
Hello, this is for me to organize my characters for my RPs. You may not post in this forum or steal my characters. You may read through them if you'd like to. Please and Thank you! ^.^ Edited at February 21, 2022 08:02 PM by The Midnight Wolves

HYBRID WOLVES RP: Name: Luna Age: 4 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Rank: Alpha Female Bird Type: Peregrine Falcon Wolf Type: Gray Wolf DNA Abilities: She has wings growing from her back and she can run very fast (the DNA). Appearance: Luna is a silver wolf with white paws. She has emerald-colored eyes and a black nose. She also has cream spots along her back and tail. She stands about 29 inches tall and weighs about 90 pounds. Although her small appearance, she is built with muscle and is very fast. Her wings are a silvery blue with black tips on the feathers. Luna is still trying to learn how to fly with them. Personality: Luna is aggressive and kind, talking to this new pack. She doesn't get angry quickly and will almost always give reasons on why someone should or shouldn't do something. She doesn't like to sit still and seems to always be moving or trying to hunt although that is not her job. She is a young leader but very wise and mature. She treats all wolves equally. Even if they're omegas. They all deserve a chance and that is why Luna has too big of a heart. She loves pups and seems to have a special place in her heart for them. Likes: Running Hunting Leading Others Pups Dislikes: Others telling her what to do. People Scouting (just looking for things in general) Strengths: Running Leading Her Wings (they make her seem bigger than she is so she can scare off predators) Weaknesses: Actually Flying (which she needs to learn) Loud, sudden, noises Sitting still Crush: Open Mate: Alpha Male (when there is one) Family: Her parents were shot and that's why Luna doesn't like loud noises. After she was transported to the lab, she didn't know where her sibling (Luke) was until they were moved to the enclosure. Offspring: None Yet Other: Read The Rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Luke Age: 4 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Rank: Warrior Bird Type: Harpy Eagle Wolf Type: Gray Wolf DNA Abilities: Feathers on his ears and his tail. Appearance: Luke is a silver wolf with cream spots along his legs and lower back. His eyes are light green and his nose is black. His ears are also tipped white. His feathers on his tail and ears are blueish silver with little dots of black. Luke stands about 34 inches tall and weighs about 107 pounds. He is built with lots of muscles and is very keen. Personality: Luke can be very funny and very stern. He can be very funny when he is resting and very stern and focused when on duty. He doesn't hesitate to attack and will do anything to protect his pack. Luke has very keen eyesight due to the DNA. He cannot fly but would rather be on the ground anyway. He is very nice to pups because they are only pups. But the rest of the pack, he can be sarcastic with but not in a mean way. He also wants to find a mate and have pups of his own. Likes: Pups Family Fighting Hunting Protecting Dislikes: People Backing Down Being Healed Strengths: Fighting Hunting His Eyesight Weaknesses: Pups (they're just too cute) Bees (allergic) Loud, Sudden, Noises Crush: Open Mate: PM me Family: His parents were shot and that is why Luke hates loud noises. After he was transported to the lab, he didn't know where his sibling (Luna) was until they were moved to the enclosure. Offspring: None (yet) Other: Read The Rules Name: Saoirse Age: 3 Gender: Female Sexuality(optional): Bi Rank: Scout Bird Type: Wandering Albatross Wolf Type: Northwestern Wolf DNA Abilities: Wings and feathers Appearance: Main body color is white, light brown eyes, silver nose, ears are tipped with a blue-ish color, black circle-ish splash around the right eye, black sock pattern on front legs, gray underside, blue-ish strip starting at the tip of the tail and end at the middle of the spine, wings are colored white across most the wing span with black on the wingtips, measures 102cm tall at the shoulders and has a length, including the head and tail, of 2.1 meters, weights about 102 lb, 13 feet wing span, lean body with a broad chest, fluffy like mane around the neck that goes up onto the top of the head which has a few feathers in it, a mostly white fluffy tail Personality: loves to joke around with her pack when she isn't out scouting, will always be loyal to her pack, hates humans and every thing they ever did, mostly chill and calm, never knows when to keep her head out of the clouds and a bit clumsy Likes (2+): To fly and to hang out in trees Dislikes (2+): Tree sap and diplomacy Strengths (2+): speed and fighting Weaknesses (2+): The fluffy mane around the neck and head which blocks vision sometimes, stealth when on the ground do to being tall and a little clumsy somtimes Crush: None right know but maybe in the future of the roleplay Mate: none Family: Does not remember Offspring: None ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Maple Age: 7 Gender: Female Sexuality: Straight Rank: Hunter Bird Type: Blue Jay Wolf Type: Northwestern Wolf DNA Abilities (already mutated): Wings and Mimic Appearance: Maple is a brown wolf with silver tints in her fur. She has black paws and black rings around her eyes. She has white spots on her ears and has black spots along her head. She has emerald-colored eyes and a black nose. Maple is about 32 inches tall and about 102 pounds. She is built with muscle and is very fast. Personality: Maple is kind but can be very aggressive at times. If she feels that you are a threat, she will attack you. Maple is short-tempered and not easy to get along with. If you do get along with her, she will protect you as well as she possibly can. Maple tends to fight for her opinion and will not hesitate to fight for it. For Maple, she is all bite and barely any bark. Likes: Running Pups Hunting Storms Dislikes: Humans Swimming Skittish Wolves Strengths: Stamina Hunting Runnin Weaknesses: Swimming Pups (they are so cute) Her short-temper Crush: Absolutely Not Mate: Absolutely Not Family: The humans had killed her parents 4 years after she was captured and her sister was lost (until now). Once Maple escaped, she had lived on her own and never met anyone else until now. She is cousins with Luke and Luna. Offspring: NO Other: Maple has a soft spot for pups and is very nice around them. She also has a scar along her neck from when they had just missed shooting her. It had made a scar along her neck and has been there since she escape. She had escaped when she was 2 and has been in the forest for 5 years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Dustin Age: 3 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Rank: Hunter Bird Type: Red Tailed Hawk Wolf Type: Gray Wolf DNA Ability: Wings Appearance: Dustin has a brown coat with white and gray. He has blue eyes and has white and black speckled wings. He stands about 30 inches tall and weighs about 116 pounds. He has a black nose and a scar across his muzzle from a badger. He also has a scar along his leg from a rope. He was caught in it and chewed himself free after a few hours. (kind of like what had happened to Maple but he rescued himself) Personality: Dustin is very confident in himself. He doesn't like others doing his job and can do it himself. He likes to joke around and others don't always find it funny and he gets told off a lot. He is extremely protective of his family and friends. He is a jerk to those who he or his friends don't like. He loves to hunt and is very energetic. During fights, he won't back down and will most likely attack instead of thinking. He can be calm at times if needed or if one of his friends needs to talk. Likes: Pups Hunting Joking Around Running Dislikes: His Friends Angered At Him Humans Backing Down Strengths: Hunting Running Flying Weaknesses: His Joking Can Cause Problems Can Do Before Even Thinking About Consequences Crush: Kelly Mate: (soon to be) Kelly Family: Dustin was an only child and his parents were killed when he was two. He was studied on as a two-year-old and managed to escape. He only has his pack. Offspring: In The Future...? Other: Dustin has been in the forest for just over a year and found the pack by accident. | Edited at March 8, 2022 09:46 PM by The Midnight Wolves

THE CAPTURED WOLF RP: Name: Black-Sun Age: 3 Years Gender: Female Appearance: She is a silver wolf with black patches around her face and body. She also has silvery brown fur close to her paws and muzzle. She has two different colored eyes; one brown and one ice-colored. She is not a Chimera, she just has Heterochromia. She also always wears one eagle feather in her fur by her neck. Her body has lots of muscle. It is one of the easiest things to notice on her. It is not completely built up yet. She still needs to do more hunting and running. Rank: Warrior/Hunter Personality: Black-Sun is not shy to speak up and say her opinion. She will confront the higher ranks (except alpha) and tell them if they're wrong. She has aggression issues and slight anger issues too. She does not have much empathy for others. If they are hurt, so be it. Let the healers do their jobs. If one is sad, deal with it there self. She has trust issues and has learned to trust no one. She would rather be in the pack than alone, but many see her leaving and being alone. She wouldn't dare leave the pack. It would be Suicide, especially since she is young with much to learn. Weaknesses: Getting banned from the pack Losing her brother Empathy (doesn't care for many in her pack) Strengths: Tracking (scenting a certain piece of fur or a track) Running Intelligent Hearing (great hearing) Mate: Open Crush: Open Family: Her brother Red-Star Likes: To run Pups Hunting Hang out with her brother Dislikes: Watching wolves getting healed Suffering animals (she wants them to have a quick death) Herbs (not flowers though) Lone Hunts People Other: Favorite Color is Red She really needs a good talk. Likes Flowers and Feathers Wants to be a good hunter She wants to find a mate that understands her Anything Other Players Should Know About Your Wolf?: If you want to impress Black-Sun, all you have to do is show her you can hunt. Never try to overpower her or bring her down. It will never work and for her, words barely hurt. Name: Red-Star Age: 3 Gender: Male Appearance: Red-Star is an amelanism wolf with a healing herb crown and an eagle feather in his neck fur just like his sister. Rank: Warrior/Hunter Personality: Red-Star lover to help others and wants them to all be free. He loves herbs and the flowers that can heal. They are almost like magic. He always wonders how they first found out how to use herbs. As curious as he is. Experimenting is dangerous and not safe for the health of the wolves, especially here. He is very empathetic and caring, even for the wild animals that they eat. Weaknesses: Blood (he gets nauseous at the sight of blood) So when he kills animals, he tries to sink in his teeth and close his eyes. Suffering animals Cats (has an allergy to them) Strengths: Hunting Calming the Stressed/Hurt/Nervous His Sniffer (GREAT sense of smell) Mate: Open Crush: Electra Family: His sister Black-Sun Likes: To meditate Making lists of animals and plants in an area Hanging out with his sister Dislikes: Bullies Blood Sickness Other: He needs someone to befriend other than Black-Sun Likes howling Looking for a mate Wants to be a better healer and learn more Anything Other Players Should Know About Your Wolf?: Red-Star wants to escape but is terrified to get killed and even more afraid of escaping but losing Black-Sun. He wants life to be as fair as the wolves who live free. |

WEREWOLVES RP: Name: Luna S. Bartley Age: 19 Gender: Female Rank: Hunter Personality: Luna is a very excited and energetic person. She is very good at expressing her excitement when she is in the pack by jumping and running. She doesn't like to sit around and watch things happen. She wants to be a part of anything going on or anything about to happen like a hunt, exploring, or even just a talk with others. Luna has too much energy. She loves racing and play-fighting with others. She loves running almost as much as she loves to hunt. Sometimes, she will just take a walk to a lake at night and howl at the moon, hoping that some wolf far away will hear her and howl back. She likes the feel of the wind blowing through her fur as she runs. She feels as though it is like a river, smooth and calming. Ever since she was a pup, she had always liked the feel of the wind. Luna has a mischievous side too. She sometimes gets into trouble by getting too close to the town in her wolf form. She was just too curious that it could get her hurt someday. She isn't the best at sitting still either. She is always moving around except when sleeping. She hates the feeling of waiting and watching others do things. Even when she is sick, she insists that she go help the pack hunt. She hates the feeling of sitting still. It makes her feel useless and uneasy. Luna is very defensive of her territory to other wolves and animals. She hates having strangers in her pack's area. She feels the need to be ready for an attack at any moment, even at peace. She is always ready to attack and defend. She is always ready to be attacked by animals or humans. She is almost always ready to listen to the Alpha's orders when attacking. Unless she is the one being attacked, she waits for the Alpha to give the attack plan. Appearance: Luna is short for her age at the height of 5'1. She's only 130 pounds but has strong arms and legs built with muscles. She had been used to running since she was 10, trying to catch prey as a human to ready her for pack life. Luna has dark white skin that resembles the skin of a light Indian. She looks Indian because her grandpa was a full-blood Indian so that made Luna a fourth Indian. She has chocolate brown hair with tints of blonde due to her highlights that she never recolored. Her hair goes down to her hips because she had never cut it and she let it grow out. Her face is small with a flattened circular shape to it. She has a medium-sized nose with a few noticeable freckles, if you look closely, you will see little freckles under her eyes and on her nose. Her eyelashes are about half an inch long. Her eyebrows are slim and the hairs are about a millimeter long each. Luna barely puts any makeup on. If she does though, it is usually blush. She has a small frame and a skinny body. Although she could eat a whole half a deer in one sitting she couldn't gain much weight which she thought she would need to hunt. She doesn't need to gain much weight as long as she can keep up with the hunt. It started when she was little, it was really hard for her to gain weight and she was bone-thin. Luna thought it was just a little kid thing although she grew with her being almost bone-thin. She had gained muscles through hunting and working out more. She had stopped working when she was 17 so she could focus on the pack more. Luna has large hazel-colored oval eyes with a dark blue ring around them and little amber spots in the iris. Her eyes seem to sparkle if the light hits them right but if not, they seem darker and empty. She has a bracelet made from Iron and Gold beads from the mountains where they live. The bracelet is from her mom when she was little. Luna doesn't look at others much and she usually isn't noticed due to her large collection of black leggings and dark hoodies, usually the colors black, navy blue, dark red, or ombre black to white. She likes to wear hoodies just because they are comfortable and they make her less noticeable at night. Luna usually wears brown cowboy boots just because she thinks that it suits her style. If she is in the forest though, she likes to be barefoot just so she can feel the Earth under her feet. Luna's wolf appearance looks like this: Luna is smaller than most wolves standing at two and a half feet tall. on all fours. Relationship: Single and wants to be (she does not want a mate yet) Sexuality: Straight Likes: Swimming, Wind, Water, Fire, Running, Hunting, Sleeping, Dirt, OJ, Music, ThunderStorms, and Walks In The Forest Dislikes: Her sleep being disturbed, Others telling her what to do, Coffee, Drinks (alcohol), and Mornings Hobbies: Drawing, Walks In The Forest, Hunting, and Swimming (when it's around Summertime) Other: Luna has slight anger and aggression issues. She loves the color red and hunting! Luna likes thunderstorms and when it rains. She likes to watch fire burn in a firepit because the flames are different and they don't care about what burns. She likes how they are independent and stronger together. It reminds her of her pack. Luna's parents are dead. Her mom died from a hunter and her father died of lung cancer. Luna had no siblings. (Don't think that I want the Luna/lune position because her name is Luna. Luna is just one of my favorite names.)

DRAGON RP: Name: Ash Gender: Female Age: About 14 in human years Sexuality: Straight Type: Fire Dragon (if that's what you mean) Tribe: Lava Appearance: Ash is a black dragon with red on her legs and tail. Her wings fade from dark red to black. Her eyes are a dark green and she has a scar on her left cheek from a fight with her sibling. Ash has a few gray speckles on her legs. She also has orangish-red patches around her eyes. EDIT: Ash is about 5'11 and about 108 pounds. Her wingspan is about 12 feet. Personality: • Fiery Temper • Funny • Aggressive • Keen • Calm (tries to be) • Energetic Crush: Open Mate: Open Rank: Chosen One Other: Ash's parents were lost one day and were never found. Ash was left to care for her sister. Name: Phoenix (Nix) Gender: Female Age: About 12 in human years Sexuality: Straight Type: Fire Dragon Tribe: Lava Appearance: Nix is a dark red dragon with orange speckles along her back. Her feet are black as well as her tail. Her wings are orange that fade into a dark red with tiny black dots along the tips. Her eyes are golden. She has a black patch around her left eye. Ash is smaller than most of the dragons at 5'1 but still proves to be just as strong, even with her light weight of 93 pounds. Nix's wingspan is about 8 feet. Personality: • Fiery-Tempered at times • Patient • Agile • Fast • Brave when she has to be • Loyal to her tribe Crush: Open Mate: Open Rank: Hunter Other: She only has her sister Ash. Her parents mysteriously disappeared one day.

A LION RP: Name: Willow Age: 1 year and 4 months (16 months) Rank: Chosen One Pride: Lunar Appearance: Willow is a dark brown lion with several light brown and black spots on her back. The tip of her ears and her tail are also black. She has Golden eyes and a black nose. She has several scars along her back hips from backing into thorns by accident. Willow also has a golden heart in the center of her head, right in between her eyes. Personality: Willow is kind to her packmates. She likes to run and swim from time to time. Willow has slight anger and aggression issues. She likes to hunt small animals like rabbits and Springbok with the help of her packmates. Willow hates sharing and taking turns. She also can't sit still unless she's hunting. She likes to eat what she catches and keep it to herself. Willow also likes to wander off, getting close to the other pack's territory. She is mischievous and gets in trouble a lot (if she gets caught because she is pretty sneaky). Mate: N/A Crush: Open/PM Gender: Lioness Other: Red Name: Phoenix (Nix) Age: 2 and 1 month (25 months) Pride: Lunar Gender: Female Rank: Lead Huntress (if possible/aloud) Appearance: Nix is a golden lioness with a tint of red in her fur. Her eyes are an emerald green and seem to glow in moonlight. Her nose is a light brown with a dark spot on top. She has black spots along her back and down her back legs. Nix only has half of her left ear due to a hunt gone wrong. She also has a scar down her face due to the same incident. Personality: Nix is very kind to her pride and especially the cubs. They seem to be her soft spot and she doesn't always show that. When she is hunting though, she shows many feelings. It makes her feel very aggressive and free to be running wild, hunting everything that she can get her paws on. When she brings the food home though, she is calm. The only time she is really annoyed is when her younger sister and brother, Willow and Thorn, bother her. She is very nice to her siblings but can be very annoyed at them sometimes. Crush: PM me Mate: PM me Other: Red Name: Thorn Age: 7 months Pride: Lunar Gender: Male Rank: Cub Appearance: Thorn is a dark brown lion with little white brindle lines along his back. He has Golden eyes and a light brown nose. Thorn also has a white belly with streaks of brown. He has a black tipped tail and his right ear is also tipped black. Thorn doesn't have any scars like his siblings but he hopes when he's older, he has a scar just as cool as his two sister's. Personality: Thorn is a very kind cub with a big heart. He doesn't like hurting animals for no reason. He just likes to watch for danger. He practices so he can become a future scout one day, just like his mom was. Thorn likes to play around with other cubs in his pride, hoping that they will always be friends. Thorn also likes hanging around Nix and Willow when they aren't busy. Crush: PM me Mate: N/A Other: Red | | Edited at February 21, 2022 08:02 PM by The Midnight Wolves

WATERRUSH PRIDE (lions) RP: Name: Kiara Age: 5 Rank: Queen (Hunter after her cubs are grown) Appearance: Kiara is a golden lioness with brown tints in her fur. Her eyes are dark gold and her nose is black. Kiara has cream spots along her back and her hind legs. Kiara is only 2'9 and is about 283 pounds. Despite her small build, she is great at hunting. Personality: Kiara is kind and loyal to her pride. She will do anything for her cubs. She is very aggressive when hunting and only patient then. Other times, she will be running around with her cubs. Likes: Cubs, Hunting, Running Dislikes: Sitting Still, Hyenas, Lone Males Strengths: Running, Hunting, Weaknesses: Her hearing (due to a stampede as a cub, she is half-death), sitting still Crush: No Mate: No Family: Kiara's pride had a war with Hyenas. Kiara ran away and met a nice male. They started a pride and Kiara figured out that they were having cubs. Then, one night, five male lions came and attacked them. Kiara ran and her mate was killed. Kiara then found this pride and only has her two cubs. Offspring: Kalifa and Keon Other: Kiara will not have a mate again due to already losing most of her family. She doesn't want to lose her family again. _________________________________________________ Name: Kalifa (Ca - leaf - u) Age: 8 months Gender: Female Rank: Cub Appearance: Kalifa is a brown cub with several cream spots on her back. She has golden eyes, a black nose, and black-tipped ears. Due to something when she was forming, Kalifa only has three paws. She has four legs but her paw wasn't ever formed. Personality: Kalifa is very energetic and loves to run around. She doesn't like sitting still. Kalifa loves to play hunt and play fight with her brother. Likes: Playing, her brother, Running Dislikes: Sitting, Sleeping, Hyenas Strengths: Her brother (they work together), her hearing, Running Weaknesses: Her missing paw, sitting still Crush: Open Mate: Too young Family: She only ever knew her mom, Kiara, and her brother, Keon. Offspring: Nope Other: Kalifa likes to play around with the other cubs in the pride. ___________________________________________ Name: Keon Age: 8 months Gender: Male Rank: Cub Appearance: Keon is a brown cub and has a few cream spots along his back. His eyes are brown and he has a black nose and his ears are tipped-black. Keon has all of his limbs. Personality: Keon likes to lay in the sun when it's warm. He also likes to play fight with his sister when he is not laying in the sun. He will sit still for a certain amount of time before he has to move again. Likes: Relaxing, Running, Playing Dislikes: Hyenas, Cheetas, Sleeping Strengths: His sister (they work together), running Weaknesses: The open savannah (predators), is not very fast or agile but has stamina. Crush: Open Mate: Too young Family: Only his mom, Kiara, and sister, Kalifa. Offspring: Nope Other: Keon is usually laying on a rock, letting the sun warm him up like a lizard, every morning.

TO DEATH (dog) RP: Name: Pastora Age: 3.5 Gender: Female Rank: Warrior Tribe: Ash Appearance: 40% Border Collie, 13% Golden Retriever, 7% Great Pyrenees, 19% Australian Sheperd, 9% German Sheperd, 11% Anatolian Sheperd, 1% Cardigan Welsh Corgi Pastora is medium-sized yet stocky. She stands about 22 inches tall and weighs about 53 pounds. She gets her height and weight from the bigger dogs in her ancestry. Pastora has a wiry coat. It is cream-colored with patches of gold, silvery-blue, and white. She has black ears and freckles of black along her side. Her coat is short and doesn't add much warmth to her in the winter. Pastora's underbelly is white leading up to her chest which becomes a light hazelnut. Pastora has blue eyes and a black nose. Her muzzle is gray with a few speckles of hazelnut. Her left ear is folded down slightly whereas her right ear is pointed up. Her tail is about 6 inches long and is filled with burs and thorns. If you'd brush them out, her tail would be a light gray with dots of gray and gold. Pastora also has a scar along her side. She had had it since she was a pup and was too young to remember what had happened. Personality: Pastora is overestimated for her size. She may not be as strong or as big as the other dogs but still is still just as protective. She will protect her tribe with her life and will not hesitate to attack if told to. She does like to keep her tribe safe but also hates how they may have to fight the tribe that they were once harmonious with. Once you get to know her though, she will open her heart and be kind and silly. She has a special place for pups and tries to play with them as often as she can. She does like to play when she isn't working. Playing is something that she loves to do but doesn't show it that much. The name Pastora is one that she'd choose for her herding instincts. Pastora means Herder and although she doesn't usually herd anything, she still has the instinct of nipping. When she gets mad, which happens at times, she can nip (not bite) without even thinking about it. It is a habit that probably will never be broken. Affiliations: Open Crush: Open Mate: Open Pups: None Other: Although Pastora loves pups, she would never have any of her own. She isn't scared, she just doesn't want to be treated like royalty and stray away from doing her job as a warrior _________________________________________________ Name: Kyanite Age: 1 Month Gender: Female Rank: Pup Tribe: Ash Appearance: Kyanite is slightly like her sister. Kyanite has the common black and white husky colors. Along with her black back, she has blueish-gray splotches, resembling colors of a common blue heeler. Kyanite also has shorter legs not just of her age. They closely resemble those of a pitbull. Her body is also fluffy and small at a small height of 5 inches. She weighs around 4 pounds. Her tail is fluffy and large, looking closely like a border collies. Kyanite also has a few characteristics of other breeds that she resembles that cannot be seen. Her face is black with her chest, belly, and underneath her chin white. She has blueish-gray speckles around her eyes. Her ears are folded down and covered in black with small white tips that can barely be seen. Her nose is fully black with a dot of pink. Her eyes are colored Dark Kyanite with small bits of lighter blue. This may just be her husky genes. Kyanite has short legs that are mainly black. Her toes on her back left are white, her legs up to her knees on her front legs are white with dots of brown, and her back right foot is dark brown. Very similar to the color of a German Sheperd's coat. Many may not notice the detail on her face but she has a small scratch, about half an inch, from a stick she'd been playing too rough with. Personality: Kyanite is very curious. She loves to watch the adults and always wants to learn more. She would rather do than watch but knows that she most likely cannot. She is also sort of talkative. She likes to ask questions and talk to herself and random insects. Unlike her sister though, she is very outgoing and wants to ask what everyone did when they hunted or what they saw while patroling (again, very curious). She also likes to talk to others and doesn't like to watch or listen. Kyanite can't sit still very well. She likes to try to run and has a ton of energy. Her favorite thing to do is probably play with her family and her packmates. Kyanite may be very energetic but she is also calm when she needs to be. She knows her sister doesn't like their cousins too much because they are too energetic. Kyanite always tries to comfort her sister as much as possible. Kyanite does like to play-fight with her cousins at times. She may look harmless but she has a sarcastic side. She doesn't use it much but if angered, she will. Kyanite is also aggressive when playing and can't wait until the day when she can hunt with the pack. She always dreamt about hunting and protecting the pack. She does think it is unfair how they may have to fight the other pack (Oak) when they were once living in peace. Affiliations: Mother: Sapphire Aunt: Azure Cousins: Alder and River Sister: Tanzanite (Tana) Crush: N/A Mate: N/A Pups: N/A Other: You can call her Kya. | Edited at March 2, 2022 08:16 AM by The Midnight Wolves

WILD AND FREE (dog) RP Name: Shep Age: 3.5 Breed: Border Collie x Australian Sheperd Gender: Female Rank: Sub-Ordinates Appearance: Shep is 46 inches tall and weighs around 51 pounds. She has long black fur with blue merle spots. Her tail is black and around 6 inches long with a white tip. She has a white scruff around her neck and white on her chest and her belly. Her head is a silvery blue with a mix of black dots. She has a white stripe down her face that leads to her black nose. Her eyes are a light blue with a dark blue ring around them. Shep has one ear and a black ear. Her left ear folds down as her right ear stands straight up. She has scars mainly down her legs and a few across her muzzle. Her largest scar was when she had been attacked by a larger dog as a pup. The dog had made a scratch down her left side(will explain more in backstory). Personality: Shep is very kind to those in her pack. She can be aggressive and uncaring to outsiders for they aren't in the pack. Shep doesn't seem too friendly until you get to know her. Once you do, she is kind and playful. Shep does tend to have a nipping habit, although it is just her breed's instinct. She likes to play when she isn't on duty. Once on duty, she is focused and watching, keeping her instincts locked deep inside to survive. There is no room for error when you are scavenging and hunting. If you can't focus, no food will be provided and the pack will become weaker. Shep tries her hardest and has good stamina. She also has fairly good speed, although she does run out of energy sometimes. Shep doesn't usually show her feelings. If she is sad, she will keep it inside of her. The only feelings she will show (and usually does) are her anger and happiness. Other than those two, her feelings stay inside. This is why others can have a hard time trusting her because she doesn't express what she's truly thinking or feeling. She does tend to be a bit more expressive to her close friends or close packmates. Shep doesn't care about if the humans came back or not. If they tried to take them away, then yes, she would attack them to protect her pack, but if they just went on their way, Shep wouldn't mind. They never really did anything to her anyway. She'd only seen them walk past her on the streets and at her home (backstory). At her home, they just ignored her and kept doing what they had been doing. Strengths: -Stamina -Speed -Fighting -Staying Focused Weaknesses: -Showing Feelings -Trust Issues -Nipping Habit Backstory: Shep was raised on a small farm outside of the city. She was raised with her two brothers and mom. She had a dad but had never met him. One day as a small puppy, only about 7 months old, Shep wandered into the city to try and find her father. She wandered too far into the city and couldn't find her father. She tried heading back but was lost. She then started running around and soon came across a small box. She climbed inside only to be discovered a moment later by an adult. He seemed to own the box. He grabbed her by the back and tossed her out of the box. He then attacked her, scratching her down her whole left side. She bolted off, wincing in pain. She grew up in the city and never found her father. She had never seen her brothers or mom since. Crush: Open Mate: Open Offspring: None Other: Border Collie's are truly mine! Their coats are beautiful as well.

SCORCHED (human) RP: Name: Oakley "Ley or Lee" West Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Oakley is short for her age at the height of 5'1. She's only 130 pounds but has strong arms and legs built with muscles. Oakley has dark white skin that resembles the skin of a light Indian. She looks Indian because her grandpa was a full-blood Indian so that made Oakley a fourth Indian. She has chocolate brown hair with tints of blonde due to her highlights that she never recolored. Her hair goes down to her hips because she had never cut it and she let it grow out. It is usually up in two french braids. Her face is small with a flattened circular shape to it. She has a medium-sized nose with a few noticeable freckles, if you look closely, you will see little freckles under her eyes and on her nose. Her eyelashes are about half an inch long. Her eyebrows are slim. Oakley barely puts any makeup on. If she does though, it is usually blush. She has a small frame and a skinny body. It was hard for her to gain weight. It started when she was little, it was really hard for her to gain weight and she was bone-thin. Oakley thought it was just a little kid thing although she grew up with her being almost bone-thin. She had gained muscles through working out more. Oakley has large hazel-colored oval eyes with a dark blue ring around them and little amber spots in the iris. Her eyes seem to sparkle if the light hits them right. Oakley is usually wearing something from her large collection of black leggings and dark hoodies, usually the colors black, navy blue, dark red, or ombre black to white. She likes to wear hoodies just because they are comfortable. Oakley usually wears brown cowboy boots just because she thinks that it suits her style. Personality: Oakley is a very excited and energetic person. She is very good at expressing her excitement by jumping and running. She doesn't like to sit around and watch things happen. She wants to be a part of anything going on or anything about to happen like a run, fighting or even just a talk with others. Oakley has too much energy. She loves racing and doing activities with others. She loves running almost as much as she loves food. She likes the feel of the wind blowing through her hair when she runs. She feels as though it is like a river, smooth and calming. Ever since she was a kid, she had always liked the feel of the wind. Oakley has a mischievous side too. She sometimes gets into trouble by getting too curious. She was just too curious that it could get her hurt someday. She isn't the best at sitting still either. She is always moving around except when sleeping. She hates the feeling of waiting and watching others do things. Even when she is sick, she insists that she go help the group. She hates the feeling of sitting still. It makes her feel useless and uneasy. Oakley is very protective of her group. She hates feeling as though someone may be watching. She feels the need to be ready for an attack at any moment, even at peace. She is always ready to attack and defend. She is always ready to be attacked by something or someone trying to steal food or anything useful. She is almost always ready to listen to the Leaders' orders. Role: Fighter Crush: Don't even think about it Family: Open! Power: She has the ability to create fire in the palm of her hand. This usually lasts no longer than 20 minutes and the cooldown is usually around 1-2 hours. She can use this fire to set a house ablaze or even just use it to start a few sparks for a fire. When she uses this for starting fires, she has more energy and can save this power for later. Other: Oakley loves the feel of rain although it may seem weird since her power is to create fire. It doesn't affect her power unless she uses her power while her hand is wet or she is outside while it rains. (Also, this is a base of another character. I didn't type all of this.)