
Luna remained close as she followed him towards the rock. "Won't they think you stole and and attack" she asked as she leaned up and laid down. The warmth of the bolder felt amazing as she flattened herself out as much as possible, unable to resist a tail wag as she watched him. "I don't want to be the reason the packs start fighting."

He gave a slight chuckle and thought about what would happen. "Once I explain to my parents that will understand, and if they ask you anything tell the truth." He looked at her and how she sprawled out and smiled softly to himself as he looked away. "The online reason we would fight, is if they don't reform." He spoke and his voice deepened.

Luna looked at Blue Jay. "I wouldn't lie to anyone. I don't have a reason to" she said. She didn't realize her coat was starting to press against the larger male. "Can you teach me to fight" she asked, her blue eyes filled with sincerity of wanting to learn. "I want to help if need be."

He looked at her, slightly odded out by her request. "Well, I have lots of things to do, daily sort of rituals. One of them is to check on wolves in combat and hunting training, so yeah, I'll probably help you learn." He looked at her fur. "How dry are you?" He turned his attention to her face and general shape. She should learn easy, she has a strong build. He nodded his head to himself.

Luna wagged her tail slightly before she nodded, understanding he would be busy. When she looked back at her coat, she was nearly dry and stood up. "Dry enough to not be cold by a breeze" she said with a smile. For the first time, Luna felt like she could start being herself, not afraid to talk to someone. She knew she will probably still be nervous for a while, but something about Blue Jay made her feel safe.

He nodded and smiled as he stood up. He could see she was becoming slightly more comfortable. "Excellent, c'mon. Not a lot of time to stay put." He jumped down and landed without a sound. And looked up at her. "I'll lead the way, show you some things on the way." He sniffed the ground and looked threw the trees.

Luna watched how he had leaped off the bolder and did her best to do the same, though she ended up stumbling slightly. After she straightened herself up, she shook out her pelt, ready to go. "This might sound like an odd quiestion, but why are you so kind to me" she asked as she looked at the larger male. Her blue eyes watched him, trying to figure out why he was so kind to her. Nobody had ever been like that, not even when she was a pup.

He watched as she landed not the most grateful but didn't react, as he didn't see the point in making others feel bad, just when they start feeling good. He tilted his head up at the question and waited. "I guess it's because I don't like to see others suffering. And I was raised better then them apparently." He looked back in the direction of the river and scoffed rather loudly. He started walking and turned to her. "And you don't have to keep your head so low, I promise I don't bite." He shook his head at his own bad attempt at a joke and inhaled threw his nose, picking up the smell of the dew late morning dew.

Luna tilted her head to his answer on why he was nice to her. She glanced back to the river before she looked back at Blue Jay. "All they ever see is an omega as a piece of meat to chew on" she said with a sigh. When he mentioned her not needing to have her head so low, she gained a questioning look to her face. "How else am I supposed to show I'm a lower rank" she asked.

He was concerned at her response. What, are they cannibals. "I see." He looked her over from the distance to check for bite marks just to see. "Well, if you decide to join you can pick a trade. Like medic, hunter, pup trainer, or just meander and do odd jobs. And your rank would be chosen within that craft. So their are alphas. They run the pack. Then master, they are head of their trade. Then apprentice they are learning their trade and I guess would be like a beta. Then are the novice and beginners. Below them are pups. About every month or so, the masters bring any issues to the alphas that they feel need tending to." He tried to explain but didn't know if it helped any so he gave a huff in frustration. "It will all make sense later." He shook his head and began walking towards a smoke piller he could see in the distance. Edited at March 20, 2021 10:29 PM by AppleBottomJeans