
Mark said "it's okay Sky. I mean I know what's it is like having a first child. I mean when you were born. I was so nervous that you would hate me so badly for being a actor who was a father now. I learned that it's okay. You don't have to thank me. I am your father. I am supposed to help with anything." He smiled softly. Vincent was willing to leave the room if she just wanted her father in the room with her.

Sky listened to her father and started to feel better about having the baby. She nodded as she listened to him and sat back down when she started going through another contraction. She saw that Vincent looked like he was going to leave and tears started to fall down her face as she was scared of being without him and didn't want him to leave her. "Please don't leave me, Vincent," Sky managed to say through her contraction as she was sitting all tensed up on the floor.

Vincent said "I am not leaving you sweetie." He went to her side and he held her hand as he was never going to leave her side. Vincent said "I am going to take a month of working so that I can be with you and our baby." He kissed her forehead as he was willing to stay home for a whole month just to be with them. Vincent wanted to keep Sky and their baby happy. Vincent look relax as he was keeping his eyes on Sky. Mark said "you are with a great guy Sky. He is amazing." Vincent just chuckled.

"Thank you," Sky said as her contraction went away. She got back up as she wasn't sure where her father wanted to have her for when it came time to deliver. "Where do you want me to go for when it comes time for me to have the baby?" Sky asked. She saw that it was already 6pm in the evening and that the day had almost passed by. Sky was thinking about everything.

Mark said "let's get you to your bed. It will be more comfortable for you and the baby." Vincent heard this and he went to get the bed ready for Sky. Vincent wanted to make sure that she was going to be comfortable with the baby. Mark said "I will make sure that you are going to be okay with your baby. I promise Sky." Mark knew that he would make sure that Sky was safe. Vincent went back into the room and waited for Sky and Mark as he knew he would do anything to make sure everything would be okay.

"Okay. I don't think it's time yet, but I just wanted to know. But, I can go now," Sky replied back. She walked with Vincent and Mark to their bedroom and sat down on the bed. She wasn't sure what was going to happen next but she was still feeling nervous about having the baby as she felt like she wasn't fully prepared to be a mother or if she'll be a good mother. She was also nervous about the chance that she'd have post-partum depression after having the baby, but she was hoping that she wouldn't.

Vincent was not sure what was going to happen next but he was going to stay close to her as he was feeling relax. Vincent sat on the bed by Sky's side so that she could be happy as he did not want her to feel horrible. Vincent kissed her hand as Mark was ready to help her with anything. Mark said "alright. I will make sure that everything is going to be okay." (Sorry it's short.)

Sky was calming down a little bit as she laid back against the pillows while her father was getting everything ready for when it came time. She smiled as she looked at him when Vincent kissed her hand. "Thank you, for helping me with everything and doing this with me," Sky said to Vincent and her father. She looked at them as she wasn't sure what they'd say, but she was hoping that they were okay with being here with her.

Vincent and Mark look at each other before Mark said "Sky, you don't have to thank us." He turn to look at her. Vincent added "We are grateful to be helping with everything. I know I could never imagine my life without you here with me." He kissed her hand again as he felt happy. Mark said "I should be thanking you. You are making me a grandfather and I am so excited." He smiled softly. (Sorry it's short.)

"Yeah, I'm just hoping everything will be fine once Ashina's born. I heard about post-partum depression and there's a chance in all new mothers to get it. I don't want to get it as I heard how upsetting it can be for the entire family. I'm sure everything will be fine though," Sky explained her worry as she wanted them to know about it. Sky wasn't sure what they were going to say, but she knew that she was safe with them there.