All images to da-ross-stock on DA Trixie 'Tricky' . "Let's race!" . [Breed] Mutt . [Gender] Female . [Age] Five months . [Appearance]  Standing at around 21 inches and weighting in at 54 pounds, Trixie is definitely a mix of somewhat larger breeds. She has a bolder build, with a wider chest and longer legs. A large head shows she still hasn't grown fully, as she had a rather sporadic growth spurt. Trixie has two flopped ears that is perked atop her head, and dont provide the best hearing. Her snout isnt long, but it also isnt short. This canines tail curls on her back, similar to that of a Akita. Even with a rather skinny physique, Trixie looks well fed. To balance it out, her paws are smaller than the average. This can have both pros and cons. Trixie's fur is very thick and wooly, and can provide warmth. But be warned- she sheds. It's a dark chocolate black color, with soft brindle of lighter brown and creams. It is especially prominent in her back and tail. On the underside of her tail it fades into white. On each paw, Trixie has a "sock". They are easily dirtied, and are normal seen muddy. Her snout is white, and has a smudged stripe up between her eyes. Hazel eyes compliment the white on Trixies face. A little black nose contrasts with the white, and her pads are the same black. Her pads are still smooth. A mouthful of baby teeth are making room for her adult teeth, which will fully grow in in a handful or so of months. . [Personality] + Sweetheart + Playful + Optimistic+ ~ Curious ~ Cautious ~ - Clingy - Talkative - Uncooperative - Trixie is a very curious puppy. She'll talk and talk, day, night, whatever. Whenever the female feels like it, even in the mist dire situations, she will perk up and speak. Even if it's to herself. Trixie tends to wander off alot. She got lost chasing butterflies once, it's just her nature. For all anyone knows, Trixie would follow a random being around until they acknowledged her. Trixie gets easily attached to things. Friends, humans, family members. It's hard for her to let go. When she was given to her human family and taken away from her mother, it took the puppy a while to mourn. She always thinks the worst when to comes to these things, no matter how innocent she seems. Despite her cling demeanor, Trixie is a sweetheart. Yes, at times, she can get a little close to other canines. She's just a little puppy in the great big world. Things can get hard at times. Trixie is instinctively cautious. She was always told to be careful of who she trusted, by her mother and relatives. It seemed they knew something she didnt. Not that the puppy cared yet, so far, her life was nothing but fun and games. Trixie is a play being. She loves to romp around and run, its actually one of her favorite pastimes. The puppy will roll around in dead leaves, it's the fun, not the consequences. Trixie got her nickname, Tricky, from the one time she got herself stuck halfway in a birdcage. "Y'know, this thing sure is Tricky!" ~Trixie, to her littermates. Trixie is rather uncooperative. She wants to do things her way, when she wants. . [Other details] Hope she is good for now. <3  |