Wolf Play : Wanderlust X Ylva
06:05:47 Fei the writer
Now to name the two lucky devils
06:02:23 Kat ?
Poll pspsps
-WP Click-
 Celestial Saga
05:58:48 Queen / Jo
There we go . lol 😂
05:52:31 Fei the writer
Thank you ^^
 Celestial Saga
05:49:59 Queen / Jo
Cute pups
05:47:08 Fei the writer
-WP Click-

-WP Click-
 Celestial Saga
05:46:57 Queen / Jo
Fei okay
05:45:06 Fei the writer
Uh let me get the pups I was hoping would be female
 Celestial Saga
05:44:06 Queen / Jo
Fei oh what do you mean. If you was able to would you change the genders
05:43:25 Fei the writer
two not do
05:43:05 Fei the writer
Do mother wolves with male pups are at risk. I'm hoping they live as I can't change both male pups genders.

So I'm hoping both mothers live
 Celestial Saga
05:39:48 Queen / Jo
Fei ohh why not change itÂ’s gender then
05:39:24 Fei the writer
I am not fond of male defects or boosts.

I do keep some if I have no choice
 Celestial Saga
05:37:57 Queen / Jo
This is the pup -WP Click-

I was gonna customise him but not sure anymore -WP Click-
 Celestial Saga
05:36:34 Queen / Jo
Fei IÂ’m guessing you wanted those reverse genders
05:35:38 Fei the writer
Honestly I'm torn as one of my wolves gave me a male Divine Health but it's male but on the other hand I also got a female viti
05:34:37 Cowpoke
Sorry about that, I'll try my best to spell out what I'm saying
 Celestial Saga
05:33:46 Queen / Jo
When I bred her to Apollo I asked for a Anxanthic pup got a Dark Fallow instead, I breed her to a Gaelic Blood wanting a GB she gives me a Anxanthic. But I donÂ’t know what to do with her now, I already customised Celestial
05:33:13 Fei the writer
Please spell out your words. Chatspeak isn't allowed
05:32:02 Fei the writer

Demon Mistress
Not the best but getting by. How are you?


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Wanderlust X YlvaJuly 23, 2021 09:29 PM


Posts: 361
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Wanderlust X YlvaJuly 23, 2021 11:56 PM


Posts: 2721
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Damen Avar Ostana




Damen doesn't have a care in the world. Being already young, he's obtained quite a reckless life within his younger years and is always looking for a way to create chaos, small or big. The idea of it is because the man is an adrenaline junky, always looking for something exciting to do and stir up some drama. Damen has been known for his rebellious acts but still staying within the set rules of something. This causes him to not only get in trouble regardless if he follows the rules, but also make a bigger name for himself. Some may call him power-hungry, but Damen just doesn't really take anything seriously. Most tend to just call him immature, but Damen could really care less.

Damen is quite the smartass. With constant comments to almost anything anyone says and some looks that he manages to give to others, most just hate his guts. His reputation is seriously built off this, and he's been known to just speak in sarcasm like it's a language of his. He has a tendency to make everyone around him pissed off, which he doesn't intend to do but he finds in entertaining. Damen doesn't really understand the whole relationship thing either, so even if it's romantic or not, he won't take it serious. Damen believes that everyone is just here for their time and then everyone dies, so why take life so serious?

Despite him being quite the rebel, there are some times where Damen will in fact be serious. This could be due to certain reasons, but he almost always becomes serious if you're a girl he likes being around. Damen doesn't let people in so easily, so this more 'human' side of him is quite uncommon to see. He will become more honest (not that he is a liar, he just never really says anything that is 'true' as it is all jokes to him), open, and maybe a tad more soft but nothing crazy.

Damen doesn't show his true emotions. Mainly hidden by his stubbornness and anger, Damen's true emotions mainly come out to play while he is alone. He doesn't really express them then, but he hates showing his emotions because he doesn't understand them. He can still be a shoulder to cry on regardless, but talking about feelings or something like that makes him uncomfortable. Damen does try his best (while being serious) to be as understandable as possible, but sometimes it just doesn't work at all and he has a tendency to make jokes out of it, but not to be offensive. Damen only really relates to things that he's felt or endured, but he still tries his best.

Damen is a hard-worker. He won't stop until he drops and is constantly working as much as he can. He hates being told no, and this is where his stubbornness takes place. He becomes an even bigger asshole most of the time, and Damen is always in need of expressing his anger or other feelings. By then, he will become more reserved if you have managed to push his buttons, which isn't hard to do. Say one wrong thing to the young man and you just might disappear.

The only people Damen really do care about his is family. He never really had a stable relationship, and was known in high school for jumping around with girls. He still sticks to that to this day, but has learned that it isn't good and isn't as big of a player anymore. Damen has grown to become more loyal and protective of those he cares about and perhaps likes, but he is always unsure of how to show he cares. You know that you have made an impact on Damen's life though if you see him break down or when he is actually serious and being sincere. That's quite uncommon though, even if he does like you.

Damen, although a rather reckless boy, is quite honest and would never lie, unless it were to be to protect someone very close to him. He has no true boundaries, making him rather open and available in most cases (if he likes you, that is. Cannot guarantee the same treatment for everyone). He's a hard worker with a good work ethic, always trying to be as proficient as possible.

The biggest weakness of his has to be how easy it is for him to cave in while alone as he constantly hides his true emotions. This makes him come off as someone he really isn't. He's stubborn and sometimes a bit blinded by how bad he wants to do something by himself when he knows he should or needs to get help for something.

Damen stands at six foot evenly, inheriting his father's height. He resembles his mother mainly though, having more defined features than his father did and more like his mother. His build is quite average with some defined muscles like his biceps and back muscles. He has broader shoulders, making him look quite intimidating. Damen has average-sized hands with some obvious veins and short, picked at fingernails that are round in shape. His hands are quite rough from working and calloused. He has a longer torso, just like most in his family and it's quite hard to find good-fitting clothing sometimes because of this. Damen has muscles legs, but that's just because he's fit (most of his strength is from is upper-body anyways).

As stated already, Damen had inherited his mother's looks and resembles her a lot. Not only in the more fit body shape, but also his defining features, which is mainly his jawline that is formed by his ovular shaped head. He is more defined than his sister, Neith, who has the more softer features that his father had. Anyways, Damen has a slim-looking face, his defined jawbones making them look even more slimmer. His chin is more squared-off than it is rounded off, leaving him with an even more slim look. Damen has more narrow eyebrows that are a lighter shade of brown than his hair, and have a slight angle towards the end of them. About half an inch down sits his green eyes, and below them are his heavy begs. They are more darker on the outside, and towards the pupil they are lighter and are quite striking. They are rimmed with dark and short eyelashes that have the slightest curl upwards. His nose is qutie small, slightly curved as he had broken it at a young age. He has a thin top lip, his bottom being a nit larger.
~In Neith's form it says that she inherited her mother's eyes, but she just got the shape. ^^

Damen has a full head of hair that is a dark brown, most darkest towards his roots. He has long and messy curls, some of which (especially in the front) fall onto his forehead and curl out against and also sorta fall onto his smaller ears. The back curls against his neck, and his hair is normally frizzy and unkempt. He very rarely gets a haircut, so the occasional trim is all he'll go to make it look more presentable.

Damen likes to keep a clean-shaven face, but can in fact grow facial hair but it is normally quite patchy. He can be found wearing a simple tank-top with a plaid flannel on top and baggy jeans, or sometimes just a t-shirt and sweatpants or maybe shorts. Damen wears a silver chain that is thin and a couple of rings on each hand. His left hand has a small silver band on the pinky and his middle finger is a snake ring. On Damen's right hand, he has a wrap-around gold ring on his thumb and two on his middle finger; both are silver, the top one being a bit thinner than the bottom one so it fits on his knuckle. The top one is quite bland, but on the inside of the ring are his initials which was a gift from his mother. The second one appears as if it is almost 'braided'.

Anything he finds comfortable, basically.

Described in appearance.

Neith Elaine Nesryn Ostana - Older sister, unknown whereabouts
Damen Edward Ostana - Twin brother, presumably dead

Significant Other


Raised poor, Damen, alongside his twin brother and his older sister, Damen had Dorian (his twin) managed to make money by stealing from the wealthy when they both just turned 14. They would steal the most valuable objects, some even considered sacred, as they invested in finding different treasures that those had already owned. They would pawn their objects at high- reputation pawn shops around town. By the time Damen and Dorian had turned 17, Neith had already moved out and their mother still needed as much help as possible.

Upon working normal and of course legal jobs, Damen had fell out of the whole thieving world until Dorian came to him with a job that would require the best skill, in which in this case, Damen had been considered a pretty damn good thief. He would accept the job, and along came another four years of stealing until his brother would end up presumably dead as they ran from the cops.

Damen still hasn't been caught, but as he also looks for his brother, he steals from those who are wealthy in order to make his own money and still help out his mother.

His role is the thief.
Wanderlust X YlvaJuly 24, 2021 01:09 AM


Posts: 361
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Hélio Vieyra

Male | 20

| Nickname(s) |

Lio: Pronounced like Leo

| Sexuality |


| Ethnicity |


| Appearance |

Helio stands at 5'8, just an inch out of the average height for a man. His complexion is a rather pale ivory tone. Funnily enough, his whole family has sun kissed tanned skin. The man has clear, untouched skin to die for. His eyes are big and round. Due to his heterochromia, his left eye is a pale green and his right eye is an icy blue. From a far one can't tell he has two different colored eyes, as they appear to be the same icy blue.

Lio has sharp features. High cheek bones, sharp jawline, and hollow cheeks. A straight nose, paired with plump pink lips for a male. He does in fact have very prominent dimples, that seem to brighten up the room when he smiles and they come out to play. He has thick, long, curly lashes that make his eyes stand out against his pale skin. His eyebrows are thick and angular, but have a good shape for his face. They seem slightly unkempt. He tends to leave his stubble, as a clean shaven looks makes him feel like a child.

His hair is jet black and is a soft wavy. He keeps the sides on the shorter side and longer on the top. His hair seems to style itself on top of his head, as he doesn't actually have to use much product for them to look perfectly tousled. His build is on the skinnier side, with light muscle. An athletic skinny type. He has a hard time building any muscle further than that.

Does not have any tattoos. No piercing either. No real scars other than childhood ones, from falling off his bike and others of the sort. He does have a large brand mark in between his shoulder blades.

Lio's attire is full of brand named clothing. He will either be wearing expensive suits. Normally, he wears a button up dress shirt, with a sweat over it. With a nice pair of pants and dress shoes. He is always wearing a gold watch, or any watch in general. He usually He does wear three gold rings. They each have their own unique design.

| Personality |

Lio is a happy go lucky person. He can make anyones frown turn upside down. He's always going out of his way to make anyones day better, if he notices someone gloomy. He's charming, kind, extremely caring, and funny. People always have something good to say about Lio. The man is a ball of sunshine. His name literally means sun. No one has ever witnessed the man in a bad mood. It seems as if it's almost impossible for the man to be upset.

He's the type to always be putting others before himself. He can be an open book at times. At least to what he wants one to see. Lio actually does not curse and has never cursed. It wasn't really something he decided just something that kind of happened and he kept it going. He loves being the light of the party. A social butterfly wherever he goes. The man is never not flashing his perfect white smile and sweet dimples. He loves complimenting people and seeing strangers smile. His love language is touch and affection. He absolutely loves giving gifts without there even being an occasion.

Lio is very family orientated. He is by no means a violent person. In fact he hates any kind of violence. He always wants to do the right thing. Although, Lio is charming he is a horrible flirt. He can't tell when someone is flirting with him, even if it is painfully obvious.

| Fear(s) |

Helio's is deathly afraid of the ocean, or large bodies of water. He does not visit lakes, rivers, or the beach. The man could go into a full break down, if he comes face to face with any body of water.

| Likes |

Lio absolutely adores his large family. Sweets, reading, drawing, singing, playing the guitar, painting, plants, animals.

| Dislikes |

Helio despises violence. Guns, weapons, fighting, rude people, the "villain"

| Relatives |

Stavros Vieyra - Father

Zinovia Vieyra - Mother, Deceased

Giorgia Vieyra - Step Mother, is of Italian descent

Kyril Vieyra - Oldest Brother

Thalia Vieyra - Sister, second oldest

Adrian Vieyra - Brother, third oldest

Dioni Cirillo - Grandmother, Zinovia's mother

Barak Cirillo - Grandfather, Zinovia's father

Carlotta Vieyra - Step sister

Orien Vieyra - Step brother, younger than Carlotta

Vasilios Vieyra - Adrian's son, Lio is his uncle, twins with Melina

Melina Vieyra - Adrian's daughter, Lio is her uncle, twins with Vasilios

Edited at July 24, 2021 03:12 AM by Ylva
Wanderlust X YlvaJuly 24, 2021 01:48 AM


Posts: 2721
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There it was. For the second time. For the third time. The blaring alarm emitting from the vibrating phone on the nightstand next to the bed caused a tired Damen to simply role over onto his side and plug his ears with his pillow as he groaned. He rolled his eyes, only to finally roll back over and allow himself to disable the alarm. His eyes scanned his phone, only to see one message from an old friend of his.

Damen sat up, holding his phone in both hands as he unlocked it. He tapped on the message icon, opening the conversation. He scoffed slightly, reading the message.

Long time no see, yeah? Well, good news for you, I've got a job for you. Meet at the cafe at 9. See you there, brother.

Markus was the man whom had texted Damen. Markus was a childhood best friend, getting into this whole job - which was illegal, mind you - just because of Damen. The two were inseparable since childhood, practically birth if you really thought about it. Damen had never been more happier to see a text from this man. Damen took a moment to check the time, seeing it was 8:30 am. He might as well get off his ass, huh?

Which he did do, by scrambling out of bed and getting dressed into a rather casual outfit. Fall was around the corner, which meant more cold weather. He could do chilly, but not cold, which led to him just wearing his regular - baggy jeans, a shirt, heavy-ish flannel, and his boots. Damen would get ready by brushing his teeth, doing some sort of thing with his messy hair, and was already out the door in an instant.

Damen made his way towards the local cafe, in which he could spot Markus already seated in a booth with two coffees, steaming as they were newly made in the pot. He couldn't help but smile, as this was the first time the two had met up in about three years. Markus had been away dealing with his own jobs, and only recently made his way back home here, in which the two made great memories from their rather questionable high school years.

Entering, Markus stood up from the booth and the two embraced each other. "You are still one smug looking kid, you know that Ostana?" Markus said with a bright smile, followed by a slight chuckle.

"Ah, I least I still look like the sort of guy all the girls want," he teased, sitting down as Markus did shortly after. "So how have you been?" He asked.

"I've been great, man. Recently found a big job, and I thought maybe you could take this one. I mean, I've been having all sorts of fun. Went to Rome, Italy, Europe, some islands. Man, you should've been there. You would've loved it," Markus replied, sipping on his coffee as Damen nodded and went on to explain himself as well.

"That's dope, dude. I probably would've loved it. Meet any hot girls?" Damen teased yet again. Markus chuckled.

"Saw a lot of 'em, didn't meet many. I'm actually tied down now," Markus said, raising his left hand to allow Damen to see the silver ring on his ring finger. Damen raised his eyebrows, only to smile yet again.

"Congrats! I'm sure she's lucky," Damen smiled, only to find himself thinking about this job, which he would bring up. "So this job - who, what, when, and how?"

"Ah, you're invested aren't you?" Markus leaned forward. "Well, we got a wealthy family - the Vieyras. The dad is, pfft, he has more money and valuable things than you could imagine. Anyways, they own a lot of what we like. You know, treasure," Markus informed Damen.

Damen nodded. "Got the address?" He questioned.

Markus nodded. "I'll text it to you. The best time would be to do it as soon as possible. Word is that there's some business trip that required the entire family to go," Markus stated. Damen looked around for a moment before he nodded once more.

"Got it,"

The two would continue to discuss and catch up about their lives. Markus would discuss his wife, Pam, while Damen would ask questions regarding the wedding and speak about his own mother.

Man did Damen miss Markus.

(Hope this works!)
Wanderlust X YlvaJuly 24, 2021 02:53 AM


Posts: 361
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All Helio could hear was the sound of running water and his own sniffling. Just moments before he got into a huge fight with his father. Usually his father threw in a few horrible words at him, but nothing he wasn't already used to. This time was bad though. His father actually hit him this time. Slapped right across the cheek. So now he was sitting in his bathroom balling his eyes out. He couldn't help, but cry. His father always made him feel horrible, like he was useless. Lio was beginning to believe his father wasn't wrong about him. There he was at twenty years old still living with his father, while his three older siblings were the most successful, had families already, not to forget their own mansions as well.

Lio had nothing. He could never live up to that. He wasn't smart, he had no real skills that would help him in the harsh real world. When he was eighteen his father noticed Lio wasn't good at school and didn't want to waste money on sending him to college. So he did the next best thing. He sent him to the military. Which ended up not working out, as he got kicked out. So he simply had nothing left for him. His siblings had set the bar so high, Lio simply couldn't reach it. Quite literally at times, as his older sibling inherited their fathers height. All of them over 6 foot.

Kyril, the oldest of the four, was a commander in the US military. The highest rank one could reach. Then there was Thalia, the second oldest, she was a clothes designer and owner of one of the most high end brand. She as well served four years in the military. Lastly, there was Adrian. The smartest man Lio knew. He followed in their fathers steps and is a business owner of a multimillion dollar company. Of course, he as well served his time in the military. Their father was big on his children serving their time in the military. The man did his own time as well, in the military in Greece and in the US.

The bar too high for Lio to even get his finger tips on. The man could dream. His father gave him few options for a career. None in which Lio wanted to do. Business was boring to him, so was school. The man had more creativity to him than smarts. He liked playing instruments, rather than playing sports. Lio was simply the odd man out, in his ambitious family. Lio barely even looked like the rest. They were tall, tanned, intimidating looking bunch. Their expressions were always stone cold. They had sharp features, dark hair and eyes. Lio was thankful he did in fact get his fathers jet black hair, he couldn't imagine having his mothers golden locks. That would only make it seem like he was adopted. Lio was a living, breathing copy of his mother. Except in a male version and with black hair. He inherited her heterchromia as well. Leaving his eyes two different colors.

Lio splashed his face once more, finally turning the water off. He looked at his reflection. His eyes were still puffy and red. He sighed, as he wiped his face and hands on a white fluffy towel. The good thing of this whole situation was he didn't have to tag along on the family business trip with the whole bunch. His fathers choice not his. He rather liked going on those. He got to meet lots of people and see amazing places. Maybe he lucked out this time around. Or so that was what he was trying to convince himself with.

Wanderlust X YlvaAugust 3, 2021 04:15 PM


Posts: 2721
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Damen had let the time pass, and while it was, he was found back at his apartment, doing research for this new job Markus had found for him. First of all, this house was huge - larger than he had expected, though he figured that's sorta what to infer with the rich - expect the unexpected. He huffed slightly, deciding to look up who owned the place.

A Stavros Vierya, a man who had practically built an empire with his family. A deceased wife, a step-mother for the clan of kids he was raising or that were already out of the house. But why was the family gone? Damen couldn't manage to find any information on that, but he concluded that Markus was right - it had to just be some family business. Besides, if the house was empty, there was nothing to worry about.

Besides security. That was the one thing that never properly crossed Damen's mind. What was he supposed to about the security? It would he a hassle, but he could question Markus, considering he was the one who proposed this job to him. Damen shrugged, pulling out his phone, and shot a quick text just asking what to do about the security system.

And to his surprise, and perhaps luck, that was already figured out. It had been disabled the night before, late within the night, so there wasn't much to worry about considering the family was gone. Damen could assume there might be someone watching the house - a maid or someone, but what's a little lying going to hurt? It was probably a woman who was underpaid anyways, and Damen would know a lot about that.

Hopefully this job would prove that Damen was worth more than the fourteen bucks an hour he could earn at a regular, legal, job. Illegal jobs, such as breaking and entering, alongside theft, were more dangerous, he considered them to be way more profitable in the end. Selling these things to rich buyers in Europe? Best choice Damen ever made, although in most cases, he would just pawn certain items and get a decent buck for them.

Damen shut the lid to his laptop before he got ready. He would go ahead and grab a pair of gloves, cause he could never be too sure. They were nice, thick leather gloves, which would do the job of covering his prints if it came down to it, which he doubted it would - Markus was always a very reassuring, diligent worker. Damen gathered a few other things - a lock pick, especially, along with his jacket and boots. He stuffed the gloves into his back pocket.

Damen left his apartment to go to the Vierya house, in which he would depart at a time just before dark, and when he would arrive, it would be dark enough. He was too excited not to leave right away, otherwise he would be doing this job sometime later in the night, normally between two to three am, but hey, curiosity killed the cat, right?

Damen looked down at his phone, looking back up again to check the address. Here he was - the Vierya house. Mansion, to say the least, but it was for sure a sight to see. Especially comparing to where Damen lived... Damn, he thought, slipping his phone into his pocket before making his way into the house.

After managing to climb over the gate, he made his way around the house. Markus told him there would be a way into the house on the second floor - an open window, one that would lead him into a room filled with shit the family didn't need or use - a storage room, to say the least. Damen managed to climb his way up, carefully placing each foot on the edges of the building and his fingertips would feel around before he actually pulled himself up.

Damen found the ledge that was attached to the window, in which was unlocked, not open. Considering the light was off, Damen couldn't see jack inside of the building. I really hope this is the right room, Damen muttered under his breath before opening it, and he slipped into carefully, placing his feet gently on the floor.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see a figure - another man, and this caught Damen off guard. He stopped in his tracks instantly.

"Oh fuck me."

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