
He shook his head. "You knew exactly what I was worried about." He sighs, relieved. "You always know." He rubbed he cheek and crawled to the mouth of the den and looked out. He shouted sternly. "Aro, a word. Now." And he went back into the den as the young gray wolf came quickly.

Luna smiled and nuzzled him. "Of course. I am your mate, and we are worried about the same thing" she said before he went to get Aro. She watched as the young male looked over. She saw him say something to the pups before he stood up. "Yes Alpha" Luna heard him say with his head lowered in respect. He made his way over to Bluejay.

He wagged his tail, unable to help how happy hearing Luna refer to him has mate made him feel. "Your more then perfect." He said, licking her nose. He heard Aro reply and straightened up as he came close with his head lowered. "Come in, we've got something to discuss, and you don't have to avert your eyes." He kept his posture powerful, but his tone softer to let him know he wasn't in trouble and could relax.

Aro looked confused when Bluejay told him to not look away. He gave a nod and followed Bluejay to the den before he nodded to Luna a hello. Luna smiled as she motioned for the young male to sit. "What is it you would like to talk to be about" he asked politely. Luna slowly sat up. "As you know, with the merging of the packs, we are working on new ranks" she replied.

Bluejay observed his manner. How he walked, held his head and composure. A tad nervous and uncertain, but still confident. Looking over to Luna he sat down besides her, his tail slightly touching her. "And with these new ranks and workings, we've decided we need one beta chosen from each pack to negate arguments of favoritism, and to also be more efficient." He kept his eyes locked on Aro, still protective of his alpha.

Aro gave a nod. "That's a great idea Alphas. Learning from one another, right?" He asked as a small smile formed. Luna nodded as well. "That's right. Though as you know it's hard to find someone trustworthy enough from our pack" she said, and she saw the wheels in his mind rolling. "What about Kyra" he asked. Luna shook her head. "Kyra only has one thing on her mind, and it's not what's best for the pack" she said with a slight chuckle.

He nodded as Aros mind processed what they had said. His youthfulness evident by the excitement held in his voice a d the change in his posture. "Exactly, learning from one another and slowly changing the ways of the pack." He shuddered at her name. "Definitely not, never her. Between her advances toward me and her blatant disrespect..." He knew there where so many things he could say but he just sighed, knowing this wasn't the place or the time. "Just no." He scooted closer to Luna, not even realizing it. "But I'm sure by now you've seen the differences in how the packs operate? A slow conversion would be most effective instead of forcing changes over night." His voice trailed off. "What do you think Luna? And should we get him and Cin working together immediately or wait a bit more?" He asked her, uncertain of what to do so soon. Edited at October 30, 2022 10:34 PM by AppleBottomJeans

Luna nodded, agreeing to not want her to be Beta. "I think the sooner then better" she told Bluejay with a smile. "The longer we wait, the more trouble there can and will be" she added before she looked at Aro. "You and Cin will be the betas" she told the young male. "You have the smarts and abilities to bet a good beta, and you can learn from Cin along with teaching him new things as well."

His tail wagged with enthusiasm. "Great, I should call him back then." He said decisively he knew no matter what there was bound to be trouble as the merged packs still didn't see eye to eyes. Even after seeing how things could be. "And while you two work together to help things run smoother once a week you both come to us together and separately to help us make things to further help the adjustment, or anything that may be hindering us." He looked past Aro to see if he could find his brother from another mother and sure enough he was still talking to the female. He chuckled and looked back to Luna. "Perhaps we inform him at a different time? He seems to be a bit busy." He laid down next to her with Aro still in front of them. "Tonight before dinner your status will be announced. If that's everything, I think where done here then." He concluded as his tail was still waging, just much more slowly now.

Luna watched how Aro seemed excited. "Thank you so much" he said as he tried to hold his tail still. "I promise to not let you down." Luna nodded to the younger wolf. "I hope not. Go and get something to eat. I know you havent eaten today yet. Dont tell anyone just yet, leave that to us."