
{Credits for all images go to EssenceofPerception on DA. Stock Images} • E S M R A • . Pack Name/Number: M I S E R Y, #282271 Age: 4 Gender: Female Breed: Siberian Husky, German Shepherd . Appearance: Personality: Esmra is a very nurturing female. She is always making sure others are doing well before herself. A mature one, she is. Esmra doesn't tolerate immaturity. She will call you out on it. Esmra may not look that intimidating but you will find out she can be real soon. She is kind to everyone when she meets them unless they do something to piss her off. She isn't one to hold grudges against others despite her sarcastic mouth. . Her loyalty lies within the pack. She respects everyone despite their rank. Esmra does hope to achieve the role of Alpha at some point. She does see herself fit due to her leadership skills. Esmra puts everyone above herself. She sees them more as a priority to her. Esmra would most likely sacrifice herself for the pack. She doesn't see something like that needing to happen, but it stays in the back of her mind. Esmra knows she is alive because of this pack. You would never see her betraying them in any way. That's not who she is. . The female has confidence in herself. She is a very independent female who believes she will get things done faster by herself. However, she doesn't mind group work. She does work very well with others but she prefers to do it alone. Esmra is very determined. When she puts her mind to something, she will make sure to get it done before anything. Going along with her independence, Esmra has a hard time asking for help anyway. She can't seem to bring it to her to ask. Therefore, she performs alone and if she struggles, she just tries harder until she reaches success. . Likes: + Alone Time + + Pups + + Honesty + Dislikes: - Immaturity - - Cockiness - - Arrogance - Strengths: + Stealth + + Brute Strength + + Sense of Hearing + Weaknesses: - Endurance - - Stamina - - Second Guesses Herself - . Kin: Open Crush: Open Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A . Other: N/A | Edited at March 18, 2022 01:02 AM by M I S E R Y

• O N Y X • . Age: 4 Gender: Female Breed: Egyptian Mau . Appearance: words words words Personality: words words words . Likes: + Quietness + + Kits + + Working + Dislikes: - Noisiness - - Water - - Mud - Strengths: + Agile + + Stealth + + Climbing + Weaknesses: - Swimming - - Endurance - - Second Guesses - . Affiliations: Open! Kin: Open! Crush: Open! Mate: N/A Kits: N/A . Other: {Credits for all images go to @IvaxXx on DA. Stock Images} | Edited at March 21, 2022 01:20 AM by M I S E R Y

❃ C L O V I S ❃ . Age: Four Gender: Feminine Rank: Beta Desired Rank: Content Aroma: Vanilla . Appearance: Beautiful at first sight. Clovis is a well put together female who takes pride in her appearance. She has long silky fur that has a slight shine to it. Clovis was always on the larger side, as she stands at a height of 31 inches and weighs no more than 160 pounds. Despite her large build, she still keeps that feminine structure. Clovis' pelt is a silky black all around. She takes the shape and appearance of a lurking shadow. She has those intimidating facial features that often draw others away, yet she does not complain. Clovis contains golden eyes that pierce through darkness. Her eyes are the most colorful thing about herself. She has tons of emotions that are shown within those eyes. Clovis has a long yet sleek tail that she keeps high. She has massive paws that tend to intimidate others. Personality: Fierce. A perfect word to describe this female. She has a mouth on her and is not afraid to use it. Clovis will not take disrespect from any wolf, especially if they are below her. She stands her ground and is known to be quite independent. Never once has she needed a male. Clovis can be described as quite hotheaded. The smallest inconvenience can make her rage. She is a very hard female to gain trust from, so if you gain it, do not break it. Clovis has a very sarcastic mouth. It only gets worse if you say something utterly ridiculous. . Clovis is a very loyal female to those she actually trusts. Once she becomes close to someone, it is her duty to protect them and make sure they know she is there for them. She can't say that about many wolves, but those who have her trust are lucky. Especially in a pack, Clovis will want to fight off any threats, even if she knows she will lose. Her family is her first priority, and the pack is basically that. . A hardworking female. Clovis hates the idea of sitting around and doing nothing. She has to keep her kind busy or she will, in fact, go crazy. Clovis is one to offer going on patrols or small hunts. Anything to help contribute to the pack, she is already on top of it. One thing about the female, is she is not afraid of death. Death is afraid of her. She is fearless and will not hesitate to jump into battle. She has tons of confidence and nothing anyone says or does will change that for her. She is a determined female who will do anything to keep her loved ones and herself safe. . Likes: + Working + + Pups + + Winter + Dislikes: - Cockiness - - Disrespect - - Foxes - Strengths: + Intelligence + + Speed + + Leadership + Weaknesses: - Hotheaded - - Strength - - Endurance - . Kin: Open! Affiliations: Open! Crush: Open! Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A . Other: {Credits for all images go to @HotNStock on DA} | Edited at April 3, 2022 11:01 PM by M I S E R Y

Edited at May 19, 2023 03:32 AM by M I S E R Y


Edited at May 13, 2023 04:33 PM by M I S E R Y

name . Full Name: Name Meaning(s): Nickname(s): . Age: Gender: Sexual Orientation: . Birthday: Zodiac: Alignment: Love Language: . Appearance: Personality: . Likes: Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: . Relationship Status: Interested In: Spouse: Exes: Children: Kin: Affiliations: . Backstory: Other:

name . Full Name: Name Meaning(s): Nickname(s): . Age: Gender: Sexual Orientation: . Birthday: Zodiac: Alignment: Love Language: . Appearance: Personality: . Likes: Dislikes: Strengths: Weaknesses: . Relationship Status: Interested In: Spouse: Exes: Children: Kin: Affiliations: . Backstory: Other:

╔══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╗ Svana ╚══ஓ๑♡๑ஓ══╝ . ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ . Name Meaning(s): Svana - "like a swan" Name Origin: Norwegian . ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ . Age: Four Gender: Female Aroma: Pine Pack: The Anakai Kingdom Rank: Lead Warrior Desired Rank: Content . ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ . Appearance:  It is no doubt that Svana is quite a pretty sight to lay your eyes on. She has that feminine build to her and elegance that will surely turn heads in attraction. However, don't let her soft appearance fool you. Svana has a slim yet slightly muscular build that is hidden by her fluffy coat. She stands at approximately 32 inches and weighs no more than 170 pounds. She has quite average sized paws and a fairly bushy tail. Her tail reaches the full length of almost 3 inches. Most will assume she is full of confidence by the way she walks with elegance and pride. Her expressions are often very soft with a touch of sympathy. She has a quite unique coat that has numerous colors implemented upon it. Her base coat is more of a creamy color with almost tan undertones. Her back, ears, and tail are all splashed with a midnight black and outlined in many shades of brown. Her face has a mask of almost grey and soon goes back to that cream shade around her snout. She has a tan marking that starts at her nose and goes up to the middle of her eyes. Svana has piercing amber hues that almost having a glowing look to them in direct sunlight. She also has a charcoal colored nose that matches the inside of her ears. Overall, Svana has a feminine and soft look to her appearance that she, sometimes, uses to her advantage. Personality:  Svana is known to be quite the hot head. She doesn’t particularly get aggressive easily but she does get quite annoyed. What makes it worse is that her tone of voice naturally has slight aggression to it, even if she doesn’t mean for it to come out that way. Svana feels the need to be more hostile due to the fact that if she is docile, she can easily be taken advantage of. Svana wasn’t always a hostile wolf. She used to be the sweetest soul, until she realized that kindness gets you nowhere. Svana has her guard up around others 24/7. You’d be considered lucky if she opened up to you about anything in her life. Most describe her as quite mysterious because they know nothing about her. She feels that if she opens up to someone, they could use it against her. Svana shows signs of major trust issues, even with her own pack members. It’s hard to see someone’s true intentions until it’s too late. Then you look like an absolute fool. Svana tends to throw others off simply because of her looks. She doesn't look intimidating at all, until you piss her off. Strategic is Svana’s middle name. The she wolf is quite the mastermind when it comes to completing any sort of task that requires a high level of intelligence. She has had enough experience in her line of work to know what she’s doing. And that’s why she won’t take orders from anybody who is at her same level. The female can come off as quite stubborn. Once she’s made up her mind, there is no going back. Not even the most condescending wolf can convince her otherwise. Svana is known to be quite the cunning wolf. She is more of an observer rather than a talker. She knows not to blow her cover if she’s under extreme pressure when involved in a dangerous task, such as crossing into territory that’s not hers. Svana is very swift on her paws and is overall a stealthy wolf. The female is quite aware of her surroundings at almost all times and is rarely ever caught off guard. As much as Svana has slight trust issues, nobody can ever say she isn't loyal. Svana has, and always will be, loyal to her pack. After all, where would she be without them? Svana does as she is told by her superiors without hesitation.  One thing about Svana, is she is fearless. The female will stare danger straight in the face. She has been involved in many dangerous situations before but she has always gotten out of them. And after all, she’s still here, right? Svana does indeed have a couple of scars to remind her of the situations, but that won’t stop her. Especially when another pack member is in danger, she won’t hesitate to sacrifice herself. I mean, what does she have to lose? Dying in order to protect her pack mate sounds like a good way to go. Svana can come off as quite bold. She simply does not sugar coat things. If you’re acting like an asshole, you need to be held accountable for it. Svana tries to be as civil as possible with others, but it's hard if they are acting like incompetent fools. Svana can't stand ignorance and will have a few choice words to say if she suspects you are acting ignorant or cocky. The female is quite humble, surprisingly. After all, what does she have to be cocky over? Svana will never talk down on someone based on their rank, looks, etc. And she will never talk so highly of herself, she finds it childish. Despite the fact that she seems to be cold hearted, Svana is actually a very empathetic female. She doesn’t show it often but she will always be a listener for someone else. Even if Svana can’t relate to what they’re going through, she will for sure try her best to understand them. Svana can come off as quite passive aggressive, although she doesn’t mean to. This goes along with how the tone of her voice sends the wrong messages. She naturally carries an annoyed and frustrated tone that others get offended by. Svana is known to be quite a hard worker. She does whatever she can to help her pack and her pack only. Although she prefers to work alone, she is fully capable of working with others…As long as they know what they’re doing. Svana tries to be quite condescending but it never works due to the fact that she is terrible at giving advice. That's why she just prefers to listen. One thing about Svana, is she will never back down from a fight. Being the mature female that she is, she is not one to go around starting fights. But she sure as hell will be the one to finish them. Her efforts within the pack has granted her the position that she possesses currently. Yes, it would be nice to be a higher up, but she is also content with her rank. . ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ . Likes: + The Moon + + Working + + Sunsets + Dislikes: - Ignorance - - Winter - - Being Insulted - Strengths: + Intelligence + + Stealth + + Combat + Weaknesses: - Endurance - - Swimming - - Climbing - . ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ . Crush: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring: N/A Kin: Mother - Deceased Father - Unknown . ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ ─•~❉᯽❉~•─ . Other: (credits for all images go to @Lakela on DA) Edited at May 19, 2023 03:47 AM by M I S E R Y