
. three .
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. male (he/him) .
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. bisexual .
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. brighton is a dark pelted wolf, sporting a white streak on fur on his chest, as well as white on his chin, toes, underbelly and tail tip.
he has a sloping back, which flows into his large haunches. his shoulders are rather square. brighton has a couple scattered scars on his pelt from occasional tumbles and scuffles, nothing too extreme, though.
brighton’s eyes are a strong shade of yellow with paler flecks inside them. his skin is dark, the only way you could tell the difference between his fur and his nose is because of light. his fur is rather thick, but not long, only really keeping him warm and not others if they snuggle up to him.
brighton is a rather big wolf, being ~33’’ tall and at healthy weight, 120lbs.
brighton walks heavy-footed, making him prone to slipping on ice and sinking his whole leg into the snow. due to this, he can often be seen with his legs caked in clumps of snow; which, while that does give him water while he licks it off, can easily give him frostbite .
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. brighton tries to be a dominant wolf, as much as he inherently isn’t. that being said, he isn’t too fond of the bossy part of dominance, so he does the more subtle things via body language. he holds his tail upwards, his chin up, placing his head on other’s backs, etc. he’d only do those things to wolves at his rank or below, he isn’t brave enough to do it to anybody above him.
brighton is no eloquent wolf, he’s a bit of a jokester, he’s a bit annoying, he doesn’t want anybody to take him seriously. he tends to run on the optimistic side of life, that being said he is not good at cheering anybody or even himself up. like everyone, brighton does have his moments of hopelessness; not often, though.
brighton is deathly afraid of heights, which isn’t terribly good considering he lives on a mountain. it’s why he wanted to be a guard, despite the other reasons of course. he thinks if he became a hunter or a scout he’d forget to look where he was going and would end up falling off a cliff or something, which he could do. he’s really just glad he was born in süd and not norden.
even though brighton is a guard, he doesn’t think he could actually kill another wolf if it came to it, he’d rather give up his own life than vanquish another’s; at least for now since he doesn’t really have anything to live for, if he had a family then maybe he could bring himself to. but for now? definitely not.
he is a bit of a compulsive liar, but he is good about coming out with the truth… eventually. the longest lie he ever caught himself in was for about four months, and as much as he no longer remembers what he lied about, he’s so relieved he got it off his chest.
brighton is anxious around new wolves, though he may not show it. he is actually very extroverted. when he meets a new wolf, he’s usually very… “normal” outwards, but internally his heart is beating fast enough to power a small jet.
brighton is prone to trusting wolves too easily, which can end him up in tough spots .
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. brighton was born an only pup to his parents, so they had high expectations for him, always imprinting in his mind that he had to be alpha one day.
during his pup-hood, brighton was the most extroverted, always wanting to be in charge of all the games the pups played and the way he’d make himself in charge was being older than the other pups, he could be older than another pup by even a day, but he’d still be in charge of them. his favourite game to play was hide and seek, always preferring to seek so he knew he wouldn’t freeze to death if the seeker never found him.
growing up he’d actually first wanted to be a scout, because at the time scouts had a more fun job, getting to spy on the other pack in secret, however he wasn’t allowed to, since his dark pelt stuck out too much against the snow, his second option would have been hunter, however, once more, his pelt was too dark, so he ended up having to be a guard. brighton was terrified of being a guard, because while he was growing up the guards had to battle, but when the war calmed down during his time as a juvenile, he realised he may not even have to fight at all- just defend; and he was much more content with that.
it was during his time as a juvenile that his mother passed away, and as much as it feels wrong to say it, he isn’t sure he even cared. his mother had always pressured him to be something he didn’t want to, always a loud fly buzzing in his ear. so, really, her being gone could be called the increase in his quality of life.
when brighton became a fully fledged guard, he finally felt like his life had gained meaning, he now had a job to do and he’d be damned if he didn’t do it perfectly, or better than perfect! he always strived to over-perform, going the distance to make people see just how good he was at his job. he supposed this sprouted his need to become gamma, he wanted to perform well enough that he could train pups that were just like him to really be just like him.
he’s calmed down a bit since then, realising that working extra hard didn’t make him better, it just made him too tired to actually perform his best .
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brighton’s voice claim is jay, from band crywank.
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brighton’s playlist
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brighton's page
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©281462 for image (me)