
Jasper agreed. "It does. The smell is also nice, it's papery instead of dark concrete, cars, and humans. Gives the senses a bit of break." Jasper turned to Yuki. "How long have you worked in the library? I haven't seen this place without you here."

he was quiet "i guess since i was born..and since my parents passed." he said with a mummble as he was looking at the books

[AHH I AM SO SORRY] Jasper let out a quiet sigh. "I- I'm sorry about that. Tragedy is- not easily avoidable, and when it bites it bites hard- But life goes on, doesn't it? We must always be hopeful."

(its fine!) he nods "thats why i want to start a family of my own." he said with a hoeful tone

Jasper smiled, taking a step back. "Well then! Best to start early. I realize I haven't asked you much about yourself. What do you like to do?" He wanted to get Yuki to talk, not only to get to know him better but to easily find a potential suitor for him.

he sat up as he had to take a bit to think of things hes enjoys to do "tend to the librery.."after having such a bsic question asked and his job was his answer he realized how boring he must be

he sat up as he had to take a bit to think of things hes enjoys to do "tend to the librery.."after having such a bsic question asked and his job was his answer he realized how boring he must be

Jasper chuckled. 'Uncommon answer.' "Well, maybe we should find something else you like to do. What has sounded interesting that you haven't had the chance to do?"

he thinks "i would say...watching movies sounds fun."

"Well then! What movie genres are you interested in? Horror, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, what strikes your fancy? I'll pay for it and buy food if you'd like. There are- I'd like to say two or three theatres in the area." Jasper said exitedly. He loved movies, and hoped to share an interest with Yuki. He'd been meaning to go sometime soon anyways, and what's better than bringing a friend? He hoped Yuki would enjoy what they saw. With an exited giggle, he waited for Yuki's answer.