
Luna watched Blue Jay's form as he moved in the moonlight. Her blue eyes locked on the male. "W-where would you like me in the morning" she asked, meaning for her training to begin. "Since I dont really know much about anything" she added on. Her form was perfect for a hunter, though she wouldnt be bad with fighting either if she used her slender figure to her advantage.

He tilted his head. "I would probably put you in a basic training group for hunting and fighting. Then see other jobs. After finding what suits you best stick with it." He stretched his back legs then just stood their. "If you need anything I'm 8 holes to your right, or Cin is 3 holes to your left." He wagged his tail as he headed off to his den. . (I'm headed out early, I've had a god awful day.)

(Awe, I am sorry to hear that. Hopefully tomorrow is better) ~ Luna nodded before she watched him go. The white female stood outside her new den for a bit, not quite ready to sleep. She let the cool air blow through her fur a bit before she looked up to the moon. She walked a little bit away from the dens, and gave a few soft howls, feeling safe for the first time ever to want to howl. After a little bit, Luna went back to the den she picked and curled up before she closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

He walked to his den and sat outside looking at the moon. He didn't make a sound, just sat their staring at its beauty. He turned and went into his den, the moonlight entering his den and landing on his fur as he drifted to sleep.

Through the night, Luna had nightmares, mostly of what life would be like aftre the packs merge, and Nyra being worse than before. She finally got up when she saw the sky growing lighter, telling her it was morning. Slowly, the white female got up and made her way towards the main camp, waiting to see where she would be placed for training that day.

Blue Jay was up roaming camp getting things ready before sun up. He was setting the training station, young pup pen. Pup training area, and the food court. After ever decision he looked to his parents who only nodded, giving him more freedom to reign. It wasn't long till he saw Cin, who he greeted warmly then left him to do his morning scouting. He was sitting by the battle ring seeing if he liked how it was when he heard twigs snap coming from the direction of the dens. And he knew everyone was awake except Luna, so he knew it was her. "Good morning", he spoke hyped for the day and turned to her.

Luna glanced around, a little worried as she did so. "Am I late" she asked, hoping she wasnt since it usually meant punishment on her end. Her tail was slightly tucked when she asked if she was late, but she still held her head higher than the day before.

He chuckled at her. "No, your only late if its noon and you're not injured or sore." He looked at the training area. "Does this look right to you?" He tilted his head as he looked at it, almost as if trying to get a different view.

Luna wagged her tail to know she wasnt late before she looked at the training area. She tilted her head before she looked at Blue Jay. "It looks different than what Storm Pack does, but it looks alright to me" she replied before her mind went back to her nightmares the night before. She shook her head to clear her mind before she looked back at Blue Jay. "Am I training with you, or someone else?"

He looked at her and sighed. "Maybe later, I have so much to do, maybe later though." He looked back at the ring. "I got it." He hopped in and pushed the everything so that it was positioned at 12, 3, 6, and 9 o' clock. "That looks much better, doesn't it?" He looked up at her. Edited at March 22, 2021 02:21 PM by AppleBottomJeans