" You better. If you dont... my father will die. And Im not letting him die because of his sister!" Selena said standing up Im sending help, dad. Hang on Selena said with a sense of fear and scaredness in her voice
Matt clutched his head at the sudden headache. Adrian watched over the children, nervous for his love.
Whatever happenes to me an my father, Adrian... take care of the little ones. I love you. I dont know when or if I'll come back. Selena said I love you
I love you more Selena. I will always be your's. You WILL come back, I know it. He said. I will always love you.
I love you most Selena said waiting for Kuri so that she could bring them to where Matthews sister was and to help her father get out of the mess he was in. im coming father...
Matt blacked out by an unknown pressure.
Kuri nodded, grabbing a pouch of stuff and looking up "take me to shade"
Selena stood up and walked in front of her to Shade " If you dont stop her... my father dies and I will be so pissed. I need him alive"
shade looked at the creature in the cage "titan cool your jets" - kuri noddded "i understand, i know exactly what to do, but shade hasnt gone all queen shade in years"
" Just do what you hve to do!" selena snarled