
Grumpy Badger The badger took one step to charge but before he could move the foxes sprung into action. He growled loud when foxes started biting and scratching at his back and stomach. But he wasn't going down without a fight and he wasn't gonna run away from this battle. His pride was too strong to lose to a few scrawny foxes. He reared up flinging the fox on his back off. With it a chunk of the badgers fur and skin was ripped out out. With fury he lunged his jaws at the fox clawing his soft stomach. - Spider - Beach Clan - Soldier - M: Tundra, Marigold, Cypress, Spark Spider heard Spark yelp from his den, he was only half asleep by time she called. WHat could this even be about he thought to himself with disdain. Looking over he saw the soft rising and falling of Tundras white pelt. 'Sparks calling the clan,' Spider whispered quietly trying to nudge her awake. He had seen her snapping at Cypress earlier and didn't want to be on the receiving end of that. He briefly fretted over where Cypress and Marigold were as they were nowhere in sight and it was starting to get a little late. Edited at December 30, 2023 06:36 AM by Squeky

Chogan [] M [] Soldier [] Meadow Clan [] M: Willow With a loud snarl the reddish pelted fox tore at the badger with his claws and jaws, only to be thrown off backwards. He smacked into the ground with a sickening thump, black bursting before his eyes and pained flaring in every bone. Yet Chogan jumped back up, noticing Willow was in trouble. He bounded back into the fight, diving right under the badger's nose before whirling back around and clawing at its face. More of a taunt for the badger to come after him, so Willow had time to regain control. +++ Tundra [] F [] Soldier [] Beach Clan [] M: Spider, Spark The white female had been gently cradled in a warm, mossy nest, deep in sleep when she heard a voice sneak into her head. Waking up with a slight twitch of her tail, Tundra registered what Spider had said and nodded. "Thanks." She answered, feeling a bit sheepish at the way he looked at her- like she might explode at any moment. +What I did to Cypress was ONLY because he is extremely annoying+ Tundra thought, shaking her fluffy pelt and padding quietly out of the den. Come to think of it, she hadn't seen Cypress at all... or Marigold for that instance. Then again, she had been sleeping. Walking to where Spark was calling, Tundra sat and sniffed the air. She immediately tensed, her pelt standing up. The smell of humans intertwined with the salty smell of the ocean and strong scent of foxes. That was never a good sign. +++ Cypress [] M [] Soldier [] Beach Clan [] M: Spark, Marigold The grey male had collected the moss and was returning to camp when he smelled humans. Darting into the bushes and keeping quite still, Cypress waited. The smell grew stronger, filling the air until a human emerged. A tall, two legged, no fur beast, this creature had shaggy hair in its chin as well and it was really tall. Cypress waited till it was long gone and ran back towards camp. He dropped the moss carefully in the med den and looked around to see if Marigold was back yet. She wasn't. With a rising sense of unease, Cypress trotted to where the foxes were having the meeting, sitting near Spider. "What's going on?" He asked in a low voice.

Violet/ second/ Meadowclan/
Violet jumped away from the badger then leaped at it, aiming for one of its beady eyes.

Grumpy Badger The badgers jaws landed on the ear of a female fox that had gone for his eyes tearing at it with his small sharp teeth he felt blood dripping into his eyes as he went for another fox who nipped and clawed at his face. He couldn't see anymore and he was weakening but he refused to stop swinging his long claws wildly at anything her could reach. - Spider - Soldier - Beach Clan - M: Cypress Spider smiled politely before padding quickly out of the old ship. Spark looked more tense than usual but not in her signature grumpy way, more jumpy and skittish, not a normal sight for the vixen. Hearing Cypress sit next to him he responded quietly, 'I don't know but she looks more uneasy than normal doesn't she, normally shes busy barking orders.' (Im waiting to post for Spark until Marigold shows up ;)) - Honey - Alpha - Meadow Clan - M: Nootau, Aster, Frisk Honey paced the entrance anxiety sweeping through her veins. She worried for her sister and her loyal second in command, she worried for her soldiers who bravely went out on this mission. Maybe she should have led the patrol herself she fretted. But she also wanted to guard their camp and be ready for when they returned, suddenly she stopped and took a deep breath trying to calm herself. 'Nootau, can you go search for Myra and Frisk, they havent returned and its getting dark,' Honey said, regaining her composure a little. Despite her concerns there was still stuff she needed to be responsible for. 'Its just you and me now,' she told Aster. 'Be ready, I have a bad feeling about this.' Edited at December 30, 2023 08:54 AM by Squeky

Violet/ second / meadowclan Violet yelped. Her ear! She shook her head flicking small droplets of blood around. She decided to take a different approach. She charged into the badger. Her shoulder slamming into its side.

Dune/ lost kit/ M: Spark, Beachclan Dunes eyes widened. There where so many foxes! She had never seen this many before. Especially not in one place.

Chargin|Warrior|Meadow Clan Camp|Meadow Clan - Chargin was lied down in camp, head up. He didn't go out with the patrol to get the badger since it was too risky. He didn't know about the humans' arrivial. He was waiting in camp like it was another day. Edited at December 31, 2023 04:52 PM by RightWolf 🦃

Chogan [] M [] Soldier [] Meadow Clan [] M: Violet With an angry growl Chogan ripped at the badger's face, tearing its ears and eyes. He was taking blows, and he would be quite sore after this, but if everything went right this badger would never harm anyone again. The grey male slipped out of the way of the flailing claws and bit the animal's leg before snapping at the stomach.

Grumpy Badger The badger felt like every ounce of his blood was being drained from the numorous wounds he had sustained and he finally collapsed. Ready for death he closed his eyes for the final blow knowing he would die with honor during a hard fought battle. - Honey - Leader - Meadow Clan - M: Chargin Honey saw her clan mate, a senior soldier, pacing a few ways away. She hadn't sent him out worried his age would make him more succeptable to wounds and injury but she valued his sense of duty. He was still plenty strong and energetic enough to hunt and patrol and she would use that as long as he capable of it. Padding over to him she asked, 'Are you worried about them too?' Referencing their comrades on patrol. - Spark - Second in Command - Beach Clan - M: Clan Mates 'I'm sorry to wake you but I have urgent news,' Spark announced solemnly. 'Today I saw disgusting two legged creatures that Ive never seen before kidnap our clan mates and leave in a contraption that looked a lot like our den,' she said, pausing to let that sink in. 'Among those were Suraji, Flip, Cuckoo and a Meadow Clan soldier. Tomorrow we will honor them and choose a new leader, as well as discuss a few other matters of business so go get your rest and be ready for another meeting tomorrow.' Marigold hadn't shown up yet but Spark just couldn't wait, the news had festered in her heart and she needed to get it out and get some rest, as did the rest of her clan. - (I decided to post to get things moving again ;))

Willow | F | Meadow clan | Solider | M: The badger, Chogan, Violet and Hirola - Willow continued on with the battle, assisting her fellow clan members. She snarled at the badger as they continued attacking until it fell at long last. She felt a twinge of guilt at the same time as satisfaction for avenging Hirola when she witnessed the end of the large lumbering creature.