
His posture was confident and proper as always. His steps controlled and firm. "Indeed it is." Looking up he couldn't help but compare her to the stars. And to him she was still more beautiful. He chuckled at his own cornyness and bumped her side playfully. . Going to bed now<3 got a long day ahead tomorrow Edited at September 7, 2021 10:22 PM by AppleBottomJeans

Luna looked over to Blue Jay. "What's so funny" she asked with a smile when he bumped her. The white coated female nuzzled him before she looked forward again, mostly to keep herself from tripping over any roots that might be sticking up. While Luna wasnt exactly clumsy, she didnt always watch where she was going.

He could only look at his mate and do a quick pose. "Nothing." He joked as his tail wagged as she nuzzled him. All he felt now, away from everyone was joy. The joy of being able to relax and play as if he was free from responsibility. He jumped up quickly a d made it over her like a rabbit before dashing a little ahead. "I just thought of my favorite spot to view the moon." He looked back to his mate excitedly. "Would you join me?" He knew to her it may sound silly, but he found this spot and never told anyone. And he never smelled anyone else there. For him it really was his spot. He had never brought any wolf there. He smiled to himself. And yet again, another marvelous first. He looked ahead once more to remember the spot.

Luna looked at Blue Jay once again with a smile. "And when have I said no to you" she asked when he asked if she wanted to join him to his favorite spot. The white coated female gave a soft chuckle. "I would love to join you" she said, giving a proper answer as she watched her mate. She was glad to have him there with her, and she would be a little sad tomorrow when she would have to lead a small patrol to show them the former pack terrirory to be sure they werent lied to by anyone else about the territory.

Quickly he moved around next Lunas side. She was right, she had not really denied him anything yet. "I have a feeling your going to adore it there. It's just calming and just a perfect spot." He added gleefully. His tail was up and he took each step with extra bounce, though he looked over and saw she looked kinda disappointed, or upset. "Is everything all right?" He stopped and his tail dropped as concern washed over him in a large wave.

Luna nuzzled Blue Jay as he lead her to the spot. "Just thinking about tomorrow. We wont see each other much, but it will certainly for the better for the pack" she told him. "I dont trust anyone else in the pack to lead Cin around the other part of the territory" she said. She smiled as she let her pelt brush against his. "I might just be over thinking everything."

He laughed lightly at her. Finding her worry cute. "I think it will be fine, and it won't be for all day." He felt felt warmth of her body. "And your right, Cin WILL be there, as well as battle Master." He added, trying to make her feel a little safer. They got closer to the spot as recognized the long vines and overgrown brush that concealed the spot. "Perhaps, but overthinking is better the not thinking at all." He chuckled before jumping threw the tall grasses and the bushes. "Now come one!" He called out from the secret clearing.

Luna agreed slightly with what Blue Jay said, overthinking might be better than not thinking, but it still caused a slight worry in the white coated female. She stopped for a moment before Blue Jay calling out to her snapped her out of her thoughts. *Huh* she thought before she followed him through the grass and bushes.

We waited patiently and sat in the field as his ivory love came threw the wisteria and ivy woven vines into the clearing. The ground being covered in clovers and wild flowers, a large weeping willow tree giving them shade. "This is my favorite spot. Not even Cin knows about it." He nuzzled her face and laid down in the shade, taking a moment to breath in the lightly scented air. "Let's make up for the time we won't see each other tomorrow right now." The offer was sincere though he didn't exactly know what it would entail. Just that he wanted to be their with her like the secret romantic he was. Edited at November 9, 2021 03:54 PM by AppleBottomJeans

Luna looked around as she was in awe. She had never seen such a beautiful place, not even the small pond in the fog. Her blue eyes looked around. "This place is amazing" she replied. Her white coat matched a few flowers as she made her way over to Blue Jay. "Thank you for showing me" she said as she nuzzled him. She was grateful he showed her.