He looks awesome, first off. Tigerstripe, Patcheye, Blackheart/Brownheart.
Winter kingdom of do said: Names for himhttps://wolfplaygame.com/wolf.php?id=2088605
Here are some names for you
Patchedclaw Mapleglow Spottedbranch Spottedshade Mountainpatch Mountainpeak Mountainslash Oakstripes Thrushtalon Seedspeckles Rabbitleg Darkflight Harewhisker Stagtoe Flashnose Addertail Fallowchive Breezenettle Houndcedar Redthistle Heatherfoot Volesnout
I need names for the wolf named RESERVED in my den :D
Winter kingdom of do said: Need names for himhttps://wolfplaygame.com/genstart.php?decor=Y&id=2052184
Here are some names for you;
Sharpfern Waspstorm Ebonycalico Bounceviolet Leapingrabbit Willowplum Fernfire Leapwhisker Beechwave Stonefleck Mothcoat Deershadows Berrythorn Nimblebranch Quailshine Ratstalk Beechskip Falconspot Cleverbranch Ambermist Daybird Mildflame Driftnose Mottlespring Branchflank
Snowy Shadows said: I need names for the wolf named RESERVED in my den :D
Driftnose Riversoar Brokennight Raccoonsnout Scarymist Dapperclouds Mistyleaf Tigerstorm Graynose Oddbush Rubblebelly Mellowriver Ravenclaw Wildgust Gullbriar Thistledawn Raccoonpatches Starkrain Rashdream Mistypuddle Eaglefur Cloudygust Willowsoar Sleepyrain Quickwind
I have an actual clan book I'm writing and going to publish. On like a website as like a blog, not an actual book; Don't wanna get fined! I have six clans and it's a hassle to remember so many names.)) Also need names? I have a gazillion names. Here's a few:
Thorntail Beepaw Frostfire Hazelwind Skyclaw Hailmoon Mooneye Starrypelt Mudtooth Windfrost Breezesar Ravenpelt Bramblebush Many more.... Edited at December 30, 2018 04:49 PM by Merry Claws
I have some too;
Littleskip Blizzardscar Thistlespots Falcon's Shadow Sleeping Leaf Quiet Mist Amberstreak Blackstone Whitepounce Otterface Luckyblossom Dovebreeze Eagletalon Redleg Sandyclaw Breezepoppy Smoothbrook Bigshade Chasingflower Rosepatch Brightshade Aldergaze Buzzardtail Leapingnight Loudsnow Perkyshade Browndawn Briarface Prickleface Pigeonflurry Deersong Chasing Lightning Scary Tree
I know, Warriors are awesome with names. There are so many combinations. I made some that aren't really Warrior names: Yeetclaw Epictail Taletalon Epicyeet Yeetytail
Sooo many warrior names! I'm just gonna give all of my wolves warrior names now.
Also, some warrior names I came up with....(If no one else has, I haven't really looked through the lists of names)
Bearclaw Wavewing Cherryflower Ravenwing Lavacloud Edited at January 4, 2019 05:45 PM by Bramblestar