
Kovit|Cub| Mentions: Armani (dir) Asha (ind) Zefira (ind) - "I found it in the brush near the watering hole!" he chirped as Armani declared him the winner of sticks a smile ear to ear appeared. Though he relished in the moment just a tad too long practically giving Asha and Zefira a headstart on the new quest. He padded down the path to where the old carcuss had been kept, but to no avail as there didnt seem to be any decent bones nearby. He scented for one but couldnt pick up anything prominant however he noticed a few fragments scattered about, deciding to compromise with one of those he picked it up but not without battering it around like a toy for a few moments eventually being the last to reach armani. As he was heading there he noticed his mother in the clearing which drew his attention away from the game. Edited at February 16, 2024 04:29 PM by Noricai

Asha | F | Cub | M: Kovit, Zefira, Armani - Asha pouted a bit upon learning that she had lost two rounds so far. She shook her head with a renewed determination to get the next object so she wouldn't fall behind. Already looking around, she tried to guess the next object. She watched Armani for a while before turning to the other cubs. "I bet I'll get first place next time! Third time's the charm!"

Armani⇑Pride Lioness⇑M: Cubs,Open The cubs gathered round it seemed that Zefira had won "Well done Zefira!" Armani looked around thinking of what she should choose next as the cubs waited before her. Maybe a leaf? No to easy, a boar tusk? No to hard, ah-ha what about bark of a tree? There was one near the King and Queens den it would be hard to get the bark of the tree but if they were smart they could find it or scrape it of the tree somehow. - "Ok your next item is...Bark!" Armani knew some would be confused but they'd figure it out. The cubs with good use of their teeth could get it if the tree, and the ones that use their brains (as much as they can as cubs) could look around the foot of the tree. The cubs bounded away, some staying to think but Armani layed down as she was hot and tired. Edited at February 19, 2024 12:59 PM by Thunder Hunters

Inaaya |PrideLioness|Mentions: Calisto (dir) Calisto's roar made her fur and hackles spike up her ears twitched forward as she lifted her head from the waters surface feeling the kings burning gaze. "Apologies..Calisto.. i'll remember next time..." She trotted over closer to him "Where's the rest of the pride?" she asked with a curious but cautious tone. While asking she seemed slightly distracted watching the cubs, eager to say hello to them as they ran about on a new mission.

Kovit|Cub| Mentions: Armani (dir) Bark?" he shuffled the dirt with a light kick waiting for something to jog his memory. "Bark..BArk!" he scampered across the feild. Out of breath by the time he reached the tree, it appeared as though it was dying, somewhat dried out over the years. He tried to pull the bark from its side crunching little pieces of brittle bark off. His nose and face scrunched up as the crumbs infested his mouth "Eewww..!" a disgusted rage pulled his eyebrows down as he attempted to spit them out. Spitting them out didnt work so he resorted to rubing his face on the tree roots but it only made it worse. Now he was covered in little particles and dirt, his fur was also amiss sticking out in every direction like calics. He gave up and sat down with a pout infront of Armani the coiled up expression still on his face.

Asha | F | Cub | M: Kovit, Armani - Asha paused for a moment, thinking about where she'd find bark. Eventually she scampered over to an old tree. She had arrived after her brother but grinned when she saw that he was unable to get any. Determined, she looked for loose or fallen bark. Noticing that an area of the tree was bare, she looked on the ground and eventually found a decent sized chunk of bark. She clamped her jaws around the piece, darting back over to Armani. "Got one!" Asha stated proudly, putting the bark in front of the lioness. "Where you too scared of some dirt?" She teased her brother light-heartedly upon seeing him pouting. She batted him a bit with her paw, tail waving.

Armani⇑Pride Lioness⇑M: Cubs,Open The cubs scampered back to her, "Well done Asha, that's enough for today" Armani wandered over to the water hole desperately needing a drink. She lowered her head and lapped up the water, she was careful not to splash it or drink to much because of the situation. She got up and stretched her hind legs, she walked over to where the other lionesses were grazing and lay next to one. - She rolled around in the dirt for a second before laying down and licking her paws. It seemed she had a piece of bark stuck, she tried to chew it out but it wasn't working. She gave up and had a nap. Edited at March 8, 2024 03:48 PM by Thunder Hunters

Spottedshade | Pride Lioness | M: Acacia, Nyota
"There are a lot of antelope by the acacia savanna, so we should definitely try there", Spottedshade went on. She didn't want to seem to pushy, so she added, "If you want to, I mean. The rocky place west of camp could be good, too. Or we could try a water source. Antelope would probably gather around something like that."

Armani⇑Pride Lioness⇑M:Open Armani woke up and looked around the camp, she saw the king in the distance and the same with the pups. She squinted to look at a couple lionesses in the distance, that was the hunting party but they weren't exactly doing much hunting. They were just standing there but Nyota looked a bit annoyed but Armani couldn't tell she might just be tired. - Armani got up to go to her den, she got up stretched and walked of. Hoping that she didn't get disturbed she stumbled in and started rolling on the ground trying to get comfortable. She got comfortable and lay down, she was tired again and went to sleep with her paws outstretched because she was happy and comfortable. I've probably made some mistakes. Edited at March 12, 2024 05:05 AM by Thunder Hunters

Edited at March 14, 2024 12:40 PM by Thunder Hunters