:21 AM by Stars Shadow Sister

Name: Amalthia Shimmerstorm Nickname: Shimmer/Storm Ancestry: Unknown Age: 112 Species: Fairy Gender: Female Appearance: Shimmer is small and delicate like all fairies. Her skin is a milky white, and a sparkly silver and white marking surrounds her grey eyes like a mask. This was the fairy mark. The symbol of the fairy. Shimmer wears a skirt of forget-me-nots, with a belt fashioned from grass. Her top is made of woven Queen Anne's Lace. Her small feet are shod in tiny flats made of more forget-me-nots. Personality: Shimmer is a sweet bubbly fairy, who seems to fairly shimmer with life and happiness. But be careful: she can fly into a rage faster then a speeding bullet. This usually happens when she is especially frightened or threatened. She is not responsible for what happens while she is Storm. Abilities: Shimmer controls the rain. She can make a soft summer rain fall on thirsty plants, or create a raging storm just by a flick of her slender wrist. Scars/Birthmarks: None Weaknesses: Heat is her weakness. Depending on the temperature, it can either weaken her powers, or completely stop them altogether for a short time. Friends: Decided in RP Enemies: Decided in RP Family: None Back story: Decided in RP Status: Available for RP Edited at June 23, 2021 03:04 PM by GreyStory

Name: Karina Shimmertwist Nickname: Kari Ancestry: Unknown Age: 212 Species: Fairy Gender: Female Appearance: Kari is small, even for a fairy. She is only 4'11"", when the average height is 5'. She is slim-looking, and delicate, like all the fairy's, but her skin is a bit pinker then some. Her fairy marking is white and red, and shines brighter then the sun when she is upset. Her eyes are a deep, deep brown, and her hair is white, though it turns red when she is angry. She wears a dress made of blood-red roses, with a belt made of striped grass, and slippers of dandelion fluff. Her belt is usually stuffed with a knife or two, and some of her tools. Personality: Kari is an explosive little fairy. She can be happy, bubbly, shimmery, and friendly one minute, then tearing your head off the nest. She was given the name Shimmertwist for that reason. Her personality seems to twist. Abilities: Kari is the fairy good with weapons. She makes all the knifes, swords, shields, anything they might need like that, though the country hasn't needed any in the longest time. Scars/Birthmarks: She has a small pink scar on each arm, from when she was carrying a sword, and almost dropped it. There is also a scar from left to right across the palm of each of her hands. That was from catching a sword that fell off a table. Weaknesses: Kari's greatest weakness is her temper. It can flair up, and her personality can 'twist' at some of the worst times. In her good mood, she is a brilliant strategist, level minded, and reactor anything. When she 'twists' she becomes the worst kind of hothead possible. Friends: Amalthia Shimmerstorm Enemies: Decided in RP Family: Decided in RP Back story: Decided in RP Status: Available for RP Edited at June 23, 2021 03:05 PM by GreyStory

Name: Raelyn Sabella Timston Nickname: Rae Ancestry: Unknown Age: 16 Species: Human Gender: Female Appearance: Rae has beautiful brown hair with a red tint, that falls past her shoulder in loose curls. She has jade green eyes, and sun tinted skin with almost imperceptible freckles scattered everywhere. Her clothes are usually made from the finest materials, and her favorite outfit is a tunic style shirt, the same color has her eyes, that reaches her knees. Underneath, she wears white leggings, and her shoes and belt are brown leather. Personality: Rae is gentle, kind, forgiving, and generous. She can be a little too generous, but has learned to curb that a bit. Abilities: Decided in RP Scars/Birthmarks: None, she has flawless skin. Weaknesses: Decided in RP Friends: Decided in RP Enemies: Decided in RP Family: Decided in RP Back story: Decided in RP Status: Available for RP Edited at June 23, 2021 03:06 PM by GreyStory

Name: Loela Marie Calimari Nickname: None Ancestry: Unknown Age: 17 Species: Human Gender: Female Appearance: Loela has electric blue eyes framed by cascading blonde curls. Her face is clear, without a spot or blemish. She usually wears plenty of makeup, usually mascara, foundation, blue eye-shadow, eyeliner, and red lipstick. She usually wear a tunic-style shirt that matches her eyes, white leggings, and a matching short sleeved open sweater. Her ears are adorned with long blue feather earings. Personality: Loela is the only daughter of rich parents, and acts it. On the outside anyway. She is snobby, popular, exclusive. On the outside. But if you ever got close enough to her to see the real Loela? Entirely different story. Loela on the inside is an insecure, lonely girl who still feels like a child. Abilities: Loela has a very rich family, so she can pretty much buy what she want. She also has a Convertible Ford Mustang, Scars/Birthmarks: None Weaknesses: Loela is extremely lonely, untrustful, and insecure. She thinks that everyone is wants to be friends with her because of her money. Friends: Depends on RP, Raelyn Timston Enemies: Depends on RP Family: Her mother and father, Jim and Jennifer Calimari. Back story: Both of her parents are very busy. Too busy to spend much time with her. She is extremely lonely, but believes almost everyone who tries to be her friend just wants her money. She hides this beneath a snobby exterior, and acts like she doesn't care about anyone or anything except herself to keep other away. Status: Available for RP Edited at June 23, 2021 03:06 PM by GreyStory

Name: Night Fury Nickname: Fury Ancestry: Unknown Age: Depends on RP Species: Wolf Gender: Male Appearance: Fury is a coal black with weird blue eyes. He has two arches, one over each eye, of white. These, and his eyes stand out when he is in the shadows, giving him a creepy appearance. Personality: Fury likes dark places. His place of residence is a dank cave, full of bats and cobwebs. He lives alone, and dislikes the company of others. Abilities: Fury has been compared to a shadow. His coat is the perfect camouflage color for hiding in the dark11 Scars/Birthmarks: Weaknesses: Friends: Enemies: Family: Back story: Status: Edited at June 28, 2021 01:52 PM by GreyStory

Name: Larissa Leigha Lyndon (La-reesa) Nickname: Rissa Ancestry: Unknown Age: 23 Species: Human Gender: Female Appearance: Rissa is tall, at 5"" 7', and weighs about 140lbs. She has black hair with silver tips, and the two sides that frame her face are streaked silver. She has silvery-blue eyes that go amazingly with her hair, and smooth white skin. She usually wears a turquoise, tunic-style shirr that reaches her knees, with silver, sparkly leggings, and a silver belt. Turquoise dangles in the shape of rain drops grace her shapely ears, and her feet are encased in silver baller flats. Personality: Abilities: Scars/Birthmarks: Weaknesses: Friends: Enemies: Family: Back story: Status: Edited at June 23, 2021 03:07 PM by GreyStory