
Luna gave a small smile when they seemed to be alright with her staying. "Thank you. I promise to not make you regret letting me stay" she said before she looked at Blue Jay, standing up to follow him. "What do you do for fun" she asked him as she looked around as she watched others pass by her. *Everyone seems much happier here* she thought as she gave a small tail wag.

He smiled softly as she thanked his parents and they looked to him and nodded. Thank god. As she joined his side he gave a slight tail wag as she already seemed happier. "Well, we do lots of things. Some days we are supposed to do whatever we want, to let our bodies relax. Other days we everyone seems to work harder for the good of everyone. But when we do get spare time we hang out with our friends and wrestl or do whatever." As he finished talking he felt a slight nip on his tail. He turned and it was Cin. He looked at Luna. "This is my best friend, Cindy. He is a scout apprentice." He turned back to Cin and playfully shoved him. . Cin saw Blue Jay enter the pack with someone and talk to his parents. He didn't pay much mind till after they passed him. Then he snuck up and playfully nipped the end of Blue's tail. As he introduced him to Luna he gave a relaxed and welcoming smile. "Hello their, nice to meet you." . This is what he looks like Edited at March 21, 2021 12:21 PM by AppleBottomJeans

Luna looked to Cin and nodded a hello. Their pack seemed to be bigger than Storm Pack. *I wonder if that's why they wanted to merge* she thought. "Nice to meet you too" she replied as she watched him. She didn't realize it, but her head was no longer hung so low, but rather kept at Blue Jay's shoulder.

Blue watched as Cin walked around her. He took that opportunity to get revenge for him nipping his tail and tackled him. "Got ya!" He looked at Luna. "O yeah, we also just randomly tackle anyone if their mark is on the board." He motioned to the board behind the alphas. Cin jumped in. "And once someone gets tackled, the wolf who did it puts a mark. At the end of the month the wolf with the most marks gets to eat before the alphas." He entered a playful position and circled Blue. Blue turned to him. "Your such a joker." He turned to Luna. "It encourages bonding in the pack to build trust." He looked around for a moment. "Would it be okay with you if Cin came along?" He tilted his head and gave a slightly hopeful look.

Luna jumped back when Cin tackled Blue Jay. She hadnt seen pack members play like this and it caught her off guard. She looked confused seeing the board. "Eating before the alphas?" She glanced back at the two males before she spoke again. "I wont complain to him tagging along if that's what you mean" she said. She wasnt used to being asked what she would be alright with, and she wasnt fully sure how to respond. She gave a small smile before she stiffened up, hearing and angered howl by the river. (Also, broken link for Cin.)

They started walking with Blue Jay in the middle. "Well only once a month it happens, and if something happens to get in the way everyone understands." He explained it as he batted Cin in the face playfully. Then he heard it. An angered howl in the direction of the river. He looked at Cin and Luna as he assumed a more agitated and aggressive position as now wasn't the time for games anymore. "I need you to stay here. For your own safety. Cin, I need you to stay with her so she doesn't get lost." His voice wasn't relaxed now it was stern and commaning. "Luna, he is one of the best and also my closest friends. I trust him, he will finish showing you around." He bolted to his parents quickly and they only nodded and gave sound to be alert, and they took off with him to the rivers edge, ready for the worst. . Cin turned to Luna. "That was abrupt. O well. We have the camp to ourselves as everyone with even a bit of battle experience is now following from a distance and will hide and attack if need be." He spoke quietly and went to her side but slightly ahead. "What do you want to see first?" He turned his head back.

Luna had watched the way Blue Jay got prepared to deal with whoever it was at the river, and the white female assumed it was Nyra with her parents. "Be careful" she called after him before she looked at Cin. "Where do you think it's most important for me to know" she asked. / Nyra stood with her parents beside her, her mother being a dark gray, her father being a light brown. All three looked unamused as they waited, Nyra looking furious to even be there, wasting her time.

(I fixed the link to cin i think) He looked around, not really knowing the answer as he had always been their. "Probably main camp, the meeting spot, food court, and the dens." He turned around to look at her. "Take your pick to which you wanna see first." His tail wagged as he was generally playful. / Blue Jay could tell his parents were upset. They already knew this had something to do with Luna. But they didn't know about the exchange of words. O crap, crap, crap. Well I am a dead wolf running. He followed behind his parents closely as the ran to the bank. He could smell the fighters in their positions ready and that calmed him. He didn't know much, but he knew his pack was massive. He saw Nyra, and her parents. Crap crap crap. His parents sat, but he stood ready, not wanting to make himself look weak or unready for any of their antics.

(Yep. It works.) Luna looked at Cin before she thought. "The main camp would probably be best" she thought. *It will be a good start.* She looked in the direction of the river, hoping Blue Jay would be alright. *Why am I so worried about him? Not like he would ever like me this way* she thought. / Nyra's father spoke. "One of our hunters told us he saw Blue Jay taking our omega" he said with a low growl. He wasnt happy about Luna not being there when they had pups to train. "Give back the omega. She's useless to you" Nyra added on.

Cin nodded agreeing it would be a good place to start. "Okay, so you've probably seen where the alphas watch over making sure everything is okay. Over their is the pit. If two wolves want to, they can battle, its also where we train for battle." He looked at the pit with nostalgic eyes as he remembered the first time he was their. / Blue's father listed and looked to his mate, and then back at Blue Jay. He gave a huff. "It is our understanding she came willingly." He was odly calm and that made Blue Jay panic, as his father was only completely calm in a situation like this if he was very mad. Then his father turned to Nyra. "And you, child, watch you tongue when talking to me or my wife." Blue Jay knew he got the last shot taking from his dad. Their it is. His mother added. "Well if she is of no use to us, then she is of no use to you, so why do you care?" His mother was quick witted and was placing a trap. Blue Jay stayed silent and stood behind his parents. Not dumb enough to speak.