
Name: Aleck Timothy Dixon
Age: 27
Personality: Aleck carries an air of authority where ever he goes and he's well aware of that. He is usually stoic and emotionless, appearing cold and cruel. On rare occasion one could witness him smile and embrace his more gentler side. If he's not stoic, he's arrogant and a huge flirt. He knows he's good looking and will use it to his advantage. He's as stubborn as a mule and if he wants something, he's determined to ensure that he gets it. He's a great leader and puts his packs needs before his. He's guarded and blunt.
Appearance: [IMAGE REMOVED: nonstock, no credits, human images not allowed. Backstory: Aleck was trained from a young age to succeed in the role of Alpha King. His parents were murdered, leaving behind a 7 year old Aleck and 3 month old daughter. They were raised by the pack's Beta,Janine. He ascended to the throne at the age of 16, as Janine could only do so much and has found her mate. He didn't have much of a childhood. When he turned 20, the age to find your mate, he set out and journeyed across the world to no avail. However, there is a rumour surrounding the lack of a Luna: They say he didnt approve of his mate and killed her... no one but he knows the truth.
Family: Mother: Celeste Ava Dixon (Deceased) Father: James Aries Dixon (Deceased) Sister: Juniper Amber Dixon (20)
Edited at December 16, 2021 01:35 AM by Vennenum

Pack name: Lunar Frost . Pack number: 244283 . Activity: Depends but at the least every two to three days. If something comes up and I'm off longer than usual I'll let you know! . Name: Lilimae . Nickname(s): Mae, Lily . Age: 17 . Gender: Female . Sexuality: Heterosexual . Species: Centaur . Role: Council Member . Appearance: [IMAGES REMOVED: realistic humans not allowed; nonstock, no credits provided.] Mae has a short curvy upper body, her breed also having a rounded belly and short, strong legs. Her horse half is a mixed breed between a Fjord mare and an unknown stallion. Her appearance however leans towards her Fjord genetics, the only hint of her father being her feathered hooves(fluffy). She is no racing horse but she is of average weight for her short horse breed and moderately toned to an extant. She has a round face and a button nose that's covered in freckles. She has pale, to a light tan, fair skin, though you would find the odd freckle here and there. Her eyes are a soft blue though they contain a few hints of green. Her mid torso length hair, honey blond colouring with light blond tips and a few dark brown/black streaks, would either be in a messy bun or in a loose braid. As in common centaur culture, clothing is only necessary for when a centaur is around other species. Mae, however, was raised within a close proximity to a villiage and thus grew up wearing clothes. Clothes were only worn on the upper, human, body. They consisted out of a short (long sleeved or short sleeved, depending on the season) navy, or earthy colours, tunic/ dress that reached just above the shoulder of her horse half. A brown leather corset was worn over it to act as armour of sorts. Mae is usually seen carrying a satchel of sorts, containing herbs and berries to trade or sell for medical/ food use. A bow and a bag of arrows are either worn over the shoulder for easy acces or rigged in a saddle like thing for easy transport. Jewelry wise: leather bracelets/cuffs on both arms, feathers and beads woven into hair and a simple silver necklace with a small moon charm accompanied by a small lily charm. The mark of the moon is on her right palm. . Personality: Mae is curious and ambitious, and thus views the cities and communities of other cultures/species as places to learn and explore, rather than places to avoid. She's clumsy and will often seem like a young foal learning to walk as she would trip over her own feet or seemingly nothing. She will appear timid to strangers though close friends and family will know that she's wild at heart. She has a free and creative spirit, a gentle side that comes out when she's within nature or reading a good book. She is no born leader though would step into a similar role if the need arised. She would rather follow the leader, as she would within a herd, and give advice or guidance if asked/ required. But like any herd or team member, she will stop at nothing to protect those around her and keep them from harm. Mae can be very stubborn, willing to argue in order to get her point across. Her emotions can sometimes get the best of her and her too trusting nature combined with past betrayal has lead to trust issues. As a result she may appear guarded at first and it will take a few chances to prove to her that you are worthy of her trust. Overall she's a clumsy, curious and gentle centaur with a wild and adventurous soul. . Likes: -Reading -Drawing -Animals -Helping people -Learning new things -Languages . Dislikes: -Shouting -Loud noises -Crowds(big or small) -Spiders -Exercise -Conflict . Mental Stability: Weak 1- 2 - 3 - [4] - 5 Strong . Mobility Stability: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - [4] - 5 Strong . Intelligence: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - [5] Strong . Physical strength: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - [4] - 5 Strong . Strengths: - She's agile. - She's quite observant, her brain taking note of almost every detail in her surroundings. - She gives amazing hugs. - She's light on her feet and quick to react despite being clumsy. - She's skilled with a bow and arrow. - She's trained in a few basic Air spells, though would like to expand her knowledge. - Stamina - Knowledge of healing and poisonous plants. . Weaknesses: - She's very clumsy - When carrying someone her stamina is lowered greatly. - She shys away from conflict. - She is near-sighted, resulting in her arrows sometimes missing their intended targets. . Other: [IMAGE REMOVED: hotlinking, no credits] The necklace she wears is the only thing her mystery father left her when she was born before he disappeared. Her mother refuses to speak about him so Mae knows very little to nothing about him. Edited at December 16, 2021 01:34 AM by Vennenum

Staff (Head of school, teachers, scientists, etc.)- Name: Anastasiya Kulikova First name means: "Resurrection.". Nicknames: Ana or Tass; Miss Ana or Miss K to the students . Gender: Female Age: 29 Job/role: Deputy Sexuality: Heterosexual . Appearance: Short, ginger hair neatly coiffured to reveal a strong and cheerful face. Woeful hazel eyes that are always attentive or on the look out for trouble. A small nose is placed above thin lips, though her full cheeks allows for dimple when she smiles. Her nose is decorated with freckles, allowing the small blemishes to stand out against her pale, light skin. She has a small, fit build and stands at 5' 4". She's usually dressed in jeans with a loose blouse, her outfits being appropriate for work but also not being too formal. . Personality: Ana is a bit of a control freak, always wanting to know what's going on or what's going to happen. This stems from her fear of the unknown as she was raised to believe that without order there can be no growth to a brighter future. She struggles to relax and finds that her familiars, that are like pets, bring her comfort in her time of need. She tends to keep to herself preferring to either work, sketch or train in hand-to-hand combat. She has a passion for children and wishes to help them reach their full potential. She seeks perfection though recognises value in imperfection aswell. Deep down, she has a playful side that had been discouraged from a young age and she struggles to embrace it in the present. She is very loyal and upholds those who have a higher status then herself. But she is not loyal to a fault and she upholds her own values and morals higher then that of others. She is strong willed and open minded, many of her traits clashing with one another. Her emotions can influence her dissicions but more often then not, she is level headed and rational. . Power(s) if applicable: Ana has the power of Possession. This power allows her to summon an animal familiar made of a light, crystal like material that she can 'posses' with her mind. She then can control where it goes, seeing and fighting through it. She usually only has one familiar summoned at a time, following her around or to patrol the halls while she sits in her office. If she where to summon more than two at a time, she wouldn't be able to maintain their physical form for too long as it it very mentally straining. This power is ideal for offence as it doesn't put her in the direct line of fire, however her familiars aren't indestructible, as they can only take so much damage before breaking and disappearing. . Family: Parents are unknown as she was raised by caretakers. Single Pm me if you want to be her kid or possible love interest. . View on mutants (like/dislike?): Like . Other:

Full Name: Lilimae Acena Daryan Nickname(s): Mae, Lily Age: 17 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Appearance: Mae has a short and curvy body, standing at 5' 1". She is of average weight for her short size and moderately toned to an extent. She has a round face and a button nose that's covered in freckles. She has pale, fair skin but you would find the odd freckle here and there. Her eyes are a soft blue though they contain a few hints of green. Her mid torso length hair, honey blond in colouring, would either be in a messy bun or in a loose braid. ~ Her clothing consists out of jeans and loose fitting blouses or shirts. In colder weather she'll usually where a hoodie or a long knitted sweater. As for shoes, they vary between a pair of black ankle boots or white sneakers. For accessories: a silver necklace with a moon charm. She has single ear piercings in both ears, earrings being silver studs. A few leather bracelets are rapped around her left wrist which conceal a small floral tattoo of a lily. She'll stick to a more casual, simple style. Personality: Mae is curious and ambitious, and thus views the cities and communities of other cultures as places to learn and explore, rather than disrespect. She's a bit clumsy but this doesn't hinder her in any way. She will appear timid to strangers though close friends and family will know that she's wild at heart. She has a free and creative spirit, often drawing whatever comes to her mind. Don't let her quiet nature fool you, when she steps on the stage she'll become whatever her role needs to be as acting is one of her passions. She has a gentle side that especially comes out when she's around children or animals. She enjoys being in nature or reading a good book. She has insecurities, like any other young adult, and stress has played a big role in her life. She puts on a brave face though her smile could hide a million things. She tends to bottle everything up and this leads to either a mental breakdown or an explosion. She is no born leader though would step into a similar role if the need arised. She would rather follow than lead, and give advice or guidance if asked/ required. Mae can be very stubborn, willing to argue in order to get her point across. Her emotions can sometimes get the best of her and her too trusting nature combined with past betrayal has lead to trust issues. As a result she may appear guarded at first and it will take a few chances to prove to her that you are worthy of her trust. Overall she's a clumsy, curious and gentle girl with a wild and adventurous soul. Role: Theatre kid/ Loner Likes: -Reading -Drawing -Any kind of Animal -Languages -Acting Dislikes: -Crowds(big or small) -Spiders -Exercise -Conflict . Mental Stability: Weak 1- 2 - 3 - [4] - 5 Strong Mobility Stability: Weak 1 - 2 - [3] - 4 - 5 Strong Intelligence: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - [5] Strong Physical strength: Weak 1 - [2] - 3 - 4 - 5 Strong Relations: A few close friends: Open, pm me Adil: She had met Adil when she had been getting picked on by some other girls and he had been patrolling the hallways. Obviously, bullying is against the rules so he intervened immediately. After that, she deemed him an ally and was determined to try and become his friend, and he seemed pretty intent to keep that from happening. She simply refused to take no for an answer. Thanks to her constant nagging and the fact that she seemed completely unbothered by his many pointing outs of her flaws, the two became close. Though Adil would never admit such a thing, she will cheekily admit it(especially when Adil is around). Their friendship is definitely strange, that's for sure. Family: Mother: Juniper Calista Daryan (Deceased) Father: Raul Michael Daryan Brothers: - Kailer James Daryan, 27 -Keith Richards Daryan, 25 -Kodak William Daryan, 21 Back-story: Mae's mother passed away from cancer when she was 3 years old and as a result was raised by four men. Her father served in the army but retired after his wife passed away in order to raise four kids. There was never a dull moment in the house nor did they struggle financially. Her father worked for a family friend and earned enough for them to live comfortably. Kailer enrolled in the army as soon as he was allowed to. Being the only girl in the house ensured for a lot off fun and laughter, that's where her passion for acting formed. Her father taught her basic selfdefence and how to handle weapons such as a knife and gun. His reason: to make sure she's safe. She has a soft spot for each member of her family and she has them wrapped around her finger. Anything else: They went on vacation on one of the Greek islands for her 16th birthday

Name: Alaric Serafino Drake
Nicknames: Ric, Rafi
Age: 367 , appears 25
Height: 6, 2
Weight: 150 lb
Occupation: Owner of a restaurant chain, called Serafino's.
Tattoos/Piercings: Alaric has two lip piercings (as indicated by the photo), and a single piercing on his right ear. He has a dragon tattoo, his family's crest, on his left shoulder.
Species: Vampire
Birthday: 14 August 1652
Birthplace: Volterra, Italy
Languages: English, Russian, Italian
Mother: Amdis Celeste Drake (Deceased)
Father: Cassius Serafino Drake
Siblings: Elizabeth Lenora Drake, Raul Vladimir Drake
Best Friend: Callum Finnian McCarthy
Best Friend appearance: https://postimg.cc/gallery/r8MNTTs
Likes/ Hobbies: Alaric serves under his father's ideals as one of the active vigilantes within their coven. He enjoys drawing, having completed many still-life's so far and some were even sold. He loves to read. He enjoys nature, he truly feels at piece at night and tries to stargaze as often as he can. He adores all animals but has a soft spot for both kanines and felines. The thrill of the hunt.
Dislikes: Crowds, bright lights, brats, criminals
Weaknesses: Sensitive to sunlight, can be weakened when wild rose powder is consumed. Can only be physically harmed and/or killed by pure golden weapons.
Strengths: Incredible speed and eyesight(able to see every detail and at night). Inhuman strength, keen sense of smell and excellent hearing. Compulsion.
Mental Stability: Weak 1- 2 - [3] - 4 - 5 Strong
Mobility Stability: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - [4] - 5 Strong
Intelligence: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - [5] Strong
Physical strength: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - [5] Strong
Personality: Alaric loves to have fun and is generally the center of attention in many situations. He is very passionate, charismatic, and good at inspiring other people. Alaric can be described as mesmerizing, which can be quite literally. He is naturally confident, almost cocky. He is very reliable, but has a fluctuating self-esteem that makes it hard for him to make decisions. But with his natural Intuitive tendencies, he always manages to move forward with a little help from his friends. He's smart, witty and blunt. He really likes people but almost never falls in love. Hes deep and tormented by his place in the cosmic plan. Alaric makes emotional decisions. He has his own morality, which he sticks to. He can be very stoic, emotionless and professional to others outside of his small circle of close friends and family members. He thrives in conflict, having a short fuse. He is a huge cluts and can be very childish.
Other: Alaric's family is the head of the Drake Coven, meaning he is of high status. The Drake Coven acts as vgilanties of sorts, controlling the crime within their territory. They hunt the true criminals: rapists, murderers ect. Insuring that the humans were safe and lived a moderately happy life. Their chain of restaurants mark out their territory and any vampire that's passing through, requires permission to enter. The Drake household are one of the oldest remaining pureblood families, they are well known and feared amongst the other covens, earning them the rank of Second Star. This rank meant, in mortal terms, that they were royalty and the second most important family amongst the vampires.
His mother was brutally murdered by a rogue coven, known as The Horde. Alaric was in his early hundreds when this occurred. His father, having lost his soul mate, became distant, cold and aggressive. This fuelled his obsession in killing rule breakers, both human and inhuman. This caused Alaric, the only biological heir to the families fortune, to act out and disrespect the covens reputation.

Mae is curious and ambitious. She's a bit clumsy but this doesn't hinder her in any way. She will appear timid to strangers though close friends and family will know that she's wild at heart. She has a free and creative spirit, often drawing whatever comes to her mind. Don't let her quiet nature fool you. She has a gentle side that especially comes out when she's around children or animals. She enjoys being in nature or reading a good book. She has insecurities, like any other young adult, and stress has played a big role in her life. She puts on a brave face though her smile could hide a million things. She tends to bottle everything up and this leads to either a mental breakdown or an explosion. She is no born leader though would step into a similar role if the need arised. She would rather follow than lead, and give advice or guidance if asked/ required. Mae can be very stubborn, willing to argue in order to get her point across. Her emotions can sometimes get the best of her and her too trusting nature combined with past betrayal has lead to trust issues. As a result she may appear guarded at first and it will take a few chances to prove to her that you are worthy of her trust. Overall she's a clumsy, curious and gentle girl with a wild and adventurous soul. Villain character?

Name: Alaric Serafino Drake
Nicknames: Ric, Rafi
Age: 18 Gender: Male Role: Mutant Power (If mutant/ special teacher): "Vampire" mutation
Height: 6, 2
Weight: 150 lb
Appearance: Alaric has piercing ice blue eyes that change to a crimson red when he's hungry. He has a sharp jaw line and muscular body. He's well toned. (Picture a younger version of Damien Salvatore. I've yet to work on this characters detailed appearance XD) ~ His clothing consists of light denim jeans that are ripped at the knees, a white t-shirt and black leather jacket. For shoes, he wears black sneakers.
Tattoos/Piercings: Alaric has two piercings underneath his bottom lip, and a single piercing on his right ear. He has a dragon tattoo on his left shoulder.
Birthday: 14 August
Languages: English and a bit of Italian
Mother: Amdis Celeste Drake (Deceased)
Father: Cassius Serafino Drake
Siblings: Elizabeth Lenora Drake, Raul Vladimir Drake Likes/ Hobbies: He enjoys drawing, having completed many still-life's so far. He loves to read. He enjoys nature, he truly feels at piece at night and tries to stargaze as often as he can. He adores all animals but has a soft spot for both kanines and felines. The thrill of the hunt.
Dislikes: Crowds, bright lights, brats, the scientists
Weaknesses: Sensitive to sunlight, so he usually wears sunglasses and sticks to the shadows. Alaric can be temporarily blinded by a bright light if it's shined directly at his eyes. He can be weakened greatly when wild rose powder is consumed. Sadly he also developed the need for consuming blood but his appetite can be temporarily sustained by eating raw meat. Alaric hates being alone due to past trauma of being left in isolation when he didn't listen.
Strengths: Incredible speed and eyesight(able to see every detail and at night). Inhuman strength, keen sense of smell and excellent hearing. Compulsion.
Mental Stability: Weak 1- 2 - [3] - 4 - 5 Strong
Mobility Stability: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - [4] - 5 Strong
Intelligence: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - [5] Strong
Physical strength: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - [5] Strong
Personality: Alaric loves to have fun and is generally the center of attention in many situations. He is very passionate, charismatic, and good at inspiring other people. Alaric can be described as mesmerizing, which can be quite literally. He is naturally confident, almost cocky. He is very reliable, but has a fluctuating self-esteem that makes it hard for him to make decisions. But with his natural Intuitive tendencies, he always manages to move forward with a little help from his friends. He's smart, witty and blunt. He really likes people but almost never falls in love. He’s deep and tormented by his place in the cosmic plan. Alaric makes emotional decisions. He has his own morality, which he sticks to. He can be very stoic, emotionless and professional to others outside of his small circle of close friends and family members. He thrives in conflict, having a short fuse. He is a huge cluts and can be very childish.
. Relationship status: Single . Sexuality: Heteroflexible . Back story: Alaric hasn't seen his family since the age of 5. (Still working on the back story, sorry >_<)

WEREWOLF X HUNTER Name: Alaric Serafino Drake Nicknames: Ric, Rafi Age: 25 Height: 6, 2 Weight: 150 lb . Appearance: Alaric has piercing ice blue eyes that change to a crimson red when he's hungry. He has a sharp jaw line and muscular body. He's well toned. (Picture a younger version of Damien Salvatore. I've yet to work on this characters detailed appearance XD) ~ His clothing consists of light denim jeans that are ripped at the knees, a white t-shirt and black leather jacket. For shoes, he wears black sneakers. Alaric has a slim, thin and muscular build. He has a broad chest and shoulders. His arms are slightly muscled and long. He has a rectangular face shape accompanied with a sharp jaw line. He has hazel coloured eyes and is always full of mischief. He has long lanky legs. He has dark brown hair that he keeps at shoulder length. It has a slight curl to it and he keeps it out of his face by tying it back in either a ponytail or a man-bun. He tends to wear a button-up shirt and black jeans when the dress code is semi-formal. For formal attire he'll wear a proper suit. His casual wear varies between t-shirts and sweats to t-shirts, jeans and leather jackets. Shoes differ from sneakers to boots to formal dress shoes. His left eyebrow has a small scar due to a previous fight. He has an old gunshot wound on his right shoulder that gives him trouble from time to time. Occupation: Hunter Tattoos/Piercings: Alaric has two lip piercings, and a single piercing on his right ear. His left arm has a tattoo sleeve, tribal symbols of the hunters that raised him. Species: Dark Fae (Fairy)
Birthday: 14 August
Birthplace: Volterra, Italy
Languages: English, Russian, Italian
Mother: N/A
Father: N/A
Siblings: N/A
Likes/ Hobbies: He enjoys drawing. He loves to read. He enjoys nature, he truly feels at piece at night and tries to stargaze as often as he can. He adores all animals but has a soft spot for both kanines and felines. The thrill of the hunt.
Dislikes: Crowds, supernatural beings, being told what to do
Weaknesses: Reapers Blessing, a small, black flower that is lethal to Fae. Can be used in very small dosages to weaken them. Alaric sees being a supernatural being as a weakness. Fae's emotions can get the best of them. Losing their wings equals to losing their magic and what makes them supernatural.
Strengths: Alaric can fly thanks to his wings. Being a supernatural being enhances his speed, agility, strength and healing. He can use magic but prefers to use his hand guns.
Mental Stability: Weak 1- 2 - [3] - 4 - 5 Strong
Mobility Stability: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - [4] - 5 Strong
Intelligence: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - [5] Strong
Physical strength: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - [5] Strong
Personality: Alaric loves to have fun and is generally the center of attention in many situations. He is very passionate, charismatic, and good at inspiring other people. Alaric can be described as mesmerizing, which can be quite literally. He is naturally confident, almost cocky. He is very reliable, but has a fluctuating self-esteem that makes it hard for him to make decisions. But with his natural Intuitive tendencies, he always manages to move forward with a little help from his friends. He's smart, witty and blunt. He really likes people but almost never falls in love. He’s deep and tormented by his place in the cosmic plan. Alaric makes emotional decisions. He has his own morality, which he sticks to. He can be very stoic, emotionless and professional to others outside of his small circle of close friends and family members. He thrives in conflict, having a short fuse. He is a huge cluts and can be very childish.
Other: Alarics family was hunted down and killed. In a moment of weakness, a hunter took his 3 year old self and convinced the others that he would be a valuable asset one day. As such, he was raised by the hunters clan known as Drake or the dragons. He hides his wings, part of the magic and perks of being a Fae. However his 'family' doesn't permit him to use his magic.
Edited at July 6, 2021 01:04 PM by Lunar Frost

▪︎Rider▪︎ Name: Aderyn Drakøn [Ah- deh- rin] Welsh- "bird" Nickname(s): Rin, Addy, Little bird "Look at it! It's adorable!" Age: 20 Gender: Female Kingdom or Rogue Army: Rider of Ishnor Rank: Rider Desired Rank: Content Sexuality: Straight . Appearance: Standing at 4'8", Rin is fair skinned with a few freckles scattered here and there and carries a welcoming feel about her. She has a few curves, possessing a toned body to an extent although she is not athletically built. If you're going to be a rider one must be fit in order to keep up, but despite this Rin couldn't shake her naturally curvy physique. Her short form makes one question why she is a rider and if she could handle a dragon. When looking at her, one would say that she's a bit over the average weight for her height, resulting in a generally short and round appearance. Her chest size included. She doesn't mind, however, as her mother shared the same physique. The only traits she had received from her father had been his eyes and his freckled complexion. . Her round face is often framed by her shoulder length hair, though she prefers to wear it in braided hairstyles to keep it out of her face when flying or fighting. Her hair is dark brown with a few lighter strands here and there. She has a softly shaped jaw, a button nose that's dotted in freckles and plump lips. Her eyes are a soft green, paired with long eyelashes. Her appearance is quite average, not having much that would cause her to stand out but enough for one to say she looks "cute". She is of Scottish origin. She has a nasty burn scar on her left hip, causing a limp. Personality: ▪︎Energetic, loveable, creative, lazy▪︎ Rin is a people person, always wanting to be around others and to spend time with them. She cares about their wellbeing and has a strong need to make them feel valued and appreciated. She tends to ask too many questions and is very much aware that she might be perceived as annoying to some. This trait is due to past trauma of having to constantly prove her worth when she was younger. Her father believed that the world was black and white, that there was no room for questions or curiosity. She has two older brothers and no mother to speak of, so she was raised to be strong and competitive. But one should take note, being competitive is not her strong suit and she has no desire to fight over trivial things or matters. She'd rather give in or give up, causing others to think of her as either a coward or just plain lazy. She loves taking naps, or simply lounging around wherever she finds a comfy spot. . However, she does also spend a lot of time by herself or with her dragon. This could result in people thinking that she's a loner. But the times she spends alone is used to read, to write or to bond with her dragon. It's the way she recharges at the end of the day. . She was forced to grow up, causing her to not have much of a childhood. So now as an adult, those suppressed urges of exploring and discovering the world around her had resulted in childish behaviour and tendencies. She's curious about the world, a hunger for knowledge about the kingdoms and dragons. She's very energetic and enthusiastic, perhaps a little too much sometimes. She also loves to share her knowledge, not in a condescending manner, but to share the wonders that she had learned and others could enjoy. As such, she loves telling stories or writing them down for later. . Bonded Dragon: TBD Likes: - Stargazing - Spending time with children - Exploring - Flying (With her dragon duh XD) - Reading - She loves her smexy dragon - Giving and receiving hugs (she won't admit it though) - Snow - The beach Dislikes: - Surprises - Being insulted - Swimming - Big, deep bodies of water - Not being in the loop Strengths: -Agile - Skilled in hand-to-hand combat - Trained with twin daggers - She's a great storyteller - Knowledge from her books Weaknesses: - She can't swim - She's near sighted, so a bow and arrow is a nope - She has a slight limp from an old injury, so it's more of an inconvenience - Children (She can't help it, they're just too cute!) Crush: Open Spouse or Significant Other: Possibly Kin: Father- Michāel Drakøn (56) Mother- Daryä Drakøn (Deceased) Brother- Keithãn (34) Brother- Liánol (31) Affiliations: TBD Other: Chinese depictions of dragons are very detailed. "Stars are like people... They're beautiful and distant."

Name: Evelyn Acena Clifford Nicknames: Ace, Evie Age: 22 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual Height: 4' 8" . Appearance: (I'm not the best with discriptions, but I tried!) Ace has a short curvy figure making her ideal for loving hugs and cuddles. She is no athlete but she is of average weight for her short height and moderately toned to an extant. She has a round face and a button nose that's covered in freckles. She has pale fair skin, though you would find the odd freckle here and there. Ace struggles to tan her skin since if she isn't careful enough she could turn into a red lobster due to sunburn, in less words: sunscreen is her only weapon against the sun. Her eyes are soft blue though they contain a few hints of green. Her mid torso length hair, honey blond colouring with light blond tips, would either be in a messy bun or in a loose braid. Her everyday outfits(first clothing image) consists of black leggings, black combat boots and loose fitting shirts or sweaters. Her clothing depends on the weather though she would prefer to be able to wear winter clothes for as long as possible as she isn't very confident over her body. . Tattoos/ Piercings: A small wrist tattoo of a Lily on her left wrist. She has a single piercing in both ears. . Birthday: 10 December . Likes/Hobbies: -Reading -Drawing -Animals -Helping people -Learning new things -Languages . Dislikes: -Shouting -Loud noises -Crowds(big or small) -Spiders -Exercise -Conflict . Weaknesses: She's very clumsy and doesn't handle stressful situations well. . Strengths: She's agile, skilled at blending in and finding hiding spots. She's quite observant, her brain taking note of almost every detail in her surroundings. And she gives amazing hugs. . Mental Stability: Weak 1- 2 - [3] - 4 - 5 Strong . Mobility Stability: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - [4] - 5 Strong . Intelligence: Weak 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - [5] Strong . Physical strength: Weak 1 - [2] - 3 - 4 - 5 Strong . Personality: Ace is a quiet girl and tends to be shy around strangers. She's a pure introvert but will show her wild side around family and close friends. She is no girly girl, though wouldn't mind wearing a dress and make-up every once in a while. Trust and loyalty is something that she holds dear and will do her best to return it to those that had given it to her. She can be very stubborn, and at times a bit childish, willing to argue to get her point across. She has insecurities, like any other young adult, and stress has played a big role in her life. This being the result of worrying too much, over thinking things and suffering from PTSD. She puts on a brave face though her smile can hide a million things. She tends to bottle everything up and this leads to either a breakdown or an explosion. Overall, she's a very caring, clumsy and supportive young girl who tries to stay optimistic as best she can and give out all her love to those who need it. . Past: Ace comes from a Military family. Her father was part of the Navy and served in the MPC. Her two older brothers followed in his footsteps. She did the same, only to prove her father wrong, though after her first tour she was released from her service. She had been traumatized and doesn't enjoy recalling the event, her mind having burried the memory to protect her. She takes antidepressants and has regular appointments with her therapist. Though her mental state has improved greatly and she is aware of what coping mechanisms work to calm her down or distract her. She'll have chats with her therapist during the trip. Her mother passed away when she was seven years old and as such was raised by three guys. . Other: She's observant and takes note of almost everything. She is light on her feet and quick to react despite being clumsy. She would be ideal for scouting as it's something she enjoys, discovering new things and gaining knowledge. . Other: She requires glasses as she is near-sighted. She has a burn scar starting just below her ribs on the right, it curls around her stomach and reaches her belly button, spreading to the small of her back and ending mid-thigh on the right. . Roleplay link: XD Second post XD