
Nighingale/Gold/Alpha/ F - I turn and sigh. "Okay." I walk to a old log and snatch some cobwebs. I sniff around for golden rod. "If I am staying, I am taking care of this. It looks painful." I say softly. I chew the golden rod and lay the mush on Sparrow's side and bind it with cobwebs.

Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack He started to protest, then realized that she was right and sighed, giving up. "Fine." He lay still so that she could help him, but couldn't resist a tap on her cute nose as she leaned over him. He smiled at her, wagging his tail although it hurt. He loved her so much. She was so smart, too, knowing all the herbs, perhaps even more than him.

Mirai/F/Sent Away/Silver Pack/M: Wander "All birds are special to me, but some are really precious" She anwers as they both trot calmly, further and further away from the camp.

Persephone | Female | Sent away | Gold Pack | M: Mirai, Wander I wake from my sleep suddenly, as I hear voices approaching. Two. Wolves. Female. North-East. I note the direction from which they're voices came from. I stand up on the rock and stretch myself. Another day, another restless sleep. Another uncomfortable slumber. Another escape from reality. I shake my head and sit down on the rock, waiting for the two wolves to arrive here. Let's see why these two chatterboxes are interupting my sleep.

I approach Persephone. "What are you doing up at this hour?"

Persephone | Female | Sent away | Gold Pack | M: Mirai, Wander, Luna I turn to look at her. "Oh, Hello. I just uh heard something. It's probably nothing." I say briskly. What if the two strange she-wolves were silverpack? how would the others react? I shook my head. "going back to sleep now" i say. "what are you doing up at this hour?" I say, and curl up. I looked away from her, not wanting her to worry about my face. It stopped bleeding completly, but still stung.

Luna shrugged. "You know me." Luna hesitated. "Have you heard something about a.... well, some type of herb?"

Sandstorm came jogging by, barely stopping to look at the she wolves

Persephone | Female | Sent away | Gold Pack | M: Luna I smile at her. She seemed mysterious. I like her. "You're Luna, right?" I ask her, dangling my paws down from the rock. She was there when we came back to camp. I recalled. She seems nice.

"Yeah." Luna seemed less brisk. "Have you heard any whispers of, a herb?" Luna cocked her head in a friendly, but questioning way.