
Everything about what just happened, Skylar loved. He enjoyed it so much and even though they didn't go all the way, it was still such an intimate moment that they shared. As Sky sat there, still breathing heavier than normal, he felt Alex's arms snake around him. He looked down and watched him for a moment before wrapping an arm around Alex. He kept his other hand planted on the bed to keep himself up. "You were amazing." Sky said softly, knowing Alex would probably appreciate a bit of praise. "Fuck." He breathed quietly and sat up so he could move the hair out of his face without taking his arm off of Alex. A smile crept on Sky's face as everything that had just happened replayed in his mind. He ran his fingers through his hair as he looked down at Alex nuzzled into his shoulder. Still being shirtless, Sky could feel the heat of Alex radiating through his body.
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Alex had hoped that he had done a decent enough job considering he hadn't ever done something like that before. When he felt Sky's arm wrap around him and then heard his words of praise he was smiling before he was totally aware of it. "I'm happy I could do something for you..." He said quietly. He kept his face tucked into Skylar's shoulder, soaking in his warmth and feel as he did so. After a while longer he pulled back and, moving to sit back on his heels, looked up at Skylar. He was beautiful, perfect even. The way he smiled and how he brushed some of his hair out of his face. "And... I'm glad it wasn't terrible." He started, offering a faint laugh, though his gaze remained on Skylar. "That was the first... I mean, I'd never done that for anyone... before." He admitted quietly, only then averting his gaze and looking away from Skylar.

Skylar looked down at Alex and listened to him as he spoke. "You did amazing baby." Skylar said softly and quietly, grabbing Alex's face and turning it to look at him. He began to lean in and then he kissed Alex slowly. When he pulled away, he moved some of Alex's hair behind his ear and some out of his face. His eyes wandered over Alex's face for a moment before meeting his eyes. "It makes me think you've done it before." Skylar said with a chuckle, he was clearly joking. Suddenly, Sky remembered that Alex had to be home within a certain time. He didn't know how much time had passed, and he didn't really want to know but he couldn't make Alex be late. He knew if Alex was late then his parents would probably have a hissy fit. Sky glanced over his shoulder, scanning his bed for his phone. Once he spotted it, he grabbed it and checked the time. His eyes widened slightly before his entire facial expression dropped. It had been just a bit over an hour, leaving them only a couple more minutes together. Sky shut off his phone, deciding to soak in the next couple of minutes.
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Alex felt his heart skip a beat not only as Skylar repeated how he'd done amazing, but also added a pet name to the end of it. Baby. It wasn't a word that Alex was unfamiliar with. On the contrary, many of the girls he'd dated to keep up appearances had called him that before. However, not once did his heartbeat quicken or butterflies flutter about in his stomach, both of which he currently found himself experiencing. As Skylar grabbed his face and turned it to look at him, Alex didn't resist but instead let him guide his gaze back to him. His blue hues dropped briefly to his lips when Skylar leaned in, and at the kiss, he smiled faintly and returned it. Alex was sure that the blush on his cheeks, though faded slightly, was still clearly visible and something that Skylar had noticed when he pulled back and looked at him. At his words and the joking tone with which he spoke them Alex paused before scoffing playfully and shaking his head. "Yeah right." He responded. Skylar could say he had been amazing and that it seemed like he'd done that before, but Alex was well aware of his inexperience and how it had come into play. ` When Skylar glanced over his shoulder and then moved to grab for something on the bed, Alex raised a brow. He had forgotten all about the time limit they'd had, the hour and a half he'd been granted to spend more time with Skylar. And so, when Skylar's eyes widened and his facial expression dropped Alex sat up a little straighter and stiffened. "What?" He asked, a note of concern in his voice as he scanned Skylar's face and then glanced down at the phone in his hand.

Sky rested his gaze on Alex and when he said what, he found himself struggling to say anything. He didn't want to believe that he had to drop Alex off at home soon. Sky wanted Alex there for longer, the night even. Yeah, the night, Sky wanted him to stay the night but that was highly unlikely to happen. "Nothing, we just only have a couple more minutes." Sky said as he let go of Alex and moved to lie down on the bed. "Come here." Sky said, reaching out and tugging gently on Alex's arm. The time seemed to fly by when Sky wanted it to go by slowly. Sky reminded himself that this probably wouldn't be the only time they would share a moment like this, as long as he didn't mess things up with Alex. After tugging on Alex's arm, he let go and moved that arm behind his head. Now there was an open spot where Sky wanted Alex to lay. He didn't care if Alex decided to lay on his chest or just beside him, he just wanted him to lay with him.
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Alex kept his gaze fixed on Skylar as he waited for some kind of answer. He took note of each expression and movement Sky made and then listened intently as he spoke. When at last answered, Alex paused and frowned slightly. A couple more minutes? The idea that their time together was coming to an end saddened him. He didn't want to go home, didn't want to part from Skylar, especially after the moment they had just shared. At the very least he would have liked to spend another hour or two with him. Knowing his parents though, he was lucky he'd been able to get out of the house and hang out with Skylar for as long as he had. Asking for another hour or even for the night, especially considering there was school tomorrow, would likely upset his parents. Feeling Skylar's touch on his arm and hearing his voice, Alex was pulled from his thoughts. For a moment he was still, looking towards Skylar who was now lying on the bed before he smiled and moved to join him. Rising from the floor he climbed onto the bed before laying down next to Skylar. Turning onto his side so that he was facing him, he let his gaze travel over Skylar's face.

Sky watched as Alex moved to lie beside him. He really didn't want this moment to end, but unfortunately, all good things come to an end. Skylar stared at Alex for a moment before changing his position so that he would be facing him. He looked down and gently grabbed Alex's hand. Softly, he began tracing circles on Alex's hand with his thumb. He looked back up, getting slightly nervous while doing so. He still couldn't believe what they had just done, and just looking at Alex right now made him a tiny bit nervous. "I don't want you to go." Sky then said quietly, breaking the silence. He then let go of Alex's hand and brought his hand up to Alex's face. He softly caressed Alex's cheek before playing with his hair. His eyes followed his hand before returning to Alex's eyes.
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Alex let out a soft sigh as he relaxed into Skylar's bed and looked towards the male before him. He didn't mind that he was staring, at least not at that moment, not after what had just happened. All he wanted to do was take in the vision of Skylar before him and commit it to memory. It was only when Skylar took his hand and began lightly tracing circles on the back of it that Alex looked away. Even then his gaze only dropped for a second, watching the circular movement of Sky's thumb before he looked up at him. Silently he listened as Skylar silently made his confession and, shifting slightly on the bed so that he was a little closer to him, Alex smiled and gave a nod. "Me either." He said quietly, allowing himself to admit his own desire to stay here with Skylar for the remainder of the night. He knew well enough that it hardly mattered what he wanted where his parents were concerned. He had only just gotten free from the house arrest they'd put him under and he didn't want to risk upsetting them again, not if he wanted to continue seeing Skylar like this, and he did. Feeling the warmth of Skylar's hand against his cheek, Alex turned his face slightly into his palm, though kept his eyes on Sky. "Maybe next time I can stay longer." He said, his voice still as soft and quiet as it had been before.

Skylar just continued to stare into Alex's eyes, with a soft expression on his face. He then decided to make his way closer to Alex, moving down so that once he reached Alex his face would be in his chest. He then wrapped one arm around Alex and kept the other close to his chest. He closed his eyes and breathed in Alex's scent. He wanted this moment to last forever. They only had around 20 minutes left together, and it was going to kill Sky when he had to drive him home. Since the drive didn't take that long though, that meant that they would have more time to stay like this. Suddenly, Sky got really tired, he was tired after everything but now he could just pass out. After resting his face against Alex's chest for a moment, he brought his head up to look at Alex. It was long before he closed his eyes again, this time his head was further up near Alex's neck. ( ah sorry its so short :') )
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Alex kept his eyes on Skylar, watching each movement he made and taking in the sight of his handsome green eyes and the softness of his expression. When he moved closer to him Alex lifted a brow but soon found himself smiling as Skylar wrapped an arm around him, keeping him close. He loved it, these small yet intimate interactions and moments that he and Skylar were sharing. Lifting a hand, Alex let it come to rest against Sky's neck before he moved to run his fingers up and through his hair, playing with the locks of beautiful brown. His blue hues, he let follow the movement of his fingers, only returning to Skylar's face when he looked up at him. Smiling, he watched as Skylar closed his eyes and then moved to let his head rest closer to his neck. Not slowing the movements of his fingers as they continued to play with Skylar's hair he took in a deep breath, filling his nose with Skylar's scent before slowly exhaling. ((No worries!! Mine's a little short as well. >.>))