
Vincent said "I am not sure what to talk about. Maybe what we could do for the future of us. I mean, would you stay with me if I retire from acting at the right age of 65 years old or would you support me if I could to act in movies." He look at her as he was not sure what was going to happen next as he was hoping that she would support him with whatever he chose as he wanted to keep acting but he would stop if she did not want him to keep acting.

"I will support you with any decision you make regarding your career. If you want to stop, then I won't stop you. If you want to continue to act until 65 then I will support you. You don't have to make a decision based on what I want. I love you, so I support you with anything you choose," Sky answered back to Vincent. She looked at him and smiled as she wanted him to be happy. "Is that okay?" Sky asked him.

Vincent heard Sky and he said "thank you so much." He carefully gave her a hug as he never been supported the way that Sky was supporting him. Vincent said "I think I will continue to act in movies and TV shows. Thank you for supporting me. You are amazing." He had tears in his eyes as he was happy and Sky was the only one who supported him with anything. Vincent knew he had found his true love in Sky and he wanted to keep her in his life. Vincent knew he would treat Sky with respect and love that he has for her.

"Of course. I love you so much too, Vincent. I will always be there for you," Sky said to Vincent. She hugged him back as she was happy that he accepted her. "I'm so glad I'm with you and I'm glad you're here with me," Sky explained to Vincent. "Is there anything you need?" Sky asked him as she didn't want him to have to sit with her the entire time if he needed to eat or use the bathroom or something.

Vincent smiled softly as he said "I am glad that you are here with me. No, I don't need anything at the moment." He look at her and he felt relax as he knew that he would do anything for her. Vincent ask "is there anything you want me to get for you?" He was wanting to make sure that she was okay but he was willing to grab something for her if she wanted him to. Vincent was staying close to her as he wanted to make sure that she would be fine and he knew that he would do anything to make sure she was happy.

"Alright. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I don't need anything though right now. The pain is making my stomach upset, so I don't really want to eat right now," Sky answered to Vincent. She looked at him as she put her head against his chest as she was a little tired too but wanted to stay up for him so he wasn't alone. "I'm not sure what else you want to talk about. What do you want to talk about?" Sky asked.

Vincent ask "should we talk about our favorite movies and snacks?" He look at her as he was not sure what was going to happen next but he was feeling relax as he knew he would be protective of her and their baby girl. Vincent ask "would you like me to rub your back or no?" He was not sure what she wanted him to do but he wanted to make sure she was comfortable. Vincent was showing a calmer side of him which many people never saw since he wanted to keep it hidden. Vincent look at Sky as he was not sure if she would be happy.

"We could talk about our favorite movies and snacks. But I'm okay for now. Could you just do it when I go through my contractions? It helps with the pain a little and it makes me feel calmer knowing you're here with me to help however I need it," Sky responded back to Vincent. She wasn't sure how he would take it but she spoke truthfully about it. "Is that okay or no?" Sky asked him.

Vincent said "that is okay. Just as long as it helps that is all that counts." He kissed her forehead as he knew he would make sure that she was okay as he felt more worried about her than himself as he knew she was having his baby. Vincent said "thank you for letting me a father Sky. Thank you so much." He was thankful as he never thought that he would be a father. Vincent was not sure what she was going to say but he was feeling happy about being a father. Vincent ask "what is your favorite movie and favorite snacks?"

"Of course it helps. I'm glad it does because I would a lot more irritable if it wasn't. But, I'm glad you're happy about being a father and I'm excited to be a mother and having a baby with you. I'm glad we got to do so," Sky explained to him as she smiled lightly as she looked at him. She listened to his question and thought about it for a moment. "My favorite movie is The Tomorrow War and my favorite snack is Oreos," Sky answered back.