
Florian and the three other rookies listened as the detectives teased Steffen, chuckling softly as the man tried to defend himself only to have the others tease him even more. It actually gave Florian some hope to see that Detective MacQuoid wasn’t completely cold and humorless. He glanced down at the dog again, studying the dogs gear. The dog looked young but still appeared to be extremely well-trained.
When Evelyn looked at him and frowned, the smile on Florian’s face dropped instantly and so did any hope of her being friendly with him. He looked off to the side, if this was how she was gonna act then he certainly hoped that he’d get another partner soon, but for now he’d just have to try and stay positive, maybe she just took time to warm up to new people? “Alright. We’ll head out.” Florian looked back at Evelyn when she started speaking again, nodding shortly. When the detectives started heading outside, he and the other rookies followed quickly before splitting up and heading after their own assigned detective. Florian watched as the dog got into the car before he headed for the passenger seat and got in. He glanced at Evelyn as she got in and started the car. He leaned back and looked out the window as she started driving, he planned on just staying quiet and not bother her, guessing that that was what she wanted from him.
For the first few minutes of the ride he managed to stay quiet, tapping his fingers against the side of his leg while watching everything outside the car pass by before he felt the need to speak, the silence was killing him and he wanted to know more about his partner. “So Detective Rodgers said you’d worked the longest out of you four so I’m guessing you’ve seen a lot of weird stuff while working?” He glanced at her, hoping to be able to start a conversation while they rode the car to the crime scene. “You must have had to take care of a lot of rookies like me before too, huh?” He added with a low chuckle, that had to be the reason why she didn’t seem the slightest bit excited to take on yet another rookie, she’d done it all before and was getting tired of it. That had to be the reason, at least that’s the reason that Florian would tell himself to feel a bit better about the situation until she told him otherwise.

As soon as Florian was in the car and buckled, Evelyn backs out of the parking space and spins the wheel before pulling out of the parking lot onto the road. The other detectives right behind her as they move down the highway. Evelyn checks the rear-view mirror, checking both on the three detectives behind her and her K9, who was sitting calmly in the back, tongue out. Hades was her newest companion, her retired K9 relaxing at home having served his time as a police dog. In fact Hades was actually the younger brother of Titan by at least seven years.
"So Detective Rodgers said you’d worked the longest out of you four so I’m guessing you’ve seen a lot of weird stuff while working?"
Evelyn glances sideways at Florian, her gaze unreadable, before she glances back at the road. For a few seconds, Evelyn stays quiet debating on whether or not she felt like answering that question. Then with a quiet sigh to herself, she relents, she couldn't ignore Florian forever. "I've only been working about a year longer then Rodgers, Steffen, and Norwood. But, yes... I've seen some things." Like Evelyn had told the rookies, there was some weird stuff out there, and Evelyn had definitely seen some of the weird.
"You must have had to take care of a lot of rookies like me before too, huh?"
Evelyn frowns slightly,"Actually, no. You're the first rookie I've ever had." Evelyn's grey gaze cuts sideways to Florian for a brief second,"And I've been in the force for seven years." Seven long years a detective, and many more to go. Evelyn was planning on spending her whole life as a detective, as much of it as she could. Afterwards? Well, Evelyn was thinking of either doing K9 training for the police force, or becoming a training officer at the same academy that she had graduated from. But Evelyn was more leaning towards the K9's as she wasn't that huge of a fan of people, she tolerated them, but that was kind of it. Which was probably the main reason that she got stuck with a rookie this time around.
Evelyn turns into a parking lot of a small complex of about five houses. The middle one already had officers swarming it, police tape up with the medical examiner that usually worked with Evelyn and her team. Evelyn parks, glancing at Florian as she shuts the car off. "You see all those people?" Evelyn gestures to the civilians crowding the police tape,"Ignore them. They'll notice your a rookie by your uniform and badge, and they'll try and target you for that. They want answers, anything. Don't give it to them." Evelyn gets out, shutting her door behind her before she opens the backdoor,"Hades." The German Shepherd leaps out of the car,"Search."
With his tongue hanging out of his mouth the German Shepherd lopes off, sniffing and searching. Evelyn tracks him for a few seconds, before closing the backdoor and locking the car. The detective beckons Florian to follow her before heading over to join Page, Forest, and Elijah who were already by the dead body and the medical examiner,"What do we got?" The M.E, Cori Garrett, responds,"Male, late thirties. Name's Osborne Arthur, ligature marks and petechiae suggest strangulation, but I'll know more when I get him back to the morgue." Edited at May 26, 2022 07:01 PM by Dagger Pack

Florian looked at Evelyn, the woman was once again cold when she spoke, she seemed like a completely different person when she spoke to him compared to when she spoke to the other detectives, with them she was much more relaxed it seemed. If he hadn’t known better he’d think that he’d done her something but seeing as they’d met less than an hour ago, that was highly unlikely. He let out a soft sigh before looking out the window, it was becoming more and more clear to him that any conversation between the two would be strictly work related and even then, she’d probably not say more than absolutely necessary.
When they arrived and the detective parked the car, Florian was already reaching for the door handle to get out but was stopped when he heard Evelyn’s voice and he looked over at her before looking at the civilians. He nodded a little before replying, “Alright, got it, I won’t talk to them.” The man then proceeded to get out of the car, glancing at Evelyn as she let Hades out of the car, telling him to search. He followed the dog with his blue gaze, watching him get right to work.
The rookie then lifted his gaze and followed after the dog’s handler as she made her way over to the rest of the detectives and their rookies. On the ground he could see the body and while the detectives and the M.E appeared unmoved by the sight of the body, the other rookies didn’t look as unfazed. Mia had her face turned away from the body and looked a bit sick while both Vanessa and Tommy stood with uncomfortable looks on their faces, squirming slightly as they listened to the others speak.
Florian looked down at the body and frowned slightly. There was no denying that the man in front of them was dead. The sight made him feel weird, it was odd seeing a dead body and it sure wasn’t something that any regular person got to experience. The person in front of him had been alive and well just a day ago, or maybe even a few hours ago, and now he was dead. Out of curiosity, the rookie leaned a bit closer to get a better look at the body, however, he was quick to regret it. Florian felt his stomach turn and he quickly took a step back and spun around, pushing the back of his hand against his mouth while closing his eyes. He hadn’t expected his first time seeing a body to be pleasant but he also hadn’t expected to become sick and nearly throw up.
He stayed like that for a second, trying to regather himself. If he could just get through this without throwing up then just that would be a success. A success in his eyes at least. Once his stomach had settled again and the feeling that he was about to throw up any second disappeared, he slowly opened his eyes while letting his arm drop to his side. After that he took a deep breath and turned back towards the body and proceeded to stand completely still, staring at the body while biting the inside of his cheek. His biggest problem currently was most likely that he couldn’t see the body as a dead body but instead, he still saw it as a human and a human wasn’t supposed to look like that, all pale and unnaturally still, a human was supposed to be breathing and moving, even when they were still, their eyes and chest would move, that wasn't the case for this human in front of them though. It was just wrong and weird... Edited at April 26, 2022 03:53 PM by Roaw

Evelyn crouches down to examine the body, and out of the corner of her eye she could see Florian had moved closer and was examining the body. Within a few seconds the rookie had moved back and Evelyn could tell Florian wasn't feel well. Evelyn frowns, she had warned him about the dead bodies. Evelyn's gaze skims the other rookies, who were making the same face and her somewhat harsh expression softens slightly. She really couldn't be too harsh on them, her first experience with a dead body hadn't been the best either. And perhaps her cold nature had come from her mentor who was not unlike her.
The first time Evelyn had seen a dead body had been the same day of her academy graduation. Her mentor, Detective John Jacobs, had brought her into the field that day and Evelyn had almost thrown up from the sight of the dead body. Of course that dead body had been ripped open by some kind of weapon(Later found out to be hay hooks) and the guts had been drug out by all kinds of animals. At least the body that the rookies were facing now had all of its guts inside of him.
"What are we thinking? Rope?" Cori nods,"Something about that length, I'll be able to confirm it once I get him back to the morgue." Evelyn nods, standing back up, beckoning Page closer, before muttering to her,"Take the rookies, you and Steffen. Interview the neighbors." Page nods before asking,"What about you and Norwood?" Evelyn murmurs,"Norwood will help CSU canvass for anything and I'll interview his roommate." Page nods before calling out,"Davis, Palmer, Stone, Dorn. You're with me and Steffen." Page and Forest wait for the rookies before heading over to interview the neighbors asking the typical interview questions.
Evelyn watches the rookies for a second before heading off to interview the roommate, Kieran Numan,"Were you and Mr. Arthur close?" Kieran nods,"Um.. Yeah.. I mean we've-- we've been friends since high school and after college.. Uh, we ended up in the same department at work and so we just... uh decided to room together." Evelyn asks,"And were you home during the attack?" Kieran agrees,"Yes, I was just coming out to get the mail when whoever killed Osborne had just finished... whatever he was doing and ran off. I got scared and just called the police."
Evelyn nods,"That's good, you wouldn't want to face the killer by yourself. Did you happen to see what he looked like? Build? Eye color?" Kieran frowns,"No, he had a hood and mask on. But he was tall, broad, and sort of... limping I suppose?" Evelyn questions,"On which leg?" Kieran gestures,"Um... The left one." Bark. Evelyn turns at the loud sound of her K9 alerting her from the entrance of the woods. Evelyn frowns,"Um, excuse me." She hurries over to where Hades was, and the K9 alerts again. Evelyn crouches down pulling out a flashlight. Her face goes pale and Elijah calls out,"What is it?" Evelyn calls back.
"Another dead body."
(Sorry it took me so long, I got busy yesterday)

(It's fine ^^ I was pretty busy yesterday too so I probably wouldn't have been able to reply anyway)
Florian felt a bit relieved when Page told him and the other rookies to follow her and Forest so he was quick to follow them. He didn’t want to be around the body for much longer. While waking over to the first of the houses, Mia walked up next to Florian and he glanced down at her. “Do you feel alright?” she asked him. He smiled softly at her and nodded, putting a hand around her shoulders and pulling her a bit closer while chuckling softly, “I’ll be fine, appreciate the thought though. It’s just something I’ll have to get used to, I knew what I was getting myself into after all.”
As they approached the first house, he let go of Mia and the four rookies hung back slightly as the two detectives started interviewing the neighbors of the victim. They weren’t really able to give up much information as they claimed to have seen nothing and it didn’t seem as if they were lying. Florian studied their body language while listening to the questions being asked and their answers, they appeared shaken from what had happened but not as if they were hiding anything.
After a while once Page and Forest seemed to have gotten through any questions they had, the group moved onto the next pair of neighbors and pretty much the same thing followed until it was interrupted by the sound of barking. To Florian it sounded like just about any dog but the detectives seemed alerted by it and he could see them exchange a look before asking Tommy and Florian to go check what was happening. That’s when he realized that it had to be Hades who was behind the barking.
The two men walked off in the direction of the barking, both feeling a bit curious but also a bit uneasy to know what had been found. “What do you think it is?” Tommy nudged Florian, who was deep in thought and thinking about all the things that it could possibly be. “Hm?” The other man quickly lifted his gaze and looked at Tommy, “Oh I have no idea. I mean, there’s a million different things that it could be but the murder weapon, prehaps?” They walked quickly with long strides, trying their best to not look as if they were in too much of a hurry, as to not alarm any civilians who they were in sight of.
Once they reached the entrance to the woods they could see Evelyn and Elijah, joined by the black canine. Tommy was first of the two rookies to notice the body and he froze mid-step, causing Florian to stop too and look up at him. “I’ll go tell the others…” The words came as a mumble from Tommy’s mouth before he spun around and started walking back quickly. Florian looked after him before walking up to the detectives, “What did you fi-“ he paused mid-sentence when he saw the second body, the young man gulped and leaned back slightly, “Oh..” Florian put a hand over his mouth, he refused to throw up and really needed to get used to this as quickly as possible. “You think it’s related to the other guy..?” He asked while slowly leaning a bit closer again, he wanted to check if he could see any ligature marks around the neck of this body too. If both had been strangled then it’s very likely that it was related.

"Get Cori." Elijah nods and heads off just as Tommy and Florian walk over. Elijah greets them with a nod before continuing on towards the M.E who was helping the other morgue workers load the dead body into the van to get it back to the morgue. Evelyn reaches into her pocket, tossing Hades a treat,"Good boy." The German Shepherd catches it and gulps it down, before sitting down. Watching Evelyn for any more commands. Evelyn signals,"Down." Hades lays down, his ears up and his tongue out as Evelyn pulls out the knife she carried on her body just in case and started cutting at the vines. Within seconds the vines were cleared and the pathway to the body was clear.
Evelyn turns towards Tommy, ordering,"Get Rodgers and Steffen. Have them and the other officers get rid of all civilians." Evelyn's face was grim, as she greets Elijah and Cori who had joined them,"Norwood. Could you go get the roommate please?" Elijah nods and heads off again as Cori crouches down to study the body. Evelyn turns to face the body, crouching down beside Cori. Evelyn shines her flashlight and Cori gestures,"There. More ligature marks, much like the ones on our first victim. Which most likely means whoever killed Osborne, killed this man." Evelyn nods, reaching out with her gloved hands to search the body.
After thoroughly searching, she turns up with nothing helpful. No wallet, no ID, nothing. Evelyn leans back sighing,"No ID. We've got one John Doe on our hands." Evelyn and Cori stand up,"I'll get him back to the morgue too and let you know what I find out." Evelyn nods,"Thanks." Cori summons his team of morgue workers and they start to work on getting the body in the bag. While Elijah returns with the roommate. Evelyn glances at Florian, beckoning him closer, he needed some experience in interviews. Evelyn then turns her attention on the roommate. "Mr. Numan.. Does this man look anything like the man that you saw fleeing Mr. Arthur's body?"
Kieran grimaces as he looks at the body, before nodding. "Yes... Um... He's wearing the same dark clothes and mask." Evelyn glances back towards the body,"He is definitely tall and broad." Evelyn raises her voice,"Cori. Could you check the victim's left leg? See if there is any reason for limping?" Cori nods and within a few seconds Cori responds,"It feels like our John Doe did something to his fibula, possibly broken it or fractured it. But that would be what caused his limping." Evelyn nods,"Thank you." Her gaze flickers back to Kieran,"Thank you Mr. Numan. We'll stay in touch." Kierean nods and follows Elijah away.
Evelyn sighs, a double homicide so close together and so closely related often suggested either the start of a serial killer. Her mentor had a saying that Evelyn had kind of adopted. One's an incident, two's a coincidence, three's a pattern. Evelyn glances at Florian,"Come on. We'll head back to the precinct. We've done all we can do here." Evelyn whistles,"Hades, come here." The German Shepherd leaps to his paws, trotting over to join Evelyn. Evelyn glances at Florian,"Typically after K9's do a good job, they get to play... I saw you eyeing him earlier, would you like to play with him while I finish some stuff up?"

Florian stayed quiet and out of the way for the others as Evelyn ordered them around, he didn’t want to get in the way because he really didn’t think that she’d be too happy if he did. He had a hard time understanding her so far, he needed more time around her before he’d be able to understand her better. When the M.E joined them, Florian took a step closer, he was just going to force himself to look at the bodies as much as possible until he could stop feeling sick at the sight of them. He listened to Evelyn and Cori speak, this second body seemed to lead to more questions than anything.
When Norwood came back with the roommate and Evelyn beckoned for Florian to come closer, he was quick to move up to her side, looking at the man and watching his reaction to the sight of the body. As MacQuoid asked the roommate about the John Doe, Florian kept an eye on his body language, staying quiet as he did. After the man had left again with Elijah, Florian turned his blue gaze towards Evelyn and nodded. When she then went on to ask if he wanted to play with Hades, he started smiling brightly, “Really??” The blond caught himself and bit the inside of his cheek softly, in an attempt to contain himself slightly, “I mean sure, I’ll play with him.”
The blond crouched down in front of the dog and held out his hand for him to sniff, “Hey buddy, you wanna play?” His voice was way lighter and filled with excitement as he spoke to the dog. Florian reached out and scratched the dog behind his ear while looking up at Evelyn, his voice returning to normal, “Oh, by the way, I think the roommate’s hiding something.” After saying that he picked up a stick that was laying on the ground and stood up straight, he wasn’t going to elaborate unless MacQuoid asked him to, there was no use in explaining his theory if she had her mind set on the roommate being innocent.
He started teasing the canine a bit by moving the stick in front of his face before throwing it, “Go get it!” He watched the dog take off after the stick with a bright smile on his face. Playing with a cute animal was always fun and it made the thoughts of the bodies easier to push away and forget about for the moment.

Evelyn nods,"Sure." Evelyn then turns calling out for her fellow detectives. Before glancing back at Florian as he crouches down towards Hades. The young dog at first hesitant and Evelyn gestures,"Off duty." The K9 took that command with a bound, leaping towards Florian, ears perked up. Evelyn glances back to where Page, Elijah, and Forest were making their way towards her. "Oh, I know. There's no way the roommate's story fits, not completely." As the detectives draw closer, Elijah calls out agreeing. "If our witness saw our John Doe fleeing after strangling Arthur, then he should have heard the sound of our John Doe being strangled."
Evelyn glances towards the second crime scene,"Exactly. Let's head back to the precinct dig into both Arthur's life and the roommate's life, and see if we can ID our John Doe. Hopefully Cori will have some information for us soon." Page nods,"Alright." Page and the others head off, summoning their rookies as they head back to their cars. While Evelyn glances back at Florian and Hades the two playing fetch. Evelyn watches for a second with an unreadable expression before heading off to talk with some of the officers who were still around.
After a few minutes she was done and Evelyn calls out,"Hades!" The German Shepherd breaks away from Florian, bounding towards his owner. Evelyn glances at Florian,"Come on. I'm sure the others have managed to dig something up by now." Evelyn then starts off towards the car, Hades on her heels. The detective ducks under the police tape as the officers hold it up, ignoring the civilians and reporters who had shown up asking questions. Hades stays close and Evelyn weaves her way to her car, calling back to the officers,"Let's get all the civilians cleared out. This is a private crime scene." The officers nod.
It didn't take long for Evelyn to load Hades in the backseat, the young dog excitable but staying very calm as he sits in the back, his tail wagging slightly and his tongue out. Evelyn scratches Hades on the head,"Lay down." The German Shepherd stretches out on the backseat and Evelyn tosses him another treat before making sure his tail was out of the way and closing the door. Evelyn glances up to see the officers calling backup and some ushering the civilians out of the way. She frowns before heading around to her door.
She opens the front door, ducking in, before pulling the car shut behind her. Evelyn buckles, then starts the car just as her phone goes off. While waiting for Florian to settle in, she answers,"MacQuoid." "Hey, I need you to hurry back to the precinct. We found some stuff that you will be interested to know. And we've brought in someone for you to interview." Evelyn nods,"Alright. We'll be there as soon as we can." Page replies,"We'll keep digging up stuff while we wait." Evelyn nods,"Alright. Also see what Arthur was doing the few days before he died."

When Florian and Hade’s game of fetch was interrupted by Evelyn calling out for the canine, Florian quickly looked up after the dog, he then proceeded to jog after his mentor and her dog, soon joining their side and slowing down into a walk. He followed the detective under the police tape, quickly thanking the officer holding it up for them. As civilians and reporters swarmed around them while asking questions, Florian had to hold himself back from saying anything. He locked his eyes onto the back of Evelyn’s head, following her to the car. The man was quick to get into the car, letting out a sigh of relief as he leaned back into the seat. Normally he would always reply to someone speaking to him and now he was suddenly supposed to do the exact opposite, this was gonna be a harder job than he’d thought, at least on the social part, or rather, the unsocial part where he wasn’t supposed to talk to people.
The blond put on his seatbelt before glancing out the window, looking at the people outside as he listened to MacQuoid speak on the phone. Once she finished and started driving them back to the station, he turned his head towards the detective. “Shouldn’t we be looking more into what the roommate has been up to the past few days? Both you and Norwood agree that something is up with him and if we wait then he’s gonna have more than enough time to cover up anything that could prove he did it, if he did it of course,” he started, watching her expression as he spoke, he didn’t want to irritate her but he also wanted to say what he was thinking. “The neighbors hadn’t seen or heard much, meaning that Arthur couldn’t have put up much of a fight or yelled for help, which makes me think that he knew the killer, for example, his roommate. The roommate is also the only one, this far, who’s seen anything and it was, conveniently for him, the same guy that we found dead in the woods behind the houses,” he explained “But that’s just a thought,” Florian then added. In the end he was still a rookie so if Evelyn didn’t agree with him or she thought that what he said was stupid then he wouldn’t argue with her.
(Sorry it's kinda short heh) Edited at May 5, 2022 01:05 PM by Roaw

As soon as Florian was settled, the car was off, and Evelyn focuses on the road. Her mind racing, this was an interesting case. It could be one that turned into a serial killer, or perhaps not. Evelyn turns onto the highway that would lead them back to the precinct, could it be the roommate? They had no cameras inside the house or in the neighborhood, so while they couldn't prove the roommate a killer, they couldn't prove his alibi either. And could it really be as easy as it was the roommate?
"Shouldn’t we be looking more into what the roommate has been up to the past few days? Both you and Norwood agree that something is up with him and if we wait then he’s gonna have more than enough time to cover up anything that could prove he did it, if he did it of course." Evelyn eyes flicker sideways,"Of course we should, and I didn't need to tell Rodgers that because Norwood already knows. While the roommate won't be able to hide anything in the house because there will be officers there." They had covered their bases.
"The neighbors hadn’t seen or heard much, meaning that Arthur couldn’t have put up much of a fight or yelled for help, which makes me think that he knew the killer, for example, his roommate. The roommate is also the only one, this far, who’s seen anything and it was, conveniently for him, the same guy that we found dead in the woods behind the houses." Evelyn resists the urge to sigh, did Florian think she was the rookie? "But that’s just a thought." Evelyn sighs,"It could be the roommate, but I highly doubt it." Evelyn turns into the precinct parking lot.
She didn't elaborate on her doubt, simply parking and turning the car off. "Let's go see what they've dug up." Evelyn unbuckles and gets out, opening the back door for Hades to leap out. Once everyone was out the car and the doors were closed, Evelyn locks the door. She then starts off towards the precinct, Hades on her heels. Once inside, she steps in the elevator, hitting the button to go up once Florian had joined her. The ride up she said nothing and once the doors open before her, she steps out. "What'd you get?"
(No problem^^)