Wolf Play : Stray Dog RP | RP Thread
 Night Shade
01:47:53 Graves | Chaos
I started drawing and now my back and neck hurt lmao
 Sea Coast
uh. Yea!
 Clear Sky
01:46:53 Sky / Blue - she,her
quite a big differnce isnt it :D
 Sea Coast
 Clear Sky
01:46:09 Sky / Blue - she,her
well here is 9:45 pm
 Sea Coast

What about you?
 Sea Coast
2:44 pm
 Clear Sky
01:44:48 Sky / Blue - she,her
sea, sorry i didnt refresh
 Sea Coast
Aww Rogue, your nice!
 Clear Sky
01:44:17 Sky / Blue - she,her

what time is it at your place?
 Rogue Wildfires
01:43:52 Mac and Cheese
All my wolves are like me: Unsocial
 Sea Coast

Which one is new?
 Clear Sky
01:42:41 Sky / Blue - she,her
same im mad at bree
 Sea Coast
@Clear Sky

I have 3 geodes and cant open them because I dont have apples!
 Clear Sky
01:41:26 Sky / Blue - she,her

thats so cool, i have too
 Sea Coast
Made a new friend!
 Clear Sky
01:39:20 Sky / Blue - she,her
ehh nothing much... how about you?
01:38:36 Meek Meek
-WP Click-
I dont remember if we are allowed to post links to polls in main chat but here! Hopefully I can.
 Sea Coast
Whats up!
 Sea Coast
Hi Sky!


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Stray Dog RP | RP ThreadMay 20, 2024 05:57 PM


Posts: 1492
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Solace | F | Alpha female | M: Sun chaser, Kai (Dir), Valentina, the pack (Ind)
"Huh, that didn't end as badly as I had expected." Solace commented towards Sun Chaser. "Hopefully the other lone dogs around here will have the same attitude."
Solace then proceeded to listen to what Sun Chaser was saying and to Kai's response. "I don't think it'd be the best to try and get food off of humans. They're unpredictable. Some can be cruel, even if a lot can be kind." She added, reminicing on her old owner, but also a few of the more nasty humans that she had encountered.

Edited at May 20, 2024 05:57 PM by Crazydayz
Stray Dog RP | RP ThreadMay 20, 2024 07:16 PM

The Shadows of Dawn

Posts: 62
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Sky | F | Omega | M: Solace

" Can we go explore yet? " Sky was wanting to explore so she would not mess up anything the alpha's were doing. " I wanna check out what Kai calls a 'dog park' " everyone knows that sky tends to find useful things when playing with others or having fun exploring " Pleassse? "
Stray Dog RP | RP ThreadMay 21, 2024 08:01 AM

Thundering Embers

Posts: 660
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2 stray cats (NPC's) have wandered onto the stray dog packs territory, the alphas have to decide who to fight them (Only 2) Alphas pm me with your 2dogs (Choose one each) of choice. Can choose other animals if you've got a good bond eg. lone stray dog, other stray cats etc.
Stray Cat 1 - Health (100)
Stray Cat 2 - Health (100)
Stray Dog RP | RP ThreadMay 22, 2024 04:43 PM

The Shadows of Dawn

Posts: 62
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Kai | M | Other | M Alphas

" Alpha SunChaser!, Alpha Solace! " Kai said with a hint of anticipation
" there are two cats near the allyways do you wish to send Dogs out to deal with this issue? or do you want to deal with it ? or leave them be? " Kai waited for their answers on the cat issue " it is your call "
Stray Dog RP | RP ThreadMay 27, 2024 11:11 AM

Thundering Embers

Posts: 660
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Kai and Ebony walk over to the stray cats, Kai intimidates stray cat 1 and scares it off, Ebony attempts to bite stray cat 2 but is unsuccessful.
Stray Cat 2 gets bored and wanders of, Kai deserves some respect and praise from the alphas.

Edited at May 27, 2024 11:11 AM by Thundering Embers
Stray Dog RP | RP ThreadMay 29, 2024 08:54 AM

The Shadows of Dawn

Posts: 62
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Kai | M | Other | M : open

Kai lays on a patch of dirt bored then see a brunch f frog and wonder how they got here " umm hey little guys are you guys lost? " He nudges the frog " werid..... " he returns to his pacth of dirt watching the pack and the fence's borders makingsure no threat is near by like other strays that may threaten the pack or others
Stray Dog RP | RP ThreadMay 29, 2024 09:08 AM

Thundering Embers

Posts: 660
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Valentina | F | Lone Dog | M: Nyx.
"I was just wondering what they were doing here, turns out they are here to stay so it's going to be even harder to find food..." Valentina sat down with a big sigh. "...Also making sure they knew their place, you better go over and meet them aswell. Tell them their place aswell!" Valentina looked at the sky it was nearly morning. "The alpha female is strong but the alpha male is to chill." She got up and said bye to Nyx leaving her alone with her thoughts and chicken.
She walked over to a shop trying to listen out for movement showing that they were opening but no sound. She always got her food from here, she saw a sign outfront she couldn't tell what it said as she was a dog and human language is weird. It said FOR SALE, that didn't mean anything to her though. She had a wander over to an enclosed feild where dogs would hang out with their owners. The metal on wheels weren't awake yet so she could easily cross the street.
She saw a pidgeon and sneaked up on it but it flew of. She was to hungry for chasing so she had a rummage in the bins. She found a quarter of a hotdog and it's bun and inhaled that. She had a walk around and decided to have a nap underneath a tree in the shade.
Stray Dog RP | RP ThreadMay 29, 2024 03:33 PM

Starlight Serpent

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Ebony | F | Other Pack Dog | M: Kai
Ebony was laying on the ground, not far from the others but not close either. Even though she hadn't actually landed an attack on the cats, she was still pleased with herself for scaring them off.

It did worry her, though, that there were already trespassers so soon. Then again, this might convince the alphas to move out of this stinky dump. Hmm.
Ebony looked up as Kai talked to the frog. "Sky found it. She wants to keep it," she said, rolling her eyes.
Scrap | F | Stray Cat | M: Kai, Ebony (both indirect)
Scrap was returning to her cardboard box when she heard distant yowls of fear from a stray cat. The sound came from the dog pack's territory. She narrowed her eyes and hissed softly. They just got here and they're already chasing everybody out! As much as the stray dogs annoyed her, they weren't as territorial... or as many. If the pack threatened Scrap's food or territory, she might have to find some way of getting them out. But since dogs were bigger and greatly outnumbered her, she'd have to find a creative solution, if it came to that.

Edited at May 29, 2024 03:33 PM by Starlight Serpent
Stray Dog RP | RP ThreadMay 30, 2024 07:42 PM

Ghosts of Glory

Posts: 611
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Nyx | Female | Lone dog | Wolf-Dog | M: Valentina
I nod and watch her walk away, thanking her for the chicken once again. Telling them their place isn't really my thing... I'd rather just leave them alone unless they bother me. I sigh and wonder what I should do.
Sun Chaser | Male | Alpha Male | M: Kai, Solace
I am pleased with both of them. I walk over to Kai and Ebony. "Good job both of you. I'm impressed, Kai" I say with a smile. I then spot solace and go up to her. We haven't talked in forever. I wonder what she thinks of this new territory. It's not great but it will have to do for now. "Hey Sol" I say, nuzzling her neck, submissively. "How are you doing?"
Stray Dog RP | RP ThreadMay 30, 2024 08:58 PM


Posts: 125
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Rye |M|Pack Beta| M: SunChaser, Solace, Sky, Valentina, (ind)Kai, (OtherDogs) & (All Pack dogs)
"Im no alpha..at least not yet." her words made him chuckle a slight laugh. With a nod of acknowledgement he steppped aside leaving room for SunChaser to replace him by Solace's side now turning his head to speak with Sky. "..Its because he knows the only reason this stanger knows we exist is due to his...negligence." His gaze hardened and ears flattened at Valentina as she asked for so many details about the pack..it almost made him uncomfortable.
"Perhaps..you should watch kai, he may not be useless but he's not trustworthy either. Valentina wouldn't have known we where even here if it wern't for him and we wouldn't have known that he was hiding that if i didn't follow him. Now theres the threat of lone dogs who likely arn't very happy about us being here". He said quietly to SunChaser his tail flicking side to side with slight frustration.
"I agree with Solace, smaller dogs shouldn't go alone either...things could easily get messy"(To all dogs)
His attention was immediately grabbed as Ebony and Kai chased after two cats. He sighed in disappointment that it was Kai who managed to get a bite on one. "Flea bitten..." he didnt finish his thought out loud.
"In that case im going out to pull my weight if anyone wants to join me." he said in Solace and SunChaser's direction where other dogs could hear.
Deep down he wanted to see the dog park sky talked about, however kai would be with her...and besides..he had other work to do anyways. He sighed once more.

Edited at May 30, 2024 09:32 PM by Noricai

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