
Name: Hezak Age: 120 in Fiend Dog years (physically); 20 in human years (mentally) Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual/Straight
Status: In forest - w/ Ashlynne Species: Fiend Dog
Companion: Hez would like to have one, and at this point it doesn't matter to him what species, he is willing as long as they meet his standards. He is vaguely searching as he travels and in his free time, but not always.
Appearance: Hez's appearance most resembles that of an american alsatian dog/german shepherd mix, but he is much larger. He stands at around 4 feet at his shoulders and weighs a couple hundred pounds when his form is fully physical. He can make his body weigh all but nothing if he wishes. He has medium-length, pitch black fur and vermilion eyes. His body is long, lithe and strong; made for running. Hezak's tail is long and furry, and the tip of it fades into smokey tendrils.
Personality: Hezak is a solitary creature, and he rarely approaches others let alone speaks to them. However if the situation calls for interaction, he will do it, albeit reluctantly. He is very curious by nature, and he enjoys traveling and seeing new places, even if it is dangerous. He is a quiet observer, and he likes to learn and collect knowledge and information. He also has a mischievous and playful side to him. Hez has never really had a relationship with another before, so when it comes to finding and gaining a companion, he is unsure how it will work out. Part of him looks forward to it, but the other part is scared. Hez can be very protective when he wants to, and rather helpful as well.
Hez is fast, stealthy, and very good at concealing his presence over years and years of practice. He is intelligent, and has an excellent memory, almost a photographic one. Once someone earns his loyalty and respect, he will never abandon them. Hezak gets very skittish and nervous around strangers and areas with lots of people, though he doesnt always show it. His instinct is to run, because that is what he has done his entire life. When he gets particularly nervous, his form begins to waver between being solid and being smoke. It takes a while for him to fully trust another.
Other: Edited at November 13, 2017 08:02 PM by Lost Legends

Name: Rosslynn Claire Vilteri Age: 19 Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual/Straight Status: In forest - w/ Ellaer, Flynn, & Khana
Species: Air Elementia
Companion: Ross isn't actively searching, given she isn't aware of who/what she is.
Appearance: Ross is slightly below average in height and weight, about 5'5" and 115 lbs. She has a rather small, athletic figure, and isn't very curvy. She is lithe and flexible, and in good physical condition. Her skin is tanned from exposure to the sun, and she has freckles on her nose, cheekbones, and top of her shoulders. Ross's features are proportional and pretty, with full lips and a smooth complexion. Her hair is long, reaching to about mid-back, and is blond and naturally wavy. Her eyes are a sharp, light grey color.
Personality: Rosslynn's demeanor is serious, straightforward, and blunt. She isn't prone to mess around, and is a determined and hard working individual. She is constantly wary and on guard, particularly when out in the open or near strangers, and she doesn't often let herself grow close to others. Despite this, she tries her best to act polite and civil. Ross does have a compassionate and sympathetic side, and if she feels that someone deserves it, she will help them out. Around those she is close too, Ross let's herself relax slightly. She is more sarcastic and amiable, and she might even crack a smile. She is loyal almost to a fault to those people, and will do anything to protect them.
Ross has a clear, clever mind, and is good at adapting to most situations. She's hard-working, determined, and loyal. She is good at running and climbing, and is pretty decent with throwing knives and hand-to-hand. Ross doesn't often take risks or trust people she's just met, and can be rather stubborn that way. Because of an experience in her past, Rosslynn is terrified of very deep water and swimming. She also gets antsy and nervous during big storms. She doesn't like staying in one area for an extended period of time, she prefers to be on the move.
Other: Rosslynn is oblivious to her ancestry and what the power she holds means, as the knowledge has been lost somewhere along the line. She has discovered her abilities, and with the help of her father's support has learned to control them, but neither of them know where they came from.
Edited at November 13, 2017 08:01 PM by Lost Legends

WIP Edited at October 30, 2017 07:15 AM by The Nightmare Keeper

Game Moderator Neutral
Characters for this roleplay are the second and third post on the third page
Daren's status: Alive - Forest Daren's companion - N/A - not actively looking, but if he clicks with a creature, he may consider forming a companionship with them
Tomo's status: Alive - City Tomo's companion - N/A - not actively looking or not looking. Would prefer a wyvern, qilin. Might be willing to consider a fiend dog or phoenix
Attor's status: Alive - Forest Attor's companion: N/A - Not activity looking or not looking. Would want a skin walker or werewolf, but may consider a elementia. Edited at November 4, 2017 02:23 AM by Destinations End
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<div align="center">Khana's Status: Alive and Searching for a Companion. Not much else to put here.
Pack Name and Number: Soaring, 172237 Character Name: Khana Age: Unknown, but relatively young for a Qilin Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Species: Qilin Appearance: Khana is quite small, even for a Quilin, only about a foot and a half tall at the shoulder and just under three feet long, not including her wispy tail. A very dainty little creature, she is built more like a fawn than a dragon with a tiny, delicate frame accentuated by wispy, floating fur. Her hooves are split-toad like those of a goat's, her horn colored and shaped like a sharp tree branch when not actively discerning. From around her horn a soft forelock and mane of earthen brown fur accentuated by silver strands spills around her delicate face, canid in appearance though shaped like a deer's, and neck. Two small, pointy ears appear on either side of her horn, partly hidden by her forelock but very much there. Her feet and tail are also feathered with this same wispy fur, the hairs being longest on her lionlike tail. Khana's scales, a deep forest green edged by a light aquamarine in places, accentuated with spots of golden color on her flanks and rump. A golden spot in the shape of a star sits on her chest, and is the same color as her eyes, almost like molten gold, bordered with purple and flecked with blue and green. Beautiful, but also a bit useful in camouflage at times. Khana's eyes also glow in the dark. Personality: Khana is a very sweet, gentle, and quiet creature of the forest. Quite skittish and shy, it takes a gentle touch, a patient hand, and a soft voice if you can even hope to earn her trust. Even then, Khana is generally quite wary with newcomers until they prove themselves as a good egg to her. To those that take the time to earn the little Qilin's trust, Khana becomes a very loving, kind, and utterly devoted Companion - but such will be shown only to her friends/Companion, and they alone. Others will see only silence and possibly even fear shining in those golden eyes...or maybe they won't see her at all. A very gentle creature, Khana hates violence and bloodshed, and will do anything she can to get away from it unless her friends/Companion are in direct danger. Surprisingly enough, Khana, unlike most Companions, doesn't know how to speak in the language of the humans. Utterly silent, the emotional and expressive Qilin is often quite creative in expressing herself to others, though it often takes a practiced eye to know her thoughts. Strengths/Pros: Khana is an astoundingly fast little creature, incredibly swift and agile with well-practiced skills in stealth and camouflage. So tiny that she can scarcely crunch the grass beneath her own feet, you likely wont find Khana unless she wants to be found or got distracted again. She is also very creative, whether this be in devising an escape plan or conveying her thoughts to clueless others, and her quick mind can come a great deal in handy when its needed. Weaknesses/Cons: Khana absolutely hates to fight, and while she is very protective of her friends, she will take every measure she can to keep away from violence. She can also get quite distracted fairly easily, and her spontaneous nature has led her into more than one problem with others. Khana, unsurprisingly enough, also possesses no strength. Absolutely none, and her stamina is painful to see. Literacy Level/RP Example: I'm lazy, O.K? Spookie knows my literacy level, which is literate and elaborate, so I'm not going to spend and hour typing something up that nobody's going to look at. :P Other: Nurpe, though I think Imma make another character after this in 1-2 days.

<div align="center">Flynn's status: Alive and searching. Not much else to put here at the moment.
Pack Name and Number: Soaring, 172237 Character Name: Flynn Canter Age: 16 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Species: Earth Elementia Appearance: General Flynn is a very tall, lanky boy with gangly arms and legs and a lean, but not too skinny, form. Taut muscles stretch beneath lightly bronzed, freckled skin, and while Flynn's no body builder, he's as strong as he needs to be by his own calculations. The freckles are the most predominant on his face, where they seem to almost color the bridge of his nose and cheeks a darker color. A messy mop of gold-streaked brown hair sits atop his head, contrasting somewhat handsomely with his cobalt, almost indigo-shaded eyes flecked with silver and gold. His thick eyebrows hold an intimidating curve, a slight shade lighter than his hair and often upraised in a sort of question mark. His hands are thin and almost delicate in appearance, but they mean everything to Flynn. Long, slender fingers are his key to playing the piano, one of his favorite escapes from the outside world. Clothes Flynn puts about as much attention and care into his outfits as he does his hair--very little to none at all. He prefers to wear old, worn jeans, usually pretty ripped up and faded from use, decorated only by a simple black belt that rests around his waist. A pair of ancient tennis shoes sit on his feet, plain and threadbare, the laces tied together in a double-knot. Worn and faded T-shirts usually decorate his torso; his favorite is a blue and gray long-sleeved shirt that nicely matches his eyes. In colder weather, Flynn's usually seen in one of a few old gray sweatshirts, usually matched to a black beanie that he uses to hide his messy hair with. A small tree-shaped amulet set in emerald dangles from a delicate silver chain around Flynn's neck; he often is seen fingering it when he's thinking or nervous. Personality: Flynn is an interesting one; adventurous, bold, and stubborn at times while quiet and philosophical at others. He tends to be more of a watcher than a listener, a daydreamer that likes to just sit....and watch. A rather closed type, even considered a "recluse" by some, Flynn enjoys the simplistic beauty of nature, and often takes walks through it to clear his mind when he's feeling down or needs to think about something. Being of the Earth Element, nature is one of his best connections to the Shaded, and one of his best ways to escape the world of humans. Music is another escape for Flynn, and he will often spend hours playing on his piano or stroking his guitar; even just sitting in his bedroom with his earbuds in helps to lift his spirits. He is usually very quiet, though isn't afraid to try new things and go new places in the spirit of adventure and boldness. The pessimistic type, he tries to answer questions with science and logic, and the gloomy atmosphere of the world he lives in often gets him down. Once he's made up his mind though, there's little that anyone can do to change it, so arguing is a futile move. Strengths/Pros: Flynn's connection with nature has allowed him to unlock and express his Element in a surprising number of ways, many of which are quite capable of helping him when he needs it. He is a swift one, quite agile with sharp eyes and a lightning-quick reaction time to match. His mind is also a nimble thing, and is good at analyzing and solving puzzles. Weaknesses/Cons: With only average strength, Flynn has very little stamina to support him; despite being very practiced in agility and evasion, his lanky body often trips him up and makes him seem far clumsier than he is. He has no socialization skills whatsoever being the withdrawn person he is, and is quite awkward around other people, unknowing of what to say or do. Literacy Level/RP Example: Literate, aright? If you don't believe me, let Spookie tell you. Other: Nurpe.

Pack Name and Number: Darkadathea #144027
Character Name: Odyssey 'Ode' Kordane
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Wraith
Appearance: Tall and thin, with a slightly noticable semi-muscular frame. He has scars all over his body, but the most noticeable one is a small curved one over his heart. He has blue eyes, so deep that they can be descibed as the colour of Cobalt. As his mood changes, his eyes shift colour - they go a lighter blue when happy, and a dark-blue almost black shade when he is angry or sad. His hair is a very light blonde, almost white, and he has 2 black streaks on the right side. His hair hits just above his eyes and is unkept and very messy. Ode is very pale, almost translucent and despises the sun with a passion; preferring to lurk in the dark or shadows. He has a black woven leather bracelet on his left wrist, and he carries a small silver hunting blade with him at all times. He mostly wears a black T-Shirt, black leather jacket and Dark gray cargo pants with lace-up military boots.
Personality: He is calm and collected most of the time, normally acting bored or un-interested with anything and everything. Yet, what most people dont understand is he is always watching. He watches from a distance, and listens in on conversations whenever he can. He is patient, and learns your greatest fears and weaknesses without you knowing it, in case he ever needs to use it against you. Ode is incredibly smart, and is dedicated to learn whatever he can about the world. He is manipulative and persuasive, if you dare go behind his back or betray him. There is very few people who have managed to stray inside his tough exterior, and those are the people who hold his heart in their hands. He is extremely loyal, and would rather tell the sad truth over the happy lie any day. Not much is known about his family, as he rarely talks about them, and when he does, he remains quite secretive about the details. Although what is known is that, his parents died in a fire when he was seven, and he has a older and younger sister out there somewhere. Ode seems to hate humans, as he believes they were the ones who tore his family from him. enjoys drawing, and is quite artistic. Ode loves to roam around is his shadow-form whenever he can.
Strengths/Pros: Persuasive and Manipulative, he strives for whatever he wants, and normally never fails. His mind is extremely dark, and he is known to be sadistic and cruel with those he hates. He is skilled with throwing knives and long swords; he is yet to miss a target. Ode is incredibly almost-immune to physical pain, he has learnt to 'forget' about it and 'switch it off', only to allow a bit through.
Weaknesses/Cons: Ode, because he is good at contolling his physical pain, is extremely acceptable to Emotional pain. You may not be able to hurt him with weapons, but his memories and family/close friends are all he has. Hurt them, and you hurt him. Because of this he doesn't let many people beyond his hateful exterior. He hates having his own game thrown at him, so another weakness is that he hates being manipulated, lied to or people trying to 'figure him out' (Learn about his past, strengths and weaknesses
Literacy Level/RP Example:
Odyssey sat down at the worn park bench. Thoughts were buzzing around his head, his one and only last stand against complete boredom. He looked down at the small scetchbook in front of him and sighed. He honestly didn't know why he even bothered to bring it. Oh well his brain whispered, but to keep up his facade of teenage innocence, he grabbed a pencil from his pocket and let it sweep across the paper. Without acknowledging it, he let his mind wander into oblivion. Memories, both happy and sad rushed into his head, as if a flood gate had opened to his past. The fire. People screaming. Smoke drifting highe- "No". whispered to himself. Instead, he tried to think of happy memories...but nothing resurfaced. With a sad realization he frowned - he didn't have any happy memories; well at least not many. None to be especially happy about anyway.
Ode was then startled by a large bird swooping down past his head. Snapping back in reality, he looked up, searching for the culprit. A loud caw! broke the silence of the late October afternoon, and Ode found himself staring at a pitch black bird - as the bird stared right back at him, with merciless beady, black eyes. It almost seemed to look through him, as if it were able to see the darkness that lurked within. The boy shook his head, I must be going insane he thought for the hundreth time this week, as mysterious occurences like this had been an off-and-on thing for quite awhile now.
Caw! the bird screeched again, and Ode narrowed his eyes at the creature. "Shoo!" the boy yelled, while picking a smooth black stone off the ground to throw at it. Their eyes met once again, but this time Ode had a dangerous-looking rock in his hand. The crow- no raven Ode figured, only cocked its head in response. Ode could feel his anger building, and soon, if the pesky raven didn't leave, it would probably be missing a head - Odyssey never missed.
A small, cold breeze blew by, and Ode was momentarily distracted by a few golden, red and orange leaves drift down from their places on the branch of an old maple. Winter is coming an odd voice in the back of Ode's head whispered. Odyssey stopped to notice that he was on the receiving end of quite a few stares coming from random strangers that were also in the Park. Ode rolled his eyes at them and went to look at the Raven again. Yet it was...gone? Ode looked around, but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. He let the stone drop from his left hand as a black shadow moved in his peripheral vision. Ode turned to watch the black bird drift gracefully through the air, up towards the expanding grey sky. With one last caw! the strange bird was gone.
[I have, like no idea what that was xD so...yeah]
Other: Darkness (I've read the rules lol) I hope I did this right...its the first time ive ever done a Forum RP character sheet lol