
Vincent felt bad that Ashina would be a daddy's girl and he whispered "I am sorry Sky." He got up and left their room. Vincent went into Ashina's room as there was a bed in there just in case one of them had to sleep in her room at night. Vincent did not want to cause any problems at all which is why he was letting Sky have space. Vincent began to think of how he could get Ashina to bond with Sky but he had no idea at all since this was new to him. Vincent began to feel tired but he was staying away to be with Ashina.

Sky was asleep for the rest of the night and then woke up the next morning to get some breakfast. She noticed that Vincent wasn't there, but also the fact that his side of the bed was not used during the night. She went downstairs and saw Bruce and Andrea awake. Andrea was getting ingredients out to make breakfast, but Sky said that she could cover it. Andrea said okay and sat down at the counter with Bruce after getting the dishes out for everyone, including Mark and Vincent. "How are you feeling this morning?" Andrea asked Sky. Sky looked at her quickly before going back to cooking breakfast. "I'm doing good. I feel good. I'm just so glad that Ashina's out in the world now so we can spend more time with her. She and Vincent have already become so close. I'm very happy about it," Sky replied to Andrea.

Vincent went downstairs with Ashina. Vincent had changed her and everything. Vincent said "morning everyone." Mark went over to him and said morning in Italian. Vincent smiled softly as he knew he would always have the Italian language within him that he and Mark could spend hours talking. Vincent was not sure if Ashina wanted her grandfather or if she wanted him to keep holding her. Vincent look well rested which was a surprise but he was not tired at all. Vincent said "morning Sky and Mrs. Ruffalo." Vincent still had a bad habit of calling Andrea Mrs. Ruffalo. Mark chuckled softly as he was watching Vincent and Ashina.

"Morning," Sky answered quickly but didn't turn around as she didn't want to burn the food she was cooking. "Good morning, Vincent," Andrea said happily as looked at him. Bruce also said good morning to him too as he was glad to be there now. Ashina looked up at her father as she was listening to his Italian language. She didn't want to be away from her father though as she loved her father.

Vincent said morning to Bruce. Vincent was smiling as he was happy to be talking to Mark. Vincent look down at Ashina and saw that she was listening. Vincent ask "are you trying to learn Italian Ashina?" He chuckled as he was not sure why but he thought it was funny when she was listening to him speak Italian. Vincent said "you are such a a funny child." He was not sure why but he did feel protective of Ashina as he did not want anything bad to happen to her. Vincent was not sure if anyone needed him to do anything or if anyone wanted to talk to him.

Ashina giggled as she listened to her father. She was too young to learn how to speak yet, but she was good at listening already. Even though she has only been born for almost 12 hours, she has gained so much already just by listening. "Here you go," Sky said as she brought everyone's plate to the dining room table to eat. Sky sat down too to eat but she was quiet as she ate as she had many thoughts in her head. She wasn't sure if Vincent was going to ask her mother about her heart stopping during the night, but she didn't know enough to say anything and didn't want to get yelled at about it either.

Vincent said "thank you Sky." He sat down with Ashina in his arms. Vincent knew he would have to ask Andrea in private as he did not want to worry Mark or Bruce about his question. Vincent was sitting by Sky and he began to eat. Mark was sitting by Andrea and he began to eat. Vincent knew he would have to let Ashina bond with Sky soon though as he did not want Sky to feel left out. (Sorry it's short.)

Sky gave a short smile to Vincent's words before continuing to eat her food. She was starting to get a little bit of post-partum depression from not being able to connect with Ashina as the first couple of days are cructial for the mother and child to connect as it gives them hormones that are supposed to help them and it's also so the mother can produce milk too. Sky finished her breakfast right after Bruce did and she went with him to the kitchen and they put away their plates. She sat down on the floor with him in the living room and was signing away, having a nice conversation and asking him about how school was for him and stuff like that.

Vincent started to feel like he was causing problems in his house and he stop eating. Mark noticed tears that filled Vincent's eyes as he saw Vincent get up and quickly went upstairs to Ashina's room with Ashina in his arms. Mark said "Andrea, I think something is wrong." He was worried that Vincent was angry with himself but he knew that talking to the baby could have something to do with it. Mark went to go check on Vincent to see if everything was ok. Vincent explained everything to Mark and Mark said "that is normal for the baby to favor one parent over the other one. Sky was always a daddy's girl when she was younger."

Andrea saw Vincent go upstairs and when she heard Mark she went upstairs with him. She sat down with Mark to talk to him. She listened to what he said. "It's okay for Ashina to favor you more. When she's older, she'll get used to having Sky around too and will come around. Sky will be okay. It took some time for me to get used to Sky favoring Mark, but I was okay with it after we had a nice talk and just explained our feelings and came up with a way to both have a chance with her. She just wants some company is all. She has a hard time being alone. She always had been. She'll come around though," Andrea explained to Vincent truthfully as he had done nothing wrong.