"Yes, I dont think I shall tell her...it would just make it harder for her and me." Lucy said, she was quite excited for the move, she didnt go into her wolf stage often so it should be fun. Lucy smiled at Eli before running home to pack clothes , her mom wasnt home so she could pack in peace. -------------------------------------------------- That Night -------------------------------------------------- Lucy's mom had come home from whereever she had gone so Lucy had to be careful. She snuck out to see Eli waiting for her, she waved and quickly looked to see if anyone was around before running up to him. "I packed some clothes for when im in this form, are we planning to shift now or later? I'm fine with anything.".
Eli said " later if we shift now people might see us lets go " as he walks towards the woods and said " so exicted about this you running away with me " as he walks and smiles glad she wanted to run away with him he had feelings but didn't pay attention to it as much
Lucy smiled as they walked, it was so peacful out. "I'm glad im leaving, we can have a fresh start..." Lucy looked into Eli's eyes, she was very glad she was going along with him. Lucy knew her mother would feel batrayed but she needed to do this. She knew the pack might not even care she and Eli were gone, and that was perfectly fine with Lucy.
Eli smiles glad she wanted to go eli said " yes a fresh new start in life " as he walks with her holding her hand then lets go and shifted to his wolf happily as he walks shaking his head around
Lucy laughed when she was Eli as a wolf, she shifted into her form. Lucy nipped playfully at Eli's ear, wagging her tail she lifted her snout to smell the wind for food. She hadnt had diner and was regretting it, getting a whiph of elk she yipped to Eli "I'm hungery lets hunt!".
eli heard hunt and jumps up and down and smells aroudn then when towards the deer smell and said " hmm i miss being a wolf sometimes " as he saw the deer and looks at her
"Ha, yeah. Okay lets pick out a weak calf." Lucy scanned the herd and spotted a limping baby elk. Jackpot. Lucy carefully gord around so she is behind the calf, running out she clentches her jaws onto the upper back leg, sinking her massive teeth into the animals flesh. She heard the calf shriek but she held on, Lucy started clawing at the calfs lower belly, it was the softest tissue.
eli follows then bit the calf under the neck and his crawls on his top as he trys to bring it down but made sure the other elk was going to come and attack them while they were just try to hunt sommething to eat that all
Lucy felt the calf begining to get tired, finally it fell down, limp. Lucy was panting, she looked at Eli and wagged her tail. Looking down at the carcass she relized how long it had been since she had eaten raw meat. Lucy dug her snout into the calfs carcass and started eating.
Eli letted her eat while he watche around making sure nothing was going to come Eli sat down and licks his lips and and smiles then he wags his tail and watches her then bites the head