Mayavi Meaning: elusive, illusory, deceptive ⇔ "This would be a cool way to die." "I really could care less for the monologue." "Risky? Please.'' "I thought I was a foul for no one... But, clearly I'm a foul for you." ⇔ (Mai-ya-vee) Nickname: Maya Age: 5 years old Sex: Female Rank: Former warrior - Banished Desired rank: Sentinel Thoughts on Gods: Maya believes that the gods were named to provide comfort in a world of chaos. Such comfort caused the demise of her brother, who perished due to an illness. Her brother prayed for the gods to heal him, but no miracle occurred. His death lead to her calling out the faults and incapabilites of the 'gods' in which the believers of the pack weren't too fond of, thus leading to her banishment. Despite the past unfortunate events, she believes the pack can learn to thrive in chaos and live in the world in its natural, raw state. If the pack doesn't wake up from these fairytales soon, then they'll end up like her brother, damned and dead. Appearance:   All Image Credits: Stock by Clickitysnip-Stock @DA Originating from the dense, northern forests of Norway, Mayavi has inherited a pelt and an accent just to match such a climate. As, her fur is thick and rough to incorporate harsh winters, and her skin is littered with scars to reflect the brutal environment. The underside of her pelt is a darker shade of grey, while the upper side is a pleasant combination of silvers, whites, and creams that vary in shade and intensity. Being a Russian Grey Wolf, she stands at a rather average size for her kind at 33 inches at her shoulder, 65 inches from nose to tail, and weighing 120 pounds. Along with being tall, Maya has rather lithe, yet muscular, body. This should make her appear slender, however her thick pelt makes her seem larger than she actually is. But, of course, this illusion goes away once she's drenched in water. Some striking features Maya possesses includes her eyes and her paws. As, her eyes hold pale emerald hue with yellow and gold highlights. This makes her optics appear as if they glow, and almost draws others in like an optic illusion. Besides her eyes, she also has large, rather fuzzy paws. These work as snow shoes to keep her on the surface of the snow. And though they might make her appear clumsy and hefty, Rika is actually light on her feet and prides herself in being agile and nimble. Personality: Stoic+Calm+Sarcastic+Dead pan humor+cynical+ruthless+self-reliant+neutral attitude+flare and flauntiness+Independent+Witty+easy-going+loyal+impassive+ hardened+reticent+realist. Mayavi comes as advertised. As, she's a cynic with a neutral attitude and a realist perspective. She tells it how it is and will never sugar coat even the cruelest of language. This displays a brutally honest vocabulary with little to no regard to the effect her words have on those around her. This trait seems to reflect her stoic front that portrays an impassive and rather emotionless aura that surrounds her. She receives and reflects all with a neutral and calm attitude. Her voice is nearly always dry and flat, making distinguishing between her sarcasm and solemnity difficult. However, despite her even tone, Maya can be quite the comedian. As, dead-pan humor is right up her alley. She'll often use this dry wit sarcasm to lighten up situations when it's needed, or even when it's not needed. It comes naturally to her, as perhaps its a way to balance out her lack of emotion. Whether it's bravery or a pure disregard for her own safety, Mayavi is a bit of risk taker. She enjoys the thrill of tip toeing on the edge of death and will often be the one to do dangerous tasks when no one else is willing. She's audacious, and a bit of a swashbuckler. Her talent to seemingly walk on the edge of death with no hesitation has built confidence and a bit of flauntiness within her. Taking risks is in her bones, as she's got nothing to loose, so why worry about the consequences of the thrilling experience. If she's going out, she's going out with flare.
Being such a undaunted and fearless lass, she's quite tough and durable. She enjoys pushing through the impossible with pure grit. She's hardy and possesses great mettle. Which is perhaps why she doesn't mind pushing the lines of her own capabilities. Years of experience with danger and pain has hardened her, as now, nothing seems too great of a challenge to not endure through the hardships of it. Call it fortitude, as Maya is surely one to prevail in adversity. Mayavi's ability to push past suffering has created independent and self reliance within her. She has learned not to depend on others, as she will truly be the only one there in every waking moment that will be available to asisst herself. Besides, why rely on others when no one else is willing to accompany her in her adventures. Self sufficiency has been the foundation that built boldness and vigor within Maya. Mayavi's core beliefs are trust and honesty. As, once one has created a trustworthy and respectable reputation in her books, she'll be loyal until she drops dead. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, such as betrayal or perfidy. Both she doesn't take lightly, and bitter cold shall follow if she finds a comrade participating in such treacherous acts. Despite her adventures flamboyance, Mayavi's stoicism makes her easygoing and grounded. She's never one to panic and will often hold a sense of calmness wherever she goes. Of course, if she were to panic, no one would ever know due to her impassive nature. She's an anchor for others, as her fearless attitude combined with an emotionless aura often is a reassurance towards beneficial outcomes. Her unwavering calm and tranquility is also a factor why behaviors like hostility or anguish might be surprising or eerie for those who experience these rare emotions. While she is a composed damsel, do know that if you're lucky enough to see these emotions leak from her, tread lightly. When it rains, it pours. Anger causes her to morph in to a ruthless, merciless, terror evoking beast. She'll rip her victim apart and only make them wish they weren't the cause of her rage. But few have been able to cause this unlikely event, so those near have little tp worry about. As, she'd mostly a dormant, neutral creature who has only a passion for daring adventure. Mayavi's independence often indirectly effects her social activity. As, most times she isn't much interested in others and will often ferment in her own calculations, cutting in here and there with a dry joke. She speaks when she deems it necessary, either to lighten the mood or simply share vital information. This intentional silence allows Maya to be observant and analytical. She enjoys watching the interaction of others, understanding their body language, the way they speak, and judging their moods. It's a game to her, kinda like a puzzle. Who will act out today? Who will sulk in the corner? Is their behavior out of the ordinary? Maya loves it. Such an analyst can catch the slight curve of a lip, the quiver of an eye, or the tensing of muscles. Sure, one can lie and deceit through words and tone of voice, but there's no hiding the micro expressions of body language. Thus, there's little others can hide from her, as she's mastermind in identifying liars, cheats, and deceivers. Mayavi's observance and independence has created tendencies to lurk in the background. She's elusive by selection. As, one day she might be in the center of camp, the next no where to be seen. She's unpredictable, as the minute you think you have her presence, she'll disappear. But, despite her absence, just know somehow, someway she'll be watching. She enjoys relaying information and using her audacious tendencies to assist the pack in patrols and hunts across the vast territory. Her observations allows her to be stealthy and her select silence assists her ability to remain low profile. She's a skilled and experienced soldier who's willing to take risks, endure struggles, and complete her assignments with haste regardless of who gets in the way. Mayavi truly is a valuable team member and will be a vital asset in all aspects of pack life. Strengths: Sheer size and experience pack a powerful punch when feuding with enemies. Nimbleness and agility assist her ability to utilize stealth and remain low profile. Very observant and analytical. Soldierly: Mayavi's committed to risk her life for the task at hand and she is extremely loyal. Humor: She uses her dead-pan humor and dry-wit sarcasm to lighten the mood. Weaknesses: She has a pure disregard for her own safety. Despises water due to the weight it adds to her fur. Large size causes her to be less speedy and quick, as she more relies on power. Independence makes it hard for others to work with her, although she's an expert at following orders. Solidarity and a stoic attitude can make it somewhat hard to trust and bond with her. It takes awhile to understand her patterns and judge her impassive behavior. Unpredictable: leads others to dislike her, as few can get a read on where she stands and her brutal honestly can often burn bridges. In other words, her presence is controversial between all parties. Affiliations: Work in progress. Mate: N/A, PM me. Love Interest: N/A, PM me. Offspring: Closed. Backstory: WIP Other: |