
"Well, that's a tough desicion. We don't know enough about eachother to make a claim like that, do we?" Jasper somewhat reflected Yuki's exitement. With a chuckle, Jasper broke eye contact and went back to scanning the shelves.

he nods and he went to sorteing everything as he thought of things that has happened this change will be good

Jasper joined him, going to the front desk to grab some recently returned books. He walked around, putting the books where he supposed they should go. Yuki's pretty nice. I think he deserves someone close to him. If I find him a mate, he would be so happy. What if- I infect someone to give him a mate? That's so risky-

he worked putting the books into the right order as he hummed a small tune as he did so he libery was his pride and joy due to it running in his family

Jasper dug through his pockets looking for anything to fidget with, finding a coin and some old earbuds. He flipped the coin a bit, before slipping it into his pocket and returning to Yuki's side. He pulled the coin out, flipped it, and hoped that it would land on Yuki's head.

yuki didnt see this happened as he pulled out the books the coin fell right on his head as he yips and his ears went down "i-...what."

Jasper laughed. "Can't beleive that worked! I flipped this coin onto your head." Jasper pulled the coin out of Yuki's hair to show him. "See? You're okay." Jasper fluffed Yuki's hair before taking a step back and took a look at the shelf.

he looekd at him his wolf ears grew in and he was kind of like what- "what was that?" he asked wondering what in the living happened to his head

Jasper gaped for a moment before taking a breath, "Your canid ears grew in. Here, you gotta hide 'em." He gave Yuki his jacket and flipped up the hood. "There. All better."

yuki sighs "i know it happens a bit." he said as his ears despair even thought it hurted a bit "the libery looks nice."