
Crystal/ 2 1/2/F/Beta:interaction: Infernus and Gehenna, Luna Sigh inside her head, she doesn't care about who do what as long as she knew they were safe and no threats. But having a loner coming in for a few days or one of their own leave is not a good sign.
If Crystal were to pick she must not led a pack member leave, not when the killer of the deceased Alpha Male could be out there still. "You already knew the answer Fighter Gehenna. Have you forgotten who and what happen with our beloved Alpha Male. For pack safety you are staying here as who and what is out there, you along with him would get yourselves killed." Crystal pointed out at the same time sounds a bit like a mother lecturing her young's. "He can come, he must met Alpha in order for us to draw a conclusion. I made a promise I am going to keep it. Now come, you run I will hunt you." Crystal indirectly threatens and half speak the truth. If she is off duty maybe she will look at this differently, but sadly her as a beta must be fair and enforce rules off duty or not. Hum quietly, each large step she took, her body shivers with excitement, she can't wait to hear the final conclusion given by the alpha, speaking of her here she is coming to view. "Alpha Luna, apologized for interrupting your meeting, but there is a matter Fighter Gehenna wish to ask." Crystal announced witu pride in her voice. "I had asked and analyze the situation taking in all different scenarios of what could happen. I believe this loner won't be trouble for me to dealt with if he tried something. If you agree for this loner to stay so our dear fighter won't ask to leave in order to spend time with him. After all, having this loner in won't be the worst case scenario as one of the pack member leaving...Consider this loner is in pack territory, he can't run from us; but having a member of this pack leave then we don't know what would happen, would information being leaked or would this bring us danger. What is your conclusion, I am ready to react anytime." Crystal asked lower her head in respect before waited for the decision being made. Edited at November 20, 2021 10:09 PM by Blood Phoenix

Devil/3/M/Interacting: Hope Devol laughs slightly, interesting; alright maybe this won't be a boring day afterwards. "Then you are my fallen Angel who came down and shines your miracle on me. Beside if i had a red rose every time I thought of you, I would never leave the flower field." See this is what others meant when they said his intelligent were used in the wrong place. Think of him fighting or hunting, he could make a fine fighter or hunter for sure.

Luna~ Luna looked almost furious that Crystal brought a loner into the camp, narrowing her eyes. While her beta had good intentions, Luna was not please about the loner being brought straight to the camp. She bit back a growl before she looked at the beta female. "You should have had Gehanna come get me rather than bringing him to the camp" she said rather sternly, though not nearly as harshly as it could have been. "Follow me to my den" she said and headed to her den without waiting to see if Crystal followed.

Hope|Female|Hunter|Interactions: Devil She gave a small smile when he laughed. She had to admit, it was a bit more difficult for her to give a pickup line for that one. "Well, those flowers can't live without sunshine, just like I couldn't live without you. she said, glad that she found something to do that might keep her occupied the rest of the day, unlike sitting with her brother who kept giving lovey eyes at Crystal, and Rowan, her other brother, who was being a complete grump. She understood why though, she didn't particularly like the cold herself, and gave a small shiver as a crisp breeze went through her fur.

Gehenna | Interactions: Inferus, Crystal | Mentions: Luna Gehenna gave Inferus a smirk and ran off towards the camp. Once they arrived at the camp, Gehenna followed Crystal over to the Alpha and lowered his head respectfully. Hopefully Luna would allow Inferus to stay for a couple says; just long enough for them to catch up and spend some time together. Gehenna really cared for and admired his older brother, and the choice to stay here had been a hard one. Unfortunately, the Alpha did not look happy, and Gehenna watched, dismayed, as she called Crystal aside to talk to her. Inferus | Interactions: Gehenna, Crystal Inferus sighed though the deer in his jaws and began following his brother and Crystal through the trees. Once they arrived, he set the prey down and stood beside Gehenna, watching the exchange between the Alpha and Crystal. "That's the Alpha?" he asked Gehenna quietly, nodding at the white wolf. Gehenna nodded. "She doesn't look happy to see me," he muttered. "Hopefully I won't be here for too much longer." As the Alpha walked away, Inferus found himself watching her, then shook his head and looked back at Gehenna. "I guess... I'll just wait here then."

Echo|Female|Fighter|M:Devil,Hope Echo watched as the two wolves flirted with each other she shook her head and stepped back.She wanted to see how far they would go so she sat down a bit away's.Even if devil was a flirt he was a interesting male and hope seemed to be enjoying flirting back at him but she knew devil's true intintions as he is the pack's player as you could say.She never really knew why he was a omega she know's he culd be a hunter or fighter if he wanted to but he doesnt.

Crystal/ 2 1/2/F/Beta/ Interaction: Luna, Gehenna and Infernus Crystal see this coming, but she can't have them running now can't she. As she follows the Alpha into the den, Crystal paused at the entrance. "Gehenna dear...if I don't see you both when I came out, be careful what you wish for." With this warning she enters with a serious look on her face. "Alpha, I understood what you are saying and come from, if this was something not related to our members and the rouges I wont make a decision like this or even make it. But the fact a member of our pack, a fighter not omega is having daily interactions and contact with a rouge does not belong to the pack." Crystal starts to speak, her voice is firm and cold, her eyes held seriousness with no hint of lies or fool play at all, it's all business. "Requesting to leave just because of the loner isn't something I could just leave it be, consider what happen recently. That is why I drag both her and him here by luring them in using manipulation; makes them thinks that nothing will happen with what just revealed and said at the border." She finished

Latte | Male | Hunter | Mentions: Kia "Why not? I just genuinely don't know if I like her." He responded. He wasn't too sure what she meant. "I'm not sure if I'd kill... I'm not that kind of wolf. I don't quite even know why I want to be alpha. I just feel like i should be interested, so I am." More of a chance than some, she says. Sure, maybe. Could be nice. He blinked at the nudge she gave him, not quite sure why she did that. She seemed to be smiling a lot. Nerves, he took it as. Still a little unsettling. "Do you know anybody else who is 'applying' to be alpha?"
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Night|Male|Fighter|M:Grissel Night looked around and spotted the she wolf Grissel he watched her for a minute the walked over to her."Hello Grissel how are you today"He had no clue what he was doing but he wanted to strike up a conversation with someone and Grissel seemed like the best she wolf to talk to.He didnt know where his sister was but that was fine she was a grown she wolf after all.

Luna~ Luna gave a warning growl to Crystal to be quiet for a moment. "I dont care who was talking to a loner, or the interactions right now. It's the fact my BETA brought a loner into the camp without warning and without permission. I already had Ráðgríðr trying to challenge you for your position and told her no because you hadnt done anything to endanger the pack, and then you bring a loner into the pack when we still dont even know what loner killed my mate." She shook her head. "Do NOT make me regret telling Ráðgríðr she couldnt challenge you. Do I make myself clear" she asked as she had a look on her face to not mess with her right then. Normally Luna wasnt so tense, but with everyone on edge, someone trying to challenge, the alpha female was just not in the mood for anything right then. "Bring them both in. Now."