Black Rose looked at him and slowly moved her paw off of his head. "If you're tired, then I'm carrying you back to your den whether you like it or not." She said and laid down next to him. She looked more closely at him and smiled. "And to be honest, I could carry you without any help." She flicked her ear and laughed. He was still cute even when he was tired. Even more so now.
"You don't need to carry me, but thanks for the offer" Chase looked at her with a smile, "plus I need to go burst Pine's bubble" he yawned, lumbering over to Pine, who sat at the edge of the pool. "Hey, Pine. I understand you like me, and stuff bu-" "I thought you like me to!" Pine gasped. "I never did, okay. I like someone else, and I'm really sorry. But I can't be with someone who I never loved, that's not how it works with me, I have no loyalty towards you, and I'm sorry" Chase sighed. "W-what?" Pine's voice was full of pain. "I'm sorry" Chase whimpered, padding into his den.
Black Rose stood up and heard the heartbreak from Pine and knew that Chase told her the truth. She sighed and then walked around for a bit before walking back to Chase's pack. She had her head down as she usually did for obvious reasons.
Chase flopped down, glad he had done what he did, he just wished that Pine hadn't had feelings for him so it wouldn't have hurt her as much. Chase watched Rose from his den. He watched Pine glaring at his with hatred burning in her eyes. Pine was slinking through the shade on the sides of camp, unsheathing her claws. Chase stood up despite how tired he was. Pine slunk closer to Rose, claws long and extended. Chase bolted out of the den right as Pine leaped. They crashed into each other in mid-air, Chase landing with his claws in Pine's shoulder. Pine winced as blood drenched he shoulder fur. "If you touch so much as a hair on Rose's pelt, I won't be so kind next time." He sheathed his claws and padded back into his den. Pine whimpered and stayed on the ground.
Black Rose blinked as she saw what was happening in front of her. She didn't need Chase to save her. She looked at Pine and felt bad for her. "It's okay if you hate me. It's not okay to try and kill me, though. Specially if I'm awake." She flicked her ear and walked around the pack. It was just as he said, not very big. She hummed and then walked to each of the dens to check them out before walking to Chase's den and stepping in. "Chase? Why did you hurt her? Like.. physically. I can fight for myself, thank you very much." She sighed. "But I should thank you. That's kind of you. Now get some rest." She said and then turned around.
Chase slumped rolled onto his back and looked at the den ceiling. Once again his tongue flopped out, he growled and closed his eyes, feeling ashamed for what her had done, She didn't need my help, I should've left Pine be.. But I couldn't stand by and watch that happen, no matter how capable of fighting Rose is, He thought.
Black Rose flinched when she heard him growl and turned back around and walked towards him. She gently pawed his head. "Stop being a grouch." She said and then smiled. "Thank you for what you did. To be honest I wasn't sure if you were going to tell her or not." She laughed dryly. "But you did and that's very impressive." She stopped pawing him and laid down. Looking at him. "Now, then.. Mind telling me why you thought it would be fun to become a grouch all of the sudden? It does not go with the cuteness you have right now."
"I shouldn't have done that, saving you, I mean. You were perfectly capable of helping yourself" Chase sighed his tongue still hanging out the side of his mouth, to lazy to even move it, "I regret it."
Black Rose rolled her eyes. She stepped closer to him and licked his head. "Thank you for what you did." She said, "now rest up and become your nice, cute self, okay?" She smiled.
Chase smiled and closed his eyes once more, still lying there on his back, to lazy to move another inch. He quickly fell asleep, in his dreams he was running through the woods, Rose had quickly caught up to him. 'Race you to the river!' he had challenged, but Rose had ended up winning.