
Cypress/M/Soldier/Beach Clan/(M: Chogan, Marigold) The grey fox crouched in those weeds until he met the gaze of a giant male. The giant male seemed angry about something. +could it be that I am in their territory?+ Cypress thought with a slight snicker, but he decided it was safest to leave. Twirling round and loping off through the bushes, he quickly entered Beach Clan territory. Already looking for something to do, the lithe male saw Marigold looking at some herbs, so he slowed to a trot and went over. "Ello! Need any help?" Cypress asked cheerfully, his bushy tail flicking as he halted near her.

Aster/ Medic/ Meadowclan / M: Open! Aster walked out of her den and out of camp. She wanted to find some herbs before the patrol got back. She ran the list of injury herbs threw her mind. Echinacea and Goldenseal for infections Moss and cobwebs to help stop bleeding Feverfew for pain, and also fevers Aster walked briskly to the usual places she could find herbs. She could only gather a bit of Goldenseal and feverfew a bit more than needed for one fox all together. She could probably find moss in the camp trees and she had a few cobwebs. She hoped it would be enough. She arrived back at camp and hurried to her den. She placed the herbs in neat piles. Edited at December 27, 2023 02:42 PM by Dawnforest

Marigold | F | Beach clan | Medic | M: Cypress - Marigold looked up from where she was uprooting the garlic. "Yes, actually. Could you bring this garlic back to the medic's den?" She requested. It'd be much easier for her to look for and bring back other herbs with an empty mouth. "Just leave them on the far right side of the shelves." Marigold added in. It was always a good thing to have a tidy area. It would help with efficiency. She couldn't stand when things where a complete mess. She'd probably try cleaning the den a bit and organising it when she got back. "Could you also grab some moss?" Marigold added in after a bit of thought. "There should be a patch to the east of camp." It would be simple enough to find and harvest. Even trainees could do so.

Cypress / M / Soldier / Beach Clan / (M: Marigold) The grey fox swished his tail from side to side slowly as his listened, his small ears perking. "Of course! Bring garlic back, pick some moss. 10/4. Over and out." Cypress joked, his eyes glinting playfully as he took the garlic and trotted off. Picking up the speed until he got back to camp, he carefully dropped the herb to the right of the shelves, as instructed. After that he bounded out and headed east, to a small pond inland of the sea- moss liked the wet, so what better place for moss to be? Cypress found the green stuff quickly, gathering as much as he could hold in his jaws before trotting back.

Grumpy Badger - Attacks Hirola Badger scented them before he saw them, foxes, the pesky little creature who seemed to be ferociously territorial. He looked around and spotted them, their pelts in shades of red and silver. Blood boiling he lunged at the closest fox, he tore at black and gold until all he saw was red. Badger turned and look for his next target as the fox lay bleeding out behind him, dead before he could even have moved. - Event - Human Explorers Humans entered your territories, one enemy you could never fight and hope to win. They awed at your home and took specimens of several species, including fox. Myra, Saraji, Flip and Cuckoo have been taken by the humans, never to be seen again. (Im opening up the Alpha position for Beach Clan in sign ups, my hope is that we will attract someone new for the role and get some more new writers in here). Edited at December 29, 2023 03:19 PM by Squeky

Spark - Second in Command - Beach Clan - M: Dune, Humans, Marigold, Everyone Spark heard rustling a few paces away and skittered into a bush the young kit swinging in her jaws. The sound was more like stomping and only a large animal could make that noise. Soon out stepped a large two legged animal, one she had never seen before. 'Keep quiet,' Spark whispered to Dune througha mouthful of sandy fur as another one appeared out of the bushes. In its paws was a net full of foxes, three of which from her own clan. Sparks eyes widened and welled up see loyal friends of hers wriggling in the monsters grip but she didn't dare move. Clumsily they moved on, shaken Spark continued her journey, she would have to break the news to her family about this tragedy. Finally she arrived home and headed straight to the med den but Marigold wasn't their, she felt a bolt of fear run through her chest, hoping she was safe Spark pulled herself together she set the kit down. 'Don't move or I will personally flay you,' Spark threatened the kit before finding her way to the center of camp. She barked as loud as she could to call everyone to the clearing for an announcement. Edited at December 29, 2023 03:28 PM by Squeky

Frisk | Meadow Clan | Trainee Frisk was oblivious to any of those dangers from the passing humans. Thankfully, he was very far from the incident, and neither man nor fox saw any trace of the other on Frisk's adventure, if it can even be called that. He could see the sky above him. He hadn't been able to make it out this long before. He was grateful he had broken his record though, and managed to be on his own. He walked through the plants. He looked at the scenery around him. How wonderful! The camp was far behind him now, well maybe not that far, but not too close either, he thought.

Violet/ Second/ Meadowclan/ m: patrol Violet's paws froze at the spot. The badger had just killed Hirola. Finally her body unfroze. "Attack!" She screeched and flung herself at the badger. (Squeky, if you control the badger you can control Violet a little bit for this fight."

Chogan/M/Soldier/Meadow Clan/(M: Hirola, Violet) The badger had moved quickly, not even giving the other male fox a time to react. Chogan grew extremely angry at this, and in wanting revenge for his clan mate and hearing the enraged cry from Violet, he sprung forward with a roar. Dodging a clawed paw, the brute of a male snapped his fangs together on the badger's back, ripping out fur and skin.

Willow | F | Meadow clan | Solider | M: The badger, Violet, Hirola, Chrogan - Willow sprung forward upon hearing Violet's battle cry. She was filled with rage for the cruelly slaughtered fox. Willow tore at the badgers stomach as Chrogan and Violet fought beside her. She was furious at this creature who had the audacity to enter their homeland and attack one of their own members. She dug her claws in deeper at the thought of how Hirola would never wake up again.