
Game Moderator Neutral
Name: Adian Thuron Edited at May 25, 2017 02:55 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Name: Attor Keira Edited at May 25, 2017 02:55 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Name: Una Doran Gender: Female Age: 14 Species: Key Vaca Raccoon/Torch Key Raccoon hybrid shapeshifter Looks: - Human form description - Shifted form description: Something between an average Key Vaca raccoon and a Torch Key raccoon. She has a small tear in her right ear and a scar across her muzzle. Personality: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other: She's homeless as well as an orphan
Name: Gender: Age: Species: Fossa shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Name: Gender: Male Age: 14, almost 15 Species: African Linsang shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Name: Gender: Male Age: 14, almost 15 Species: Pine Marten Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Name: Gender: Male Age: 14, almost 15 Species: Stoat Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Name: Gender: Male Age: 14, almost 15 Species: American Mink Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other: Edited at August 28, 2017 06:59 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Name: Gender: Male Age: 14, almost 15 Species: African wild dog shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Name: Gender: Age: l Species: Dhole shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Name: Gender: Age: Species: Bat-eared fox shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Name: Gender: Age: Species: Golden cross fox shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other: Edited at August 28, 2017 06:43 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Name: Gender: Male Age: 15 Species: Brown Hyena shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Name: Gender: Male Age: 14 Species: Striped Hyena shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Name: Gender: Female Age: 15 Species: Spotted Hyena shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Name: Gender: Male Age: 15 Species: Aardwolf shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Edited at December 8, 2017 07:08 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Name: Tomo Harlin Gender: Male Age: 15, almost 16 Species: pseudo-melanistic South China Tiger/Malayan Tiger hybrid shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other:
Name: Gender: Female Age: Species: Pygmy goat shapeshifter Looks: Strengths: Weaknesses: Other: - Edited at August 29, 2017 02:19 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img922/4937/ykuNkZ.jpg Art by AutumnWillows
Name: Wolf Age: Differs by roleplay, but never older than 2 1/2 Gender: Female Species: Coydog Looks: Wolf's fur texture is something in between wiry and slightly soft with a scruffy sort of look to it. Her eyes are affected with heterochromia, the right being an amber color and the left being greenish-gray(more on the greenish side) with flecks of blue in it. Her left ear stands straight up while the right folds over slightly, something between the look of a cocked ear and a button ear. The majority of her pelt is a reddish color(sort of the red an Irish Setter, but with a slight brown/grey tint to it) with brindle markings(the brindle color is similar to the reddish color of most of her pelt, but with a visible golden tint instead of brownish/grey) however her cheeks, muzzle, chest, belly, tail tip and three of her paws are a light golden-cream color. The paw on her crippled leg is a slightly darker reddish color. She has a dark liver/chocolate brown nose.
She has a jagged scar across her blind(right) eye, one across her muzzle and another the runs from her back to her right shoulder and across her chest, and other various smaller scars on other parts of her body. Her left ear is noticeably badly torn/shredded and her right eye has a slightly clouded look to it.
Her hind right leg is crippled, which can make it difficult for her to get around, as well as being slightly shorter than her other legs, though the difference in length isn't easily noticeable unless you are looking at the leg for longer than a moment. Other: She has a higher DNA percentage of coyote and border collie. The breed percentage looks something like this Coyote: 37% Border Collie: 32.5% Ryukyu Inu 7.5% Kai Ken: 5% Basque Shepherd Dog 5% Garafiano Shepherd 5% Australian Cattle Dog(Red Heeler) 2% Aidi 1.1% Australian Shepherd: 1% Dutch Shepherd 1% Beauceron 0.5% Cursinu: 0.5% Bouvier des Ardennes 0.5% Berger Picard 0.5% Siberian husky 0.3% Belgian Malinois 0.3% Belgian Tervuren 0.2% Pit bull 0.1% Edited at September 1, 2017 03:46 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
https://image.ibb.co/gBYDK5/IMG_1073.jpg Art by AutumnWillows
Name: Kasai Age: around 2 Gender: Male Species: Mutt(Red wolf, coyote, golden jackal, garafian shepherd, nova scotia duck tolling retriever and german shepherd hybrid) Looks: I look at myself and see: [The offspring of a red wolf/coyote/golden jackal and a Garafian Shepherd/Basque Shepherd Dog/Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever/German Shepherd cross. He looks more like a coydog, coydog/golden jackal, or possibly just a dog. His fur is a reddish gold, he has a slightly darker reddish gold saddle marking, and smaller markings on his upper eyelids/a little above the upper eyelids due to being part German Shepherd. His paws(mitts markings), chest and belly are slightly lighter in color, closer to a white/light cream. He also has a small white/light cream stripe that starts at his nose(sort of a ring or wide mask similar to WolfPlay's wide muzzle marking) that starts as a wide stripe but thins out to a very thin line as it goes up straight, between his eyes to a small white/light cream patch on his forehead.
He has bright amber eyes, which almost have a red look to them. One of his ears flops down and the other is straight for the most part but the tip of his ear bends down slightly. His nose is a rich liver color. His body structure is more like a coyote/golden jackal while also being a little on the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriver side. Other: Kasai is blind.
Edited at August 24, 2017 11:11 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
https://image.ibb.co/jC6YK5/IMG_1070.jpg Art by AutumnWillows
Name: Kōri Age: between 1-2 Gender: Male Species: Mutt(Standard Schnauzer/Scottish Deerhound/Doberman Pinscher/Beauceron/Wire haired Weimaraner hybrid) Looks: His body structure is something between a Scottish Deerhound, Wire Haired Weimaraner, Beauceron, while being closer to the size of a Standard Schnauzer. The majority of his fur is very dark grayish-blue with slightly darker harlequin markings, slightly lighter brindle markings, and faded gray/rust points on his muzzle, on his chest, small patches just above his eyes, and the insides of his legs, the same as you'd see on a Beauceron and doberman
Kōri has light grayish-blue eyes and his fur is coarse/wiry but has a slight glossy look to it, he has the mustache/whiskers and beard look on his muzzle that Schnauzers, Wire Haired Weimaraners and Scottish Deerhounds typically have.
The mustache/whiskers and beard need to be slightly lighter than the faded gray/rust points, and a little more towards the faded gray side. Kōri has one silvery-white paw, which is his front left one. Both his ears are something between a rose ear and a button ear. Other: Kōri is deaf, but he can sort of read lips.
Edited at August 24, 2017 11:15 AM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
https://image.ibb.co/jbvFXQ/IMG_1105.jpg Art by AutumnWillows
Name: Kensaku Age: around 2 Gender: Female Species: Border Collie/Australian Shepherd/Koolie Looks: A three legged border collie/Australian Shepherd/Koolie. Her looks are something between a double red merle Australian Shepherd, a double tri merle Koolie and a brindled sable merle/gold border collie. Her head and face are mostly white, except for very pale reddish merle markings on her ears, and a pale gold face marking typically seen on border collies, but only on the left side of her face. Her three legs are mostly white too, except for a few patches of very pale red merle and very pale tan merle. Her chest and belly are also white, as is her tail and the majority of her sides and lower end of her back. The mid to upper back and shoulders have sort of a medium sized pale sable merle patch with gold markings sort of thinly outlining the sable merle patch that also go to the upper part of her shoulders her shoulders(the sable merle patch and both of the gold marking/patches are very pale, but a bit darker than her double merle patches on her ears and legs) She has extremely pale brindle markings that are something between lilac, silver and cream; they're noticeable but blend really well. She has heterochromia eyes, one rich brown/amber and the other a pale blue/grayish silver(the right is the brown/amber and the left is the pale blue/grayish silver). The leg she's missing is her front left leg, most of it is gone, accept for a small stump. Her nose is pink with a couple light brown/light liver speckles/splotches. Kensaku wears a green-blue checkered bandanna collar
Edited at August 24, 2017 11:18 AM by Destinations End
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