
Game Moderator Neutral
https://image.ibb.co/gYE9sQ/IMG_1145.jpg Art by AutumnWillows
Name: Saika Age: around 4-5 Gender: Male Species: Unknown (canine) Looks: A canine whose breed is unknown, he's likely some sort of wolf/dog, but he's been experimented on so many times it's impossible to determine what breed he is. He's got scars all over his body, the most noticeable are a huge one on his chest and left shoulder, a scar that was made from chain collar is around his neck, across his left eye, a massive one on the right side of his face, that seems to be from serious burns(the entire right side of his face is only skin/scarred flesh; both the front, the back, the top and side of his head/face), a third of his right ear is missing, and most of his left ear is too. He's got many other scars all over his body, some are bigger than others. A similar scar that's on the right side of his face is across his left flank.
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Game Moderator Neutral
WIP application for Shadow Touched characters
Pack Name and Number : Destinations End #1017 Character Name : Daren Skylin
Age : 16
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Homosexual
Species : Werewolf
Appearance :
Human appearance: Daren is about average height for his age. Because of the beating he received in the past, his leg never healed right and left him with a permanent limp in both forms. His hair is pitch black and his eyes are a light golden-brown his left eye has flecks of light grayish-blue/green. He has a number of scars, the most noticeable are across the bridge of his nose, on his left eye, a large one that runs from his right lower lower flank, over his right flank and ends on his chest. He has many other scars, but they're less noticeable. Werewolf form: His fur is extremely dark gray-brown(almost black in color), with slightly lighter markings on his cheeks, throat, chest, tail tip and belly. He has an even slightly lighter stripe that starts at the end of his nose and goes up to a little below his eyes. His hind left paw(the leg he's limp in) is a lighter gray-brown and his three other paws are pitch black. He has thin silver stripe-like markings on his legs and flecks of semi-dark reddish-brown across his pelt. His rump, hind quarters and front legs and shoulders have slightly larger flecks of pitch-black. He has a dark rich golden-red/brown patch-like marking over his right eye. His ear tips are the same dark rich golden-red/brown color He has golden-yellow eyes, with grayish-blue/green flecks in the left.
He has many scars from the brutal beating he went through in the past, the most noticeable are the same as the ones in his human form. His right ear is badly shredded and his left ear is nicked. Personality : Daren is normally reserved, quiet, a bit of a loner who doesn't like large crowds or to be around others for long periods of time, and he can come off as cold, if not a little brash if you don't know him well or know what happened to him in his past that made him this way. Sometimes he can act without thinking of the consequences, even if it could get him killed or badly injured, when enrage, but it will take a lot to get him to that point.
Strengths/Pros : Daren can be really stealthy, he can usually move quietly and somewhat-quickly if necessary, and will put his enhanced senses(excluding sense of smell; see weakness/cons) to good use as needed.
The fact he doesn't easily trust others and the outcomes it can lead to in certain circumstances can be seen as both a weakness and a strength, depending on if the being he's become suspicious of turns out to be someone is good, one of them, is willing to help the shadow touched or if they're evil, is planning to betray them and/or wants to hurt them.
Weaknesses/Cons : Daren is somewhat weaker than the average werewolf due to the outcome of something that happened in his past that he nearly died from(but thanks to the outcome of rigorous training he put himself through, it's not as severe as it would of been)Daren was born with a bad nose that could barely smell anything, but with what happened in his past he almost died from that also caused him to become weaker than the average werewolf also took his sense of smell completely.
Literacy Level/RP Example : Literate(from anywhere to 6+ paragraphs, the occasional 5 if I'm stuck with writers block, and can go up to 1000-2000+ words per post depending on the roleplay)
Example: "Raj! Get down here!" The man who was Raj's legal guardian, his uncle, called up the stairs. Raj didn't hear the shouts at first over the sound of his music, that and because he was sitting on the roof of the house, so he was startled when the man began pounding angrily at his door. After hurriedly taking his headset out of his ears and putting them in his pocket next to an old MP3 player he shifted into his fox form and scampered over to the other side of the roof and through the window to his bedroom. Almost instantly realizing that had been a mistake, as he wasn't able to shift back on command. Hearing the knob to his makeshift bedroom turn, he leapt underneath the cramped space between his bed and the floor, just before his uncle had thrown his door open.
"Raj! Why didn't you answer?!" The man paused as he glanced around the tiny room. "Where are you..?" "I'm down here..." the boy said quietly, feeling the anger seething of his uncle, slowly crawling out from under his bed, once again in his human form. "What were you doing down there boy?" Raj shrank back slightly as his uncle growled the words quietly. Raj opened his mouth to speak but his uncle held up his hand, "forget it, I don't really care anyways. Now turn off your lights and get to bed. I'll see you in the morning." Raj nodded slightly as his uncle left his room, biting back words that would lead to the man becoming even angrier, slamming the door. Raj shut the window and slowly crawled into the bed. Still trying to catch his breath, the fact that he almost got caught by his uncle in his shifter form frightened him. He had no idea what would happen if his uncle became aware of what he really was. He knew his uncle wasn't one, and didn't know if his parents had been as they died when he was very young. He also knew couldn't ask his uncle without revealing what he was, so he just assumed they had been.
"Oh yeah! I'll be gone for a few days, so you're going to be on your own until I return." His uncle's voice growled loudly from the first story of the house where his room was above. "You know the rules."
Raj flinched at the anger and hate the man spoke with, making a small squeak in response, just loud enough to make sure he had been heard. After several moments passed he silently noted he needed to learn better control of his other half, and so far he'd been doing very well on his own, but he knew he couldn't keep it up for long. He just wished he'd be able to find someone like him, that could help him. He shook his head dismissing the thought, even if he did find another person like him, he knew he wouldn't, or couldn't trust them, he couldn't trust anyone.If he'd learned anything from living with his uncle, it was that he had to take care of himself. Deep down he hated living that way, but it was the only way he knew.
(I easily can do longer posts, and often tend to do so)
Other: Used to be in a pack of Nomadic werewolves, his father was the younger brother of the leader, and beta of the pack. Daren, being the eldest son of the beta was chosen to become the, so to speak, heir and next alpha of the pack, once the current leader died or retired, at a very young age because his uncle's mate was barren and they couldn't have pups of their own.
Sometime after Daren turned eleven he came to the realization he was gay. He did his best to conceal this fact, and was able for almost two years, when his younger brother saw him with another male that wasn't in their pack. Daren had to tell his brother the truth and his brother promise to keep it a secret.
But about a week or two later his youngest brother had been tricked into revealing everything by their middle sister, who wanted Daren's title as the next alpha, and she announced it all to the whole pack. Left with no choice but to admit, He was disowned, shunned and forced to leave, after a brutal beating, that nearly took his life, from several pack members he once had called his friends.
His younger brother, Benji snuck away that night to be with Daren. At first Daren wanted nothing to do with his brother, who he felt had purposely betrayed him. At first he completely ignored his brother and often yelled at him if he tried to go to him, but never actually forced him to return to his former pack or somewhere else.
A little over a month passed and the two eventually became closer than they had been before what had happened in their old pack. His brother was killed a little over a year later at their den they called home in the forest, the culprit unknown, while Daren was out buying supplies in a small town. Daren wants to find whoever is guilty and avenge his brother
Edited at October 30, 2017 06:19 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Part two for the Shadow touched characters
Pack Name and Number : Destinations End #1017
Character Name : Tomo Harlen
Age : 15
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Asexual (may change him to heterosexual, or maybe bisexual, depending on how the roleplay turns out)
Species : Skin-Walker
Appearance : Human: Tomo is shorter than the average height for boys his age, he's also really slender that gives him a skinny appearance. His hair is an extremely dark rich amber brown; the majority of his hair is almost close to a black color but his bangs are much lighter rich amber-brown than the rest of his hair. The style of his hair is something between a spiky and scruffed messy look but it smooths out a little at the back lower part of his head, his hair goes down to a little longer than the base of his skull, almost like a short bob. Tomo's skin is between a mid-dark tan and a light brown and his eyes are a rich brown.
Form of the animal spirit he can transform into: His looks are something between a South China tiger and a Malayan tiger, he's about the size of an adolescent tiger, but maybe slightly smaller. Due to being pseudo-melanistic he's black with tan stripes, though the tan stripes are so thin it seems as if he's tan/orange with extremely thick black stripes. He's got white markings, though it has a silvery tint to it, around his eyes, on his chin, cheeks, belly, tail tip, and the insides of his legs. His eyes are a rich amber-brown
Personality : Tomo is smart, compassionate, loyal, gentle, friendly, and is always ready to help those in need, but he doesn't usually show too much emotion, unless it's over one of his fears or standing up for his friends or if he's standing up for or protecting someone, so it's difficult to tell what he's thinking a lot of the time.
Strengths/Pros : Tomo makes up for his lack of strength with agility and strategic thinking. He has a calm and level head.
Weaknesses/Cons : His lack of strength and extreme fear of water are probably Tomo's biggest weaknesses. Sometimes his readiness to help most anyone in need can lead to trouble for him. Along with his deathly fear of water, he also has the fear of heights, abandonment, the dark and bees.
Literacy Level/RP Example : (see Daren literacy level and roleplay example)
Other: the animal of his spirit he can transform into is a pseudo-melanistic South China Tiger/Malayan Tiger hybrid, however he's struggling with this skill. He wears silver-gray rimmed glasses. *add backstory here* Edited at October 31, 2017 03:36 PM by Destinations End
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Game Moderator Neutral
Pack Name and Number : Destinations End #1017 Character Name : Attor
Age : around 2-3 (around 15 in human years)
Gender : Male
Sexuality : Bisexual
Species : Fiend Dog
Appearance : A large black canine-like creature with glowing red eyes. He resembles something between a Pitbull, Beauceron, Boerboel, Chinook, Irish Wolfhound, Giant Schnauzer and a Treeing Tennessee Brindle.
He has various scars, the most noticeable are the ones above his left eye, across his lip and chin, across his right flank, and on his left shoulder, there are a couple other very small ones, but they aren't that noticeable. One tooth sticks out from under his lip on both sides of his the front of his mouth(sort of like what a saber tooth tiger had, but his teeth aren't quite as large)
Personality : Attor doesn't seem to like other creatures, for the most part, and is wary of strangers. It'll take him a while to come out of his shell and interact with someone, but once he gets to know you and considers you a friend, he'll be extremely loyal, and fight to protect you. He doesn't like large crowds.
Strengths/Pros : Attor can move quicker than wind and can transform into smoke. He's also pretty strong.
Weaknesses/Cons : Attor doesn't always think before acting, which can sometimes get him into trouble. He doesn't tend to like bright lights or being in wide open spaces.
Literacy Level/RP Example : (See Daren's example)
Other: He'd want to form a companionship with either skin walker or a werewolf, however there's a chance he could form one with an elementia, but he won't consider a demon or wraith, but again, it'd take some time for him to trust someone enough to consider this. Edited at October 31, 2017 03:38 PM by Destinations End
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