
As she looked around in awe he simply smiled all pleased and content. Though he noticed how the area paled in comparison to her wonder and astoundment. "You really like it that much?" His tail waged happy with himself for thinking of it. Rolling to his side he got grass, dew, and some flower petals all in his coat. Adding some hilarity to the situation. Going threw the vines and thicket was almost symbolic to him of letting go of his cares. And bringing her threw to him further exemplified that fact. "This can be our own personal inner kingdom." He chuckled as he stayed rolling in the grass, almost under a carefree spell. / (Bro, I just going back rereading the entire rp lol) Edited at December 3, 2021 04:05 PM by AppleBottomJeans

Luna chuckled as she moved closer to him. "I love it. I don't know how much time we will get to spend here before the packs settle, but I would love to be able to come here more with you" she replied as she laid down with him. She wasnt too far away, but she gave him space to roll as she chuckled at him.

He kept rolling and stretched all around and then stopped to just sit next to her in the sun. Wonderful simplicity. "I don't know how much time we are going either. But the sooner everyone gets settled the more time we would get. So I think temporary separation is worth long term peace within the pack." He took a second to think before continuing speaking. "The pack needs to be united. That's a must. I don't know how we would achieve that tho. It's puzzling." He moved closer to Luna and sighed as he fell into her soft furr.

Luna looked at Blue Jay. "I understand not getting much time with you, and I certainly wont be uset about it. I'll miss being able to stay close, but if we both have things that need to get done, then so be it" she said as she nuzzled him. The white coated female smiled as her tail wagged. ~~~~ One week later~ ~~~~ Luna paced as she shook her head. The timing of this couldnt have been worse. The packs still fought and argued, and now... She wouldnt be able to step in between to stop the fights much longer. It would be too much of a risk, and then what would Blue Jay think? *Oh how amd I going to tell him* she thought as she stopped pacing for just a moment. She knew the packs would see her stressed, but that didnt matter right then. *I need to clear my head* she thought as she padded out of the camp towards the stream where she met Blue Jay.

He nuzzled her face. "So the time we do get together we should cherish~~ ~~ A week later~ ~~ "Look I understand not everyone will get along. It's going to be fine. Just bear with us and avoid a fight." He walked with the newer pack members, they are upset because they are still not used to being part of this pack. That's when another member brought in an injured wolf who was bit by a fox in a fight over a rabbit. "I'll be right back, but understand injuries come before social disagreement." He ran over to the injured wolf. "I swear of I don't see a medic in the next 30 seconds somewolf is gonna pay!" He barked his order and within 15 seconds two medics showed up. "Don't make me tell you how to do your job. I expect more, now tale care of him." Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Cin incoming. There's a sight for sore eyes. Better not be a bearer of bad news.

Luna sat by the stream for a short while before she lowered her head to lap up some water. Giving a sigh she began to pace again. *I will just have to tell him* she thought as she faced the camp, ready to go talk to him before she stopped. *But what if it distracts him?! I cant do that to him right now* she thought as she began to pace once more. *Maybe Cin has an idea? No, he might just tell Blue Jay* she thought as she stopped pacing. Even with her and Cin as kin, she still didnt know him the best, and didnt want him to give anything away just yet.

He met Cin tail wagging, happy to have people to help him. "Its seems everywolf is having issues today. Injuries, fights, den arguments. Even the pups." Letting out a huge huff he wanted to just nap. "So what do you have?" Cin looked to Bluejay who just looked like a mess. "Brother from another mother, you need a break, for even five minutes. I can tell em all to go and relax?" Bluejay sat for the first time all day and shook his fur. "Really? Thank you." He got up and went to the alpha den as quickly and quietly as he could and passed out.

Luna shook her head. *It's now or he finds out on his own* she finally told herself before she started making her way back to the camp. She wondered how she should mention it, knowing full well they havent had much time to talk other than good nights and good mornings this past week. She looked around the camp for Blue Jay and didnt spot him right away before she finally looked in the Alpha den. When she saw he was asleep, she gave a small sigh. She walked in and sat down facing the entrance as she waited for the male to wake up.

He slept for a few minutes uneasy before giving up all together. When he woke up again he was relieved to see Luna there. His heart slowed and he relaxed some. He being there comforting him amd easing his tensions. "Hello darling. I hope your day has been better then mine so far." He chuckled as he got up and kicked her nose. Great full he was with her instead of anyone else.

Luna tensed up when he stirred, not quite yet ready to tell him. Nervousness ran down her spine as she leaned into him. "Well, um, I dont know about that" she said as she stood up and started to pace once more. She wasnt sure how to start telling him, and after a moment of silence, she ended up blurting it out, though not quite loud enough for anyone but him to hear. "Blue Jay, I'm pregnant" she said.