
Hai, this is The Bloody Wolf Pack, the psychopath! And this is a Character dump. You have permission to use my characters yourself, I don't care! Go hog-wild! Heck, you can even post your own if you want too. The only thing that has to be done about them is that they MUST be open to use by others. The images, the names, everything but the backstory. THAT is specific to you, but you can let others use it if they want, just say so at the bottom of the post. If there's nothing about rights, assume the backstory is trademarked. Have Fun! Edited at November 23, 2017 09:58 PM by The Bloody Wolf Pack

Name: Fenris (Or Fenrir) Rank: Pack: Mate: Family: Personality: A fierce but loyal warrior, he'll do whatever it takes to protect his pack. Backstory: He was abandoned by his parents, who were loners, so grew up without any real connections. This made Fenris/Fenrir have trust issues. He taught himself everything he knows. Appearance: https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=30&shadow=Y&sex=M&base=25&rank=A&piebald1=0&legtype=3&tailtype=5&pointscolor=11&brindle=40&eyes=13&muzzletype=2&muzzlecolor=11&headtype=10&ears=1&shoulder=0&backtype=0&backcolor=0&speckletype=0&specklecolor=0&eecolor=1&eetype=3&nose=0&okapi=0&leopard=0&decor1=99&gear=25&harl=0&bel=0&som=0 Other:

Name: Brynngar Rank: Pack: Mate: Family: Personality: A slightly unstable sociopath berserker, who is a bit sadistic in nature. He is truly loyal to his pack, however, and would not turn tail from a fight. Backstory: Born into the [Insert Pack Name Here], he was kicked out and has now joined the [Insert Pack Name Here] Appearance: https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=26&shadow=Y&sex=M&base=58&rank=A&piebald1=0&legtype=0&tailtype=0&pointscolor=0&brindle=48&eyes=19&muzzletype=3&muzzlecolor=10&headtype=0&ears=0&shoulder=0&backtype=0&backcolor=0&speckletype=3&specklecolor=13&eecolor=0&eetype=0&nose=8&okapi=0&leopard=0&decor1=0&gear=0&harl=0&bel=48&som=0 Other:

Name: Mhotep Rank: Pack: Mate: Family: Personality: A wise and sage wolf, rumors circulate around him that he's a sorcerer of untold power. Backstory: Not much is known about him. He simply appeared one day and asked to join the pack. Appearance: https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=9&shadow=Y&sex=M&base=5&rank=P&piebald1=0&legtype=3&tailtype=3&pointscolor=3&brindle=40&eyes=14&muzzletype=1&muzzlecolor=11&headtype=8&ears=1&shoulder=0&backtype=0&backcolor=0&speckletype=3&specklecolor=1&eecolor=7&eetype=3&nose=0&okapi=0&leopard=0&decor1=0&gear=0&harl=0&bel=4&som=0 Other: (I know he's a pup, but he looks best like this)

Name: Angron Rank: Pack: Mate: Family: Personality: Angron is always angry. All the time. No matter what situation, he's seething with untold fury. Only in his most private moments is he at peace. He gains pleasure mostly through fighting and has a strict honor code. Backstory: Angron has always had anger issues, but one day he left the pack, disappearing for three days. When he returned, he was far, far angrier than before, but much more powerful physically. Appearance: https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=46&shadow=Y&sex=M&base=23&rank=A&piebald1=11&legtype=2&tailtype=4&pointscolor=7&brindle=10&eyes=18&muzzletype=2&muzzlecolor=40&headtype=10&ears=1&shoulder=11&backtype=5&backcolor=3&speckletype=3&specklecolor=1&eecolor=10&eetype=3&nose=6&okapi=1&leopard=11&decor1=125&gear=61&harl=11&bel=11&som=11 Other:

Name: Winterstorm Rank: Pack: Mate: Family: Personality: Like his name suggests, Winterstorm is cold as ice. He has never had many friends, and enjoys it that way. Backstory: Has always been distant, since his birth. The loss of his [Mother or Father] caused him to become callous and uncaring. Appearance: https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=46&shadow=Y&sex=M&base=45&rank=A&piebald1=0&legtype=2&tailtype=4&pointscolor=7&brindle=0&eyes=14&muzzletype=2&muzzlecolor=7&headtype=2&ears=1&shoulder=0&backtype=0&backcolor=0&speckletype=1&specklecolor=7&eecolor=7&eetype=3&nose=0&okapi=7&leopard=0&decor1=125&gear=56&harl=0&bel=1&som=0 Other: Edited at October 24, 2017 10:51 PM by The Bloody Wolf Pack

Name: Faux Rank: Pack: Mate: Family: Personality: Faux is a tenaciously stubborn she-wolf, hanging on to anything to keep herself up. She's energetic and a little ADHD, but will never abandon a packmate. Backstory: [You make it up!] Appearance: https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=9&shadow=Y&sex=F&base=29&rank=A&piebald1=0&legtype=4&tailtype=4&pointscolor=1&brindle=0&eyes=20&muzzletype=2&muzzlecolor=40&headtype=10&ears=1&shoulder=0&backtype=0&backcolor=0&speckletype=0&specklecolor=0&eecolor=0&eetype=0&nose=0&okapi=40&leopard=0&decor1=0&gear=0&harl=0&bel=0&som=0 Other:

Name: Rain Rank: Pack: Mate: Family: Personality: Rain is not very touchy-feely. She's closed-off and shy. She believes in the idea of 'live and let live'. Backstory: [Another character you can imprint a backstory on!] Appearance: https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=46&shadow=Y&sex=F&base=53&rank=A&piebald1=0&legtype=2&tailtype=4&pointscolor=7&brindle=0&eyes=4&muzzletype=2&muzzlecolor=7&headtype=2&ears=1&shoulder=0&backtype=0&backcolor=0&speckletype=3&specklecolor=9&eecolor=0&eetype=0&nose=0&okapi=0&leopard=0&decor1=125&gear=47&harl=0&bel=9&som=0 Other:

Name: Loken Rank: Pack: Mate: Family: Personality: Sees things as black and white, good and evil. He doesn't exactly understand humor or sarcasm, taking everything literally. Backstory: Nothing remarkable. Just average. Appearance: https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?decor=Y&id=1530410 Other: Edited at November 8, 2017 12:02 AM by The Bloody Wolf Pack

Name: Dymos Rank: Pack: Mate: Family: Personality: Dymos is an... odd wolf. She isn't much of a team player, preferring to go it alone. She never seems to eat or drink, and is rarely seen sleeping, yet somehow manages to be in perfect physical condition. Backstory: Dymos was found by the pack as a juvenile, wandering around and living on her own. She accepted the invitation to join, but has seemed to have grown distant. Apperance: https://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?bgpic=9&shadow=Y&sex=F&base=54&rank=A&piebald1=0&legtype=7&tailtype=3&pointscolor=5&brindle=5&eyes=21&muzzletype=3&muzzlecolor=40&headtype=8&ears=1&shoulder=0&backtype=5&backcolor=5&speckletype=1&specklecolor=5&eecolor=5&eetype=3&nose=0&okapi=5&leopard=0&decor1=35&gear=59&harl=0&bel=0&som=0 Other: