Black Rose smiled. "He did a good job with it." She said and licked his nose. "If you think it's creepy, then don't go near them." She said and sat down. She was still scared that all of this was a dream and that he was still dead.
"That's not what I meant, I mean, yeah.. it felt good to see them again in all, but it wasn't my time. I still have a good deal of my life left, and then I'll be able to see them, It just was strange to be with them so soon.." Chase cutt off and glanced at Rose sympathetically, "Thanks for letting me rant about it to you" he grinned.
Black Rose looked down for a second, thinking, before she looked at him and gave him an honest smile. "Okay. I don't need you leaving me again so soon." She said and gently placed a paw on his head. "You can rant to me as long as you need." She said, "I care about you, love you even, so of course I'll let you rant to me."
Chase smiled, "I love you too" he murmured, laying down beside her and closing his eyes tiredly.
Black Rose flinched as he moved down to lay next to her. She smiled and curled up next to him. "Go to sleep, Chase." She whispered to him. "I'll be right here." She said. But will you stay here with me? She thought as she moved her head to be away from him.
"I know you will" Chase's voice faded out as he fell asleep. He didn't recieve any dream, it was just a calming and restfull darkness.
Black Rose slowly closed her eyes after he did but she still felt worried that he wouldn't be there when she woke up. Or that he would be, but he would be dead.
Chase's ears rung with his sister's pleading voice. He pawed at his ears and whimpered until the voice faded to nothing. He tried to get the feeling of emptiness out of his head, but nothing he did helped him.
Black Rose woke up as she knew she wouldn't sleep very well. She looked at Chase and licked his head to comfort him in his sleep. "It's okay, Chase." She told him as she heard the whimpers from him. The whimpering nearly broke her heart when she heard it. "I'm here. I won't let you go." She said and placed her paws on his back gently. She didn't know what else to do.
"I'm not going anywhere, I promise. I just hear my sister's voice.." Chase trailed off, shaking his head to clear the thought.