
Luna looked at the carcass and took a deep breath. She bolted straight to it, and as she lunged she went a bit short, sliding to it the last foot. As soon as she bit it, she ran back and stopped by the battle master. *That was bad* Luna thought as she waited to see what was next.

She watched as she came short. "At what point did you close your eyes, before or after the step before the lunge?" She looked down at the wolf.

Luna lowered her head. *Was I that bad that it was obvious* she thought as she looked to the battle master. "Right before" she replied, slightly worried she might be punished for messing up.

This link should be what the battle Master looks like if the link works . She nodded her head understanding the mistake. "So you want to look for as long as possible. Only once you know you are going to hit close your eyes." She looked at Luna, wondering why she was scared. "Do it again. All of it." She sat and watched. Edited at March 23, 2021 05:29 PM by AppleBottomJeans

Luna gave a nod before she took off, attempting again. This time, she pretended the carcass was Nyra, leaping at it, managing to bite into it without sliding to it before she let go and ran back to the battle master, somewhat shocked as to what she just did.

The battle Master nodded and smiled. "Very good, very good indeed. That exercise works on muscle building in the jaw, and legs, and also dabbles in agility." She looked at the carcass. "I'll go slowly." She stood up and firmly planted her feet as she knelt down. She bolted and jumped seamlessly and bit the carcass let go and landed on her feet before pivoting and running back to where she started. "The movements need to be fluid, but for now you've got the hang of it." She looked out of the ring above the obsticale course that was to the right of the carcass and saw Blue Jay / After he had helped the limping pack member he did a small perimeter check around base camp instead of around their territory. After that he returned and went to the battle pit. Looking in he saw Luna hit the target. He smiled to himself and sat as the master showed her how to make it look better. He nodded to the master when she looked at him and jumped in. "I see practice is going well."

Luna nodded to the battle Master and had been about to ask what was next before she heard Blue Jay. She glanced over quickly and smiled. "It's going better than I thought it would for myself" she said before she let her eyes stay on him.

As he paced forward he chuckled slightly and shook his head. The the battle Master spoke up. "If this is your first time you're doing fine, most miss their first four tries." Blue Jay held back a smile as he remembered the first time he had tried to do it. He had missed ten times in a row. "Your doing better then I did in the beginning." He sat down. "I have a bit till the scouts get back, whats next?" The battle Master looked at the agility practice. Logs at different heights to jump and crawl under, sharp turns, and then you have to turn around and go backwards. "That." Blue Jay looked at it, then at Luna, his eyes getting wide as he remembered how much he hated that.

Luna tilted her head to the logs. "How do I do this one" she asked. Her smaller frame wouldnt have an issue with the going under, but the leaping up and down, she would have issues with due to lack of practice with agility and really much of anything. When she looked at Blue Jay, she watched him curiously. "I cant really have done better than you, can I" she asked.

The battle Master looked at her and tilted her head to the question. "Just do the best you can." Bluejays looked at Luna and nodded quietly to the question she directed to him and motioned for her to do the obstacle course.